Nine Heavens

Chapter 1699 Resist the Call

Chapter 1699 Resist the Call

"Sister Shui'er, you really believe that woman's words, don't be fooled by her tears, don't tell us to ask why she knows this, she clearly left a trap for us before leaving, let us drill into it. !

Think about it, let us shoot Tianling and the others to death with our own hands. Isn't that clearly asking us to kill each other, and the pain is unbearable? I can't do it, can you do it? If she was kind enough to help us, how could she have made up such a lot of lies to deceive us! "

As soon as Shui'er finished speaking, Princess Jinling immediately refuted.

"No! Sister Jinling, Pa'er thought she was telling the truth. The reason why Xingman did a lot of evil in the past was actually caused by jealousy. Now that we all respect her, she must be relieved. She is fine.

However, even so, as my sister said, if I was asked to personally kill seven lovely children, I would not do it! "

"That's right! If it's true what Sister Ling'er said, wouldn't we have nowhere to regret it? This kind of statement is really unbelievable!"

Pa'er looked at the pure white pear petals fluttering all over her body and the lavender love flowers fluttering around Fang Tianyingfang, the owner of the Love Flower Palace, for a long time.

Then Pa'er saw the 18 Tianling Seven Sisters who were still laughing among the 18 gates of hell tens of thousands of miles away, trembling unnaturally, looking very painful.

Others expressed that they couldn't bear to do what Xingman said.

"I can do it, and I also believe Xingman's words. I believe that Yuanfang will be able to do it after knowing this situation! There is actually no choice in the road ahead of us. Even if Xingman may be lying We, we also want to take a gamble! Everyone keep your minds, don't be overwhelmed and rush into the eighteen gates of hell.

I will send a spiritual message to the distant place and explain the situation to him. When he comes back, we will act at that time. During this time, everyone only needs to concentrate on cultivation, and don't be too distracted to pay attention to the call of the eighteen gates! "

Liu Qianlang has been looking at the position of the sky and clouds where the stars disappeared, with his back to the crowd, at the beginning he didn't say a word, listening to the discussion of the crowd, until he heard Pa'er's words, he said so.

Then, Liu Qianlang waved his sleeves, and a blue rainbow shot towards the northwest sky.


Most of the fellow disciples of the Langyuan Sect followed orders, but Liu Qianlang's eight beloved wives and eight immortal sword protectors still did not leave, and they surrounded Liu Qianlang silently.

"You all go too! Remember, the seven daughters are young and lack foresight, and it is inevitable to do wrong things. However, you should not do something like sneaking into the eighteen gates of hell. If we are not careful, not only will we save If we don’t let the seven beloved daughters die, they will be harmed instead!”

The Eight Great Immortal Sword Guardians and Liu Qianlang's eight beloved wives were about to say something about going to test the eighteen gates of hell, but when they heard Liu Qianlang's words, they had no choice but to give up their thoughts.

"This is!"

The Eight Great Immortal Saber Guardians heard the words, and said no more, and distributed the salutes to eight people in all directions of the crossing shuttle. Liu Qianlang's eight beloved wives, each other, swallowed back what they wanted to say, retreated a little distance, and then stared at the figure of the husband with white hair fluttering around, sky brocade silk robes, Tunlun cloak, flowing like a river, and felt a little bit in his heart. Certainly.


"Mother—why don't you come in, it's really beautiful here!"

"Yes! Aunts of the master spirit masters, what are you doing? We have been waiting for you. If you don't come in again, Liu Sha will be angry with you!"

"Hee hee! Mother, look how happy Lian Er and Xiao Liu are playing, come and accompany us!"

"Welcome all the monks and Taoists from the five gates of the world to come to the eighteen gates of hell, come in, come in, you will be eternal, and you will be transcended. You leave the filthy human world, the low-level spiritual world, and enter the Absolutely mysterious spiritual world!

Don't care about the human body, blood and veins, these are just the things that the soul of the dirty human race depends on for survival. In the absolute spiritual world in the eighteenth floor of hell gate, everything other than the spirit is evil, and it cannot be destroyed. It is useless, only pure spiritual drifting is the supreme freedom."

Liu Qianlang and the eight beloved wives suppressed their worries about the seven daughters and refused to visit them, but the urgent calls of the seven Tianling sisters and the one hundred thousand magic calls from the eighteen gates of hell kept coming from their ears. The sound of the infinite welcome spell.

The intertwining of the two sounds, together with the red clouds and auspicious rainbows constantly flying around the eighteen hell gates, made the space around the shuttle become more and more psychedelic and magical.

Such a psychedelic scene, such non-stop calls, Liu Qianlang and his eight beloved wives are constantly having impulses in their hearts, wishing to rush into the eighteen gates of hell immediately

"Ning Xin, don't think about them, the more you think about them, the more uneasy you will be!"

Liu Qianlang tried his best to suppress his mind, heard his heartbeat clearly, and felt the panic of his eight wives at the same time, so he reminded.

"My husband is right, everyone strictly guards the soul gate, don't be confused by the infinite welcome spell and the voices of Tianling sisters calling, and lose yourself!"

Miao Yan also felt that the more the sisters worried about the situation of Tianling Seven Sisters in the Eighteen Gates of Hell, the more their hearts would beat faster and their minds would be lost. If this continues, they will definitely fall into the devil and lose themselves! Therefore, I expressed my support for Liu Qianlang's words.


Yun Qianmeng and the other seven sisters nodded slightly, then calmed down, deliberately chose the direction with their backs to the eighteen gates of hell, sat cross-legged, and closed their eyes slightly, trying their best to force themselves to gradually enter the realm of cultivation.

Dark spirit universe, edge of Nine Colors God Jade Cave.

After Cheng Yuanfang, Liu Juan, Cheng Shifeng and Song Zhen and his wife spoke to Wang Shenfei, they soon appeared here.

"It's so powerful, so spectacular, and so magical, the Nine-color Shenyu Cave! Are all the people of the seven-color universe space-time dark spirit really born here?"

Cheng Shifeng stood floating in his blue shuttle, with blue hair fluttering, a blue bay moon on his forehead and a pair of psychic and bright sapphire-like psychic eyes. His left hand held the spirit whip, and his right hand was bent on his forehead. The fairy dress with blue flowers on the outer white background whistled in the wind, and sighed while looking at the seven-color Shenyu Cave with a radius of more than ten thousand miles.

"Yes! Just when the nine-color divine jade disappeared, there were still countless people with seven-color eyes and dark spirits who were being conceived here.

Unfortunately, with the loss of the Nine-color Divine Jade, the Nine-color Divine Jade Cave lost forever the ability to breed primordial life.

That is to say, apart from the birthing method of the human race's own life and spirit body in the time and space of the nine-color universe, there will never be a second primordial human being. "

Zhan Kongzi and his two beloved wives stand in the chaotic and infinite disk that has grown tens of thousands of feet, looking down at the entrance of the vast and magnificent Nine-color Shenyu Cave, which is red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple, gold, silver, and nine-colored. The sound transmission of the mind echoed Cheng Shifeng who was thousands of miles away.

"Husband, I have been calculating all the way, have you found the traces of Emperor Jilong and all the space-time dark spirits of the seven-color universe?"

Beside Song Zhen, Lan Shuang has been paying close attention to the astrological ruler and Qishangquan in his hands. There are very complicated hexagrams and omens on the two divination artifacts, but he can't understand them at all, so he asks the black and white two eyebrows. Husband.

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