Nine Heavens

Chapter 1700 Song Zhen's Soul

Chapter One Thousand and Seven Hundred

"The Nine-Color Shenzhou ends, and there will be no universe in the three domains! The Ming Lingnv, who is different from the universe, is Yiren with a flowery heart!"

Zhankongzi Song Zhen, slowly flew the astrology ruler and the Qishang Spring Festival in his hands in front of his eyes, and then with the sound of groaning in his mouth, he suddenly waved his sleeves and pushed the two divination artifacts towards the entrance of the vast and gorgeous Nine-color Shenyu Cave above.


"Lingling, boom boom"

The pitch-black astrological ruler and the emerald-green bamboo-like Qishang Spring, with whistle sounds, draw two black and green long rainbows, which keep getting bigger as they speed, and when they reach the top of the Nine Colors Shenyu Cave, they have already become thousands of people. The light is as big as a rolling black dragon and a huge emerald mountain floating on it.

The two divination artifacts were extremely excited, both of which were full of spirits, the astrology ruler kept whistling, and the seven divination sounds of Qishang spring rang out in unison.

"Sister Juan, Brother Yuanfang, Brother Zhen, how did you say that the astrological ruler and the Qishang Spring were sacrificed to the Nine Colors Shenyu Cave? How could there be a Shenzhou and a woman in green clothes on top of them! Oh! That woman seems to have kidnapped the little girl. Che and Xiao Gu's Lvhong Fengshou!"

Zhankongzi Song Zhen's words and movements through the sound transmission of his mind immediately attracted the attention of Liu Juan, Cheng Yuanfang and Cheng Shifeng. Then the three of them raised their psychic eyesight to hundreds of billions of breaths almost at the same time, and took a closer look at it. To the sky above the Nine Colors God Jade Cave.

It was soon discovered that there was a phantom green-clothed woman in Cheng Shifeng's mouth floating on Qishang Spring, and above the astrological ruler, a Shenzhou with nine colors intermingled vaguely formed.

"From your Brother Zhen's words, it seems that he has already penetrated the three-week future of the dark spirit time and space!"

Cheng Yuanfang's jet-black hair is flowing like a rainbow, his forehead is chaotic, and his spirit rainbow is sharp, piercing through the sky. The pitch-black magic robe outside his body was swollen and swaying, and the dark blue golden arrow of killing evils on his back complemented each other. Habitually stroking the head of the wolf king Mancang beside him, with a calm expression, he savored Zhankongzi Song Zhen's words.

"Yeah! I don't know how Qianlang is progressing in the seventy-seventy-ninth hell. Everything here seems to be over. I hope we can all go through the final difficult journey and successfully get out of the spirit world!"

Liu Juan also felt more profound meaning from Zhan Kongzi Song Zhen's words and hexagrams, and sighed as Cheng Yuanfang's voice fell.

"Ah! Brother Zhen, Shuang'er Xiang'er and the two sister-in-laws, be careful——

Sister Juan, Brother Yuanfang, look quickly, what is that? Why does a big blue monster suddenly appear behind Brother Zhen and rush towards him! "

Suddenly, Cheng Shifeng's blue hair fluttered, and the blue crescent moon on his forehead kept flickering rapidly, his eyes shot out in horror, looking thousands of miles away, and shouting to Zhankongzi Song Zhen and his wife in the Wuji disk.

"Hehe, sister Feng, don't worry, this is brother Zhen's other half of the primordial soul that found my master soul. Brother Zhen has only recently fully awakened the memory of the heavens. It turns out that brother Zhen, like you, also came from the chaotic universe. Celestial.

You are from the Tianling River in the Western Region of the Heaven Realm, and my brother is from the Du Demon Sword Mountain, the ancestor of the Du Demon Sword. Brother Wei is the third fairy sword disciple of Dumojianzu. His real name is Zhanxuanzi. Guihun Immortal Sword is a fairy sword called Star Sword, Nether Seven War Zhanjian.

My demigod soul, since we bid farewell to the third brother at the entrance of the seventy-ninth floor of hell, has been with the third brother and the nine-day fairy sword most of the time, and then I was promoted to the sword spirit. Speaking of it, it is really gratifying for my brother.

Now that the soul of the other half of the elder brother has returned, he has also brought back the sword spirit of the various sword parts of the Star Sword, and the Star Sword can be reborn soon. "

Zhankongzi Song Zhen didn't show surprise at all, his words were full of excitement.

"Oh! Husband was originally from the chaotic universe!?"

Zhankongzi Song Zhen's words surprised Lan Shuang and Ye Xiang who were beside him, and they all looked at Zhankongzi Song Zhen's five-color eyes full of fantasy, and their eyes were full of doubts.

"Oh! Let me just say, how could brother Zhen be from this dark spirit world? It turns out that, like us, we are all spirits from the lower realm of the heavenly realm. This is really great!"

Thousands of miles away, Cheng Shifeng couldn't help being inexplicably happy when he heard the words, and shouted.

"Haha, but well, after all, I was reincarnated in the five-color time-space and five-color Shenyu Cave of the Dark Spirit Universe after going down to the realm, so, speaking of it, I'm a Dark Spirit person."

Zhan Kongzi Song Zhen laughed loudly.

"Hee hee! It doesn't matter who you are, anyway, you are brother Zhen of poetic style!"

Cheng Shifeng saw the phantom body of Hailing King several feet tall slowly merged into the body of Zhankongzi Song Zhen's brother. Song Zhen's body instantly shone with a hundred thousand powerful blue lights from the inside out, and the fairy ring outside his body It soared to thousands of ripples in an instant.

When the black and white eyebrows are twisting, the black and white clouds are flying around like clouds in the sky.

"Brother Zhen said just now that you are the third immortal disciple of the Demon Sword Ancestor, but when I was in Linghe in the Western Region of the Heaven Realm, I also heard that the Demon Sword Ancestor never accepted disciples. How could you become the Demon Duan?" What about Jianzu's third apprentice, who is the second and the first immortal apprentice? Also, why did Brother Zhen split his soul into the lower realm?"

Liu Juan's emerald eyes are set against her emerald long hair, her forehead is also full of emerald-colored soul-controlling vines flickering, although she is secretly happy that Zhan Kongzi Song Zhenyuan's soul is gathered, but her expression has not changed at all. The vigilance of the cave scrutiny, watching the astrology ruler and the Qishang spring hovering in the vast nine-color jade cave, asked.

"There are rumors in the world of immortals and gods in the chaotic universe that the mentor Du Mojianzu never accepts disciples. In fact, this is not the case. There are three disciples entered by the mentor, and there are countless registered disciples.

Among the disciples who entered the room, I was the third, and Prince Bojie, the first dragon of the heavens, was second. However, the senior brother who ranked first was really mysterious. I only heard about the existence of the senior brother in my spiritual sense, but I had never seen it. It is Ershui brother, Prince Bo Jie, who is only now known from the memory of King Hai Ling that has been incorporated into my body. "

"Oh! Brother Zhen, your master Dumojian Zu is so strange! Could it be that you two brothers and sisters are separated to practice the fairy sword, otherwise how could you be born in the same mountain gate and not know each other?"

Before Zhan Kongzi Song Zhen could finish answering Liu Juan's question, Cheng Shifeng interrupted and asked.

"That's right, that's true. Master Du Mojianzu's apprenticeship is very strange. He has always used the universe meteor divination to determine the target, and then personally uses various means to point out the person he likes, and gradually lures the other party to join Du Demon. Immortal Sword and Immortal Hero. If you don't like it, no matter how much you worship the mountain gate, he will never accept you as his apprentice.

However, the mentor is suave and suave, Zhan Zhou asked, forged a fairy sword, and understood that there are omnipotent in the past and present, so there are too many gods who look up and worship. In desperation, the mentor Du Mo announced that he would never accept disciples. Even so, it can't stop the pace of apprentices from all over the world who come here admiringly.

As far as I know, no gods in the heavens know about the existence of our three disciples, apart from our teacher and his wife, Peixian. We are brothers and the reason why the three of us don't know each other is because we all cultivated in a fairy array in the center of the nine-direction universe.

The three fairy formations all have wonderful ways to enter the fairy formations designed by the teacher, and there are 99,999 hidden seals outside the fairy formations. Except for the teacher Du Demon Sword Ancestor, only we can sense and enter own sword array.

As far as I am concerned, the immortal formations of other brothers and sisters are invisible existences, so how can we know each other. The reason why I divided my soul into the lower realm was that my mentor only told me to perform a guard mission related to the future of the Nine Directions Universe.

As for who is the guard, my mentor Du Mojian Zu didn't tell me at that time, he only said all the connections. It's a pity, until today, brother Zhen has never met anyone who my mentor said needs my protection! "


Liu Juan and Cheng Shifeng were surprised when they heard the words, and sighed involuntarily.

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