Nine Heavens

Chapter 1703 Daughter of God

Chapter 1703 God's Daughter

"Zhan Xuanzi finally understood the reason why Miss Luhong Fengshou pursued the three-color divine jade at all costs, and at the same time seized the three-color divine jade hole, turning it into the purpose of crossing the Shenzhou.

If Zhan Xuanzi's hexagrams are correct, it must be that the Nine Directions Universe's spiritual life Zhouxin has undergone a change and is about to be destroyed, so that the Nine Directions Universe is about to fall apart, and all worlds will perish.

The God of Spiritual Life of the Nine Universes, Zhou Xin, couldn't bear to see all this happen, so he sent the Nine Gods of the Nine Universes to deliver the cosmic suicide notes in person to the universes they created, calling on the Lords of the universes to send the source of life to the universe immediately. The hole is transformed into a crossing Shenzhou, holding high the spiritual gods of the Jiufang universe, and returning to the spiritual life Zhou Xin to overcome the calamity for the Jiufang universe.

What Zhan Xuanzi said is true! ? "

Zhanxuanzi Song Zhen holds the Star Sword in his hand, the sword is shining, his body is as vast as the sea, his black and white eyebrows are flying with rainbows and clouds, he examines the chaotic and infinite disk circulating around his body, and the hexagrams on the Star Sword, Said with a solemn expression.

"That's right, in the Three Universes of the Dark Souls, only the life-spiritual energy left behind by the three-color divine jade can be transformed into a shuttle that can lead the five-color Aoyou Zhou clan, the seven-color Lansheng Zhou clan and the Jilong clan. The Zhou Clan quickly flew back to Zhou Xin, the spiritual life of the Nine Directions Universe, with the three-color divine jade.

Jiufang's spiritual source and spiritual core gods returned to their positions one after another, and Jiufang traveled through the Shenzhou to re-seal the Jiufang universe's spiritual life image, so as to solve the disaster of Jiufang's universe destruction.

However, since countless years since the division of the Nine Directions of the Nine Directions, the various universes of the Nine Directions Universe have undergone an unknowable evolution of time and space. Time calls to return, easier said than done!

Leaving aside the other six-party universes, it is only the three universes of the dark spirits, where this girl has been lingering for ninety-nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine years of chaos, before capturing their information, and then trying to find them everywhere. Now I have obtained the five-color divine jade of the five-color universe, the seven-color divine jade of the seven-color universe, and the traversing Shenzhou transformed from these two divine jade caves.

But it is a pity that the soul source, spiritual core, and seven-color divine jade of the three-color universe and time-space have all been lost, and the whereabouts of the nine-color jade of the nine-color universe and time-space are still unknown.

Only the Nine-Color Shenzhou absorbs all the spiritual powers of the seven-color universe and the five-color universe, and can barely break out of the time and space of the Dark Spirit Universe. After that, it is not known whether it can successfully return to the soul Fate Zhou Xin.

This predicament is also the main reason why Emperor Lansheng of the Seven Color Universe gave up resisting Emperor Aoyouluo and was willing to perish.

In addition, the emperor of the Lansheng clan heard that his spiritual life was in danger, and the Lansheng clan of the seven-color universe was unable to return to the land of primordial life. However, giving up the Sky War provided some possibility for the return of the Zhou Clan of the Jilong Clan of the Nine Colors Universe, which also contributed to the suicide of the Lansheng Clan.

All of this was not because Lvhong Fengshou was unwilling to tell the three Zhengling boys and Zhanxuanzi and his wife, it was really meaningless to say it.

This time, the green rainbow phoenix has worked so hard that the seven-color crossing Shenzhou is controlled by a hundred thousand guardian spirits, carrying a small number of surviving five-color human races and seven-color human races in the dark spirit world. As well as all the Jilong Zhou Clan of the Nine-Color Universe Time and Space, it is also a little consolation, we are ready to set off to fly to the heart of the spiritual life. "

Lvhongfengshou nodded with tears in his eyes, changed from his previous domineering, and said with a sob.

Sanling Boy, Zhanxuanzi, Song Zhen and his wife watched Lvhongfengshou's heartbroken state from a distance, and they no longer questioned what she said was wrong, and exchanged thoughts with each other for a while.

"Now Miss Lvhongfengshou is about to leave. According to you, the Three Universes of the Dark Spirit are already in danger. If we can still talk to Miss Zun today, we may die together in the future. At this moment, I don't know. Can Miss Zun tell us her real identity, even if she dies in the future, it can be regarded as a solution to a doubt in her heart."

Liu Juan, a child of the emerald spirit, is dressed in neon clothes with yin and yang souls, sparkling precious light, and green awns of vines that control the soul on her forehead. Hearing some words from Lvhong Fengshou, she feels deeply sorry for her previous rudeness, and looks at the other party. Nine colors crossed the side of the Shenzhou, and seven colors appeared steadily through the Shenzhou, asking sincerely.

"The Nine Directions Universe didn't exist originally, but because of the infinitely distant past, the source of life at the center of the present Nine Directions Universe, or the spiritual life element, suddenly exploded, and then the thing that exploded began to expand rapidly. Time turned into three infinitely huge space-time existences.

These three pieces of time and space are today's Mingling Universe, Chaos Universe and Dark Spirit Universe. The three universes, time and space are generally connected with each other in the form of three beads connected in series. The Mingling Universe is located in the easternmost part of the Three Universes, and the Chaos Universe is located in the center of the Mingling Universe and the Chaos Universe.

Then, as time goes by, each universe is divided into three parts. For example, the space-time of the dark spirit universe is divided into three parts: the time-space of the five-color universe, the time-space of the seven-color universe, and the time-space of the nine-color universe.

The three-color universe is transformed into nine space-times, that is, the nine-dimensional universe called the nine-color space-time differentiation life body.

Because these nine universes all come from the spiritual source of life, the spiritual life, so each universe has given birth to the secondary life spirit body because of the spiritual jade that is differentiated from the spiritual life.

However, due to the different states of the three universes, the forms of the secondary life spirits bred are different.

The qi element of the chaotic universe is concentrated, so life spirits with excellent aura are derived, all of which are in the state of a fusion of human and demon. For example, Primordial Immortal God Chaos, Hongmeng, Pangu, Nuwa, Dumo, Dongluo and so on in the chaotic universe.

The Mingling world is extremely rich in spiritual and intelligent elements, but the physical and spiritual elements are not exquisite enough, so the life and spirit that sprouts are all birds and beasts in the sky, the state of spiritual flowers and strange grasses.

The space-time world of the dark spirit three universes is just the opposite of the Mingling world. It is an infinitely rich existence of dark matter and spirit-shaped elements, but the spirit, wisdom and wisdom elements can only be attached to the three-divided spiritual life elements, that is, the three-color gods. Jade foundation.

Therefore, the appearance of the secondary life spirits born in the Three Universes of the Dark Souls is truly and beautifully the appearance of the human race, and their appearance is very close to the appearance of the Nine Gods created by our spiritual life image Yuan Yuan Zhou.

Before the Jiufang universe was formed due to the explosion of the spiritual life, there were nine life gods who were the first gods of life in the spiritual life, and they were the first life gods of all life in the Jiufang universe.

However, after the inexplicable explosion of the spiritual phase, none of the nine life gods were spared, and they all fell apart with the explosion of the spiritual phase.

And I, as well as some elders who are guarding the time and space of the floating space-time of the remains of the spiritual life, are all composites of a part of the life of the nine original life gods after their life bodies fell apart. God, it's just that Ming Huishen can be stronger.

Didn’t your nine-direction universe spread the word about creating human beings? In the middle chaotic universe there is a Nuwa, in the western universe there is God, and in the eastern universe there is a pilgrimage. "

The Lvhong Fengshou has already urged the two big ones to travel through the Shenzhou and soar into the sky, saying without the slightest reservation.

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