Nine Heavens

Chapter 1704 accept the covenant

Chapter 1704 Accepting the Covenant

"What is the meaning of the spiritual suicide note? It was originally to summon the Lord of the Nine Directions to relieve the catastrophe, but it sounds like parting from life and death!"

After hearing Lvhong Fengshou's unheard-of words, Cheng Shifeng was very puzzled.

"Today's spiritual life phase is originally the energy wreckage after the explosion, and the psionic energy of the ancient creatures contained in it has long been extremely weak, barely maintaining the existence of the Nine Directions Universe.

Now, because of the universe-suppressing treasure, the source of life, the spiritual core of the Jiufang universe, the center of the universe has been dislocated or mutated, which makes it difficult for the life formation that attracts the remnants of the spiritual life image element and the spiritual source of life of the Jiufang universe to interact with each other. The distorted sky changes in imagination, and the wreckage of the spiritual life is about to be destroyed again. At that time, the Nine Directions Universe will definitely explode and be completely destroyed.

No matter how hard the green rainbow phoenix guard and the main power of the life universe of the nine directions universe, they may not be able to change the tragedy of the demise of the life universe of the nine directions. The meaning is self-evident.

Perhaps the Lords of the Nine-Party Universe gathered in the place of the soul and life image of the Lingming Universe this time is the final farewell! "

The Seven-Color Traveling Boat and the Nine-Color Traveling Shenzhou were speeding with lightning, faintly hidden in the layers of clouds in the sky, Liu Juan and others could no longer see the Lvhong Fengshou and the Jilong Emperor, but heard that the Jilong Emperor was old. voice replied.

"Since this is the case, why did Emperor Jilong and the girl be in such a hurry? Seeing that Emperor Aoyuluo caused great harm to the Jiufang universe and did not take action, why don't you and other gods help us to completely eliminate this scourge of the universe? The Fang Universe life and the Zhou Clan have eliminated the harm!"

Cheng Shifeng asked.

"The major events in all directions are the most important. The Jiufang Universe is about to be destroyed. How could his little Emperor Aoyuluo survive the disaster? The reason why we hurried back to the heart of the spiritual life may be that the Jiufang Spiritual Universe is still alive. There is a glimmer of existence. Instead, we are wasting time here, facing only death.

The blue spirit boy is extremely intelligent, and he is the most vigorous among the four spirit boys. How could he forget the truth of the dead lips and the cold teeth? Luhong Fengshou originally didn't dare to invite everyone to go to the spiritual life together to fight the disaster, but when the disaster is at hand, the stakes are naturally high. Bo Jie, I want to persuade you all to stop obsessed with killing Emperor Aoyuluo , and I hope you will wait with me.

If it succeeds, everyone will be happy, if it fails, we will face it together calmly. What do you think? "

"Well! The spirit master has this intention for a long time. Even if the girl does not make an appointment, we will not distinguish between the serious and the serious, and life and death will be in vain! But please go ahead with the girl and Emperor Jilong, and I will be there soon!"

When Cheng Shifeng heard the words, he naturally agreed with the other party's agreement, but in his heart, he was concerned that brother Qianlang, the leader of the spiritual master, had not yet come to the dark spirit universe, so he was at a loss for words, and looked at sister Liujuan who was thousands of miles away.

Liu Juan looked around Cheng Yuanfang, Zhan Xuanzi and Song Zhen and his wife, they both knew each other tacitly, and then, with green hair flying, Liu Juan replied.

"Thank you to the three spirit masters and Zhanxuanzi and his wife, Gao Yi, I won't repeat you. I'll be busy. After the Shenzhou, I'll leave Linghong to lead the way. I hope to see you again on the way to survive. Take care!"

Above the clouds and mist in the sky, the last sentence of Luhong Fengshou's voice was sad and heroic, gradually drifting away, echoing in the time and space of the Dark Soul Three Universes for a long time.

"Let's go! I'll go to the Light and Dark Realm immediately, summon the Emperor and Queen Yuelan of the Tianwu Kingdom, and lead all the Tianwu people to follow us on the road!"

After bidding farewell to Seven Colors Traveling Through Shenzhou and Nine Colors Traveling Through Shenzhou, Liu Juan said immediately.

In fact, everyone thought the same in their hearts. Naturally, no one hesitated. When they nodded their heads, they had already urged the shuttle of crossing and the chaos to the infinite disk. Fly south.

On the way.

Cheng Shifeng has always been thinking about Liu Qianlang's destruction of seventy-seven and forty-nine layers of hell to come to meet the dark spirits in the three universes, so he said: "It is natural for us to go to the spiritual life Zhouxin to save the spiritual life Xiangyuan. But if I wait for death, brother Qianlang will also go, and the six of us, brothers and sisters, will never have the chance to get together again!"

"No! Since our Four Spirit Boys shoulder the great task of saving the order of the chaotic universe and the heavenly world, how can we allow the destruction of the spiritual life on which the Nine Directions universe depends! Fengmei, don't be discouraged, we just go forward, if Qianlang knows this in the future I will definitely go there without hesitation. The idea of ​​being a brother is the choice of Qianlang."

Regarding Cheng Shifeng's argument about the demise of the Nine-Cosmic Universe, Cheng Yuanfang's chaotic gods have a rainbow running through the universe, and he can still see the faint images of the seven-color crossing the Shenzhou and the nine-color crossing the Shenzhou, and said very confidently.

"Is there any good strategy in the distance that can save the spiritual life of Xiangyuan?"

When Cheng Yuanfang spoke, his face was calm and his tone was firm. Liu Juan, Cheng Shifeng, Lan Shuang, and Ye Xiang were all shocked when they heard this. They thought Cheng Yuanfang had a countermeasure, so Liu Juan asked.


Cheng Yuanfang's simple and powerful answer was clearly a disappointing answer, but it was full of fantasy.

"Then why do you say that?"

Liu Juan also asked simply and directly.

"I believe in myself, I believe in Qianlang, I believe in Tianzun, and I also believe in you and the two brothers and sisters of Tianzun! May I ask why we have gone through countless ups and downs and are still together intact? The reason is very simple, that is, we cherish life and all the things in life. As reluctant to give up their feelings, and then they can face all disasters with one heart.

Therefore, Yuanfang thought that if we walked through death in the past, this time we will definitely be able to step on the head of the God of Death to immortality! "

Cheng Yuanfang, who has always disliked talking too much, now not only talks a lot, but his words are powerful and full of affection.

"The Spirit Master of the Heavenly Wolf Sect said it well. Our Langyuan Sect gathered because of a good fate, and the good fate will last forever. Song Zhen has already activated the Nine Directions Cosmic Fortune and Zhou Gua. No matter what the result is, this will be a part of Song Zhen's life. The last hexagram. The happy hexagram is naturally good, and the bad hexagram is against the sky! From now on, the Xingchen Sword will no longer ask about the result, but only about the direction of spiritual life!"

Zhan Xuanzi controlled the Chaos Luoxiang Wuji Disk, circling like a shadow, flying over the shuttle of the three spirit masters, and said wildly.

"That's right! My sister and I haven't seen our precious daughter Danrou, Liusha, our two beloved nephews Tianling and Xiaoying, and our beloved daughter Yaya who wants to kill us. Fang Universe is gone.

We hastened to speed up again, and when we arrived at the Heavenly Witch God Kingdom in the Light and Dark Realm, we called Emperor Xun'an and Yuelan Five Colors to cross the Shenzhou to open the way, and immediately headed to the soul of Zhouxin. We can definitely help the God of Lingming over there to protect Xiangyuan, the Lord of Spiritual Life! "

Ye Xiang and Lan Shuang stared deeply at her husband and the Star Sword in his hand, Ye Xiang encouraged everyone.

Several hours later, the group arrived at the Heavenly Witch Divine Kingdom in the Light and Dark Realm, and then took off quickly. A huge five-color crossing Shenzhou of 100,000 was added to the team. There were two people floating on the bow of the Shenzhou boat, and they were the Emperor Xun'an and the pregnant Empress Yuelan. Behind them, in the five-color crossing Shenzhou, the four-color Tianwu divine fire flickered, and it was full of Tianwu clansmen from the Tianwu Kingdom.

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