Nine Heavens

Chapter 1706 Return from afar

Chapter 1706 Return from afar

In front of the seventy-seven, forty-ninth, and eighteen gates of hell, Liu Qianlang, his beloved wives, and the Eight Great Immortal Saber Guardians have been looking forward to the arrival of a person for more than a month.

At the same time, he tried his best to resist the summoning of the Tianling Seven Sisters and the infinite welcome spell in the eighteen gates of hell.

As time went by, everyone's hearts became more and more tormented and fragile, and many people could no longer restrain themselves from the urge to rush into the eighteen gates of hell.

"Husband, let's make a move. It's been more than a month. I don't think Brother Yuan has received our call at all. And even if we come back, Husband really intends to use the evil-killing golden arrow..."

Princess Jinling finally couldn't hold back anymore, she suddenly turned her head to look at the eighteen gates of hell, and said excitedly.

"Jin Ling Niang! What's the matter with you, why don't you pay attention to us, we call you that, why don't you come in, woo woo—"

In the eyes of Princess Jinling, the seven sisters of Tianling clustered in the center of each gate of hell at some unknown time. The loved ones in the shuttle.

Among them, Lian Er cried out sadly when she saw Princess Jinling finally turned her head.


Princess Jinling has no biological children of her own, so she loves the youngest Lian'er very much. Lian'er's call has already made her cry.

"Lian'er, don't cry, Jin Lingniang is here to save you!"

Princess Jinling stood up suddenly, a white light flashed under her body, and her beloved Lingqi Goose Emperor appeared under her immediately, and the next second Princess Jinling was standing on Goose Emperor, shaking the goose golden whip and rushing towards the eighteenth The middle one of the gates of hell.

"Will! Will!"

Except for Liu Qianlang, everyone who was suffering under the infinite welcome curse of the eighteen gates of hell was suddenly awakened by the crisp sound of Princess Jinling's spirit riding Goose Emperor, and they stood up one after another, hula turned and watched the speeding away in astonishment. Go to the Golden Bell Princess.

"Ling'er! If you don't come back, can't you forget what you said before your husband!"

Liu Qianlang closed her eyes slightly. For a month, unlike others, she did not choose to turn her back to the eighteen gates of hell.

Instead, he sat cross-legged in the void, facing the eighteen gates of hell all the time, releasing extremely powerful spiritual consciousness, and always paying attention to any disturbance in the entire surrounding time and space.

Naturally, the sudden actions of his beloved wife Princess Jinling could not escape his attention.

Liu Qianlang didn't get up, but while shouting softly, he waved his sleeves and shot a blue light towards his beloved wife, Princess Jinling.

However, in the blink of an eye, Princess Jinling was carried back by a shuttle, Linghua Shenguang Lightboat.

"Why did my husband stop me, Lian'er and the others..."

Princess Jinling, who was forcibly carried back by Liu Qianlang's light boat, saw that she couldn't save her, and looked back at the pitiful Tianling Seven Sisters, she couldn't help but threw herself into Liu Qianlang's arms and wept loudly.

"Ling'er, I know you are weeping bitterly in your heart, why not, but because of this, we should be more cautious.

Of course I can't believe what Xingman said, but one thing is certain, even if all of us in Langyuanmen break into the eighteen gates of hell, we will not come back to Tianling and their sisters.

Because Weifu discovered that after anyone enters the eighteen gates of hell, they will appear in absolutely different spatial positions inside.

The scene we see of their sisters together now is just an illusion that the infinite welcome spell confuses us. In fact, the sisters are each at a certain spiritual dimensionless node of the eighteen gates of hell at the moment.

They were originally physical bodies, ruthlessly compressed by the dimensionless spiritual nodes, so they must have cried bitterly.

Now we see their sad appearance is indeed real, but before seeing their happy appearance is fake, it is an illusion created by the infinite welcome spell.

If Ling'er still doesn't believe it, temporarily close the soul door and wait and see. "

Liu Qianlang waved his sleeve again, and outside the eighteen gates of hell, several mountains roared and shot towards the eighteen gates of hell tens of thousands of miles away.

After a while, several mountains appeared within the eighteen gates of hell.

The situation was just as Liu Qianlang said, several three-dimensional mountains were quickly compressed and disappeared, and then they appeared in their original state that only the soul power could feel, but they no longer existed in sight.

And the several mountains felt by the soul power, each of them is above the weird spiritual node inexplicably located in the eighteen gates of hell.

Princess Jinling was dubious, she nodded with tears in her eyes, and the seven Tianling sisters inside the eighteen gates of hell did not exist in her sight.


Princess Jinling's eyes widened in astonishment, and she cried even more sadly.

"Close your eyes and open the soul door, they will appear again, but it is different from what we saw when we opened our eyes and soul at the same time."

Liu Qianlang got up, supported the trembling shoulders of his beloved wife Princess Jinling and said.

"Could it be that Xingman really didn't lie, why did Tianling and the others who sensed their soul power only have their figures in the two dark hell gates in the middle, and they are really isolated in various ways, not together at all.

They are so pitiful, they are all looking around, as if they are calling our mother! "

Princess Jinling, Miaoyanyan, Shui'er and other beloved wives of Liu Qianlang heard what was said, they all followed suit, and they all saw what Princess Jinling saw.

Liu Qianlang's beloved wives embraced each other and sobbed when they saw the seven Tianling sisters, who were always laughing and laughing, suddenly encountered such a catastrophe.

You Qi couldn't help crying out loud when he heard Princess Jinling's words.

"Don't cry, everyone. Fortunately, all of our children are the bodies of heavenly spirits. Although they are suffering from the pressure and pain of the spiritual world, they are still alive after all.

Let's pray together, and hope that the distant place will receive the call as soon as possible. As soon as the evil golden arrow arrives, we will not only be able to save our daughters, but also shoot and kill the two evil kings of hell, who are probably distracted by the two souls of Zhong Shi. !

Then we entered the twenty-eight prison realms. If it is true what Xingman said, Lianer's seven-color lotus will lead us through the twenty-eight prison realms. "

When Liu Qianlang saw the grief and tears of all his beloved wives, he felt extremely sad. Suddenly thinking of the Nine Zhansang Tips, I was very moved, hoping that another Zhansang would appear and give advice to rescue the seven beloved daughters.

However, Liu Qianlang worked hard many times, but none of the unused tricks in the sea responded.

Liu Qianlang had no choice but to give up, fearing that the beloved wives would be even more anxious, so she showed a calm look, stealing eyes from time to time in the direction of the sky and dark spirit universe.

After several days of torment like this, most of the people from Langyuanmen fell into a state of confusion and fell asleep slowly due to the exhaustion of the month.

But Liu Qianlang didn't feel sleepy, and didn't dare to miss a moment, paying close attention to any light and spiritual information from the sky.

All the beloved wives around me are really tired, with tears on their faces, trying to keep their spirits up, just standing up, asking Liu Qianlang from time to time: "Brother Yuanfang is here?"

In order to give them some comfort, Liu Qianlang always said: "Come on, the sound has been transmitted to me from afar, and we are already on our way."

In fact, Liu Qianlang didn't sense any information from Cheng Yuanfang at all.

However, just when Liu Qianlang was also feeling infinite torment, suddenly appeared in front of Liu Qianlang a stalwart figure wearing a pitch-black magic robe on a jet-black shuttle.

"Lead the waves!"


Liu Qianlang was ecstatic in his heart, and suddenly his heart moved, and included all the disciples of Lang Yuan, including his sleepy wife, into the Moyu Skull, then looked deeply at each other, and said softly.

The other party's forehead was full of chaotic eyes, and he called out with joy.

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