Nine Heavens

Chapter 1707

Chapter 1707 Golden Arrow Love Sorrow

"I've already told you all the situation here in the Zhou Tongxi Book. I don't know how to see it from a distance. Do you believe what I said about Xingman?"

The people rescued by the eighteen gates of hell were in danger, Liu Qianlang had no time to waste time, and he and Cheng Yuanfang just took a deep look at each other, and then asked directly.

"Before I got here, I used the eyes of Chaos to analyze it very carefully. These eighteen gates of hell are still just ghosts pretending to be maze.

However, these 18 hell gates are insubstantial, and so are everything within them. They are all ghost spirit worlds created by the evil gods of the heavens.

If an ordinary monk in the world enters it, his body will be destroyed, and his spirit and soul will be quickly swallowed by the vast spiritual power of the ghost.

The eighteen gates of hell, what we see with our psychic eyes are only illusory phantoms. The real location of the seven sisters of Tianling is still unclear. Only we can destroy the eighteen gates first according to what the Xingman woman said. Hell's Gate took a closer look.

The situation that Xingman said is generally good, not deceitful, almost the same as my observation conclusion, but we still have risks in shooting the Tianling Seven Sisters, we cannot rule out that the Seven Sisters in a certain hell gate or a certain sister Suddenly, it was replaced by the other party's real quality.

So for a complete solution, I need someone to take my chaotic god's aura to go deep into the seven sisters in each hell gate I shot, and use the chaotic aura to guide them whether they are virtual or real, so as to ensure that I shoot correctly .


Cheng Yuanfang said these words, looked at Liu Qianlang with a solemn expression, and didn't continue talking.

"Yuanfang, let's start! As long as the seven children can be rescued, Qianlang will be happy."

Liu Qianlang looked calm, smiled slightly, the light of the rainbow under his feet, the splendor of the spiritual crystal and diamond flashed suddenly, his white hair was flying, and his smooth figure shot towards the leftmost one of the eighteen gates of hell.

Cheng Yuanfang saw that the brother he had just seen flew away in an instant, and he might never fly back again. He didn't say a word in his heart, and he couldn't help sobbing, which was rare in his throat, and his eyes were wet.

"Qianlang, I won't let you die, at least I won't let you die alone.

Remember, always firmly protect the aura of Chaos God's Eye, as long as you find the phantom lock of the Seven Tianling Sisters, leave the rest to me. "

Cheng Yuanfang thought about Yaoyin's confession, and when he said these words, various pictures of brothers who grew up with him kept appearing in his mind, and his heart was constantly churning.

"Hehe, even though Yuanfang gave it a go, Qianlang struggled to get to this day, and he can still see brother in the end, it's worth it no matter what.

Just in case I die, please ask Yuanfang to take good care of my parents, Yan'er and the rescued children on my behalf.

As for the army of waves, you can let the fourth brother replace me, and you can continue to fulfill my wish of bright and dark dreams. "

Liu Qianlang controlled his shuttle, resolutely shot into the leftmost one of the eighteen gates of hell, before entering, threw something to Cheng Yuanfang.

Cheng Yuanfang raised his hand to catch the flying object, his heart ached like a knife, the palm gleaming with black brilliance turned out to be his brother's lifeblood Moyu Skull.

"Lead the waves!"

Cheng Yuanfang called dumbly, but at this time Liu Qianlang could no longer hear Cheng Yuanfang's voice.

With trembling hands, Cheng Yuanfang slowly called the Moyu Skull into the body sea, and then his expression suddenly turned upside down. The dark wolf castle roared out from under his feet, and he stood majestically on the wall of the dark wolf castle.


Cheng Yuanfang raised his head to the sky and let out a mournful wolf howl. The sound continued, and immediately behind the dark wolf castle, countless three-eyed wolves floated up, and the leader was naturally the wolf king Mancang.

As the master howled, the pack of wolves raised their heads and roared together.

Amidst the howling of billions of wolves, Cheng Yuanfang slowly pulled out a golden arrow from his back, and the Youlan Xiexie Bow was suddenly in his hand.

Take a bow and shoot an arrow, and a series of actions are quickly prepared to complete.

"Hee hee! Uncle Yuanfang, is that you? Aren't you with Daddy, Shuangerniang, and Xiangerniang? Daddy, what about Mommy? Liusha misses Daddy and Mother so much."

"Oh, he must have defeated the big villain Oyo Luodi in the dark spirit world. Uncle Yuanfang came to pick us up to meet our father and mother!"

Uncle Yuanfang, what are you doing? Why are you aiming at us with bows and arrows? Are there monsters around us?


When Cheng Yuanfang turned his chaotic eyes to the gate of hell that Liu Qianlang flew into, there was no Liu Qianlang in his sight, but the Seven Tianling Sisters.

The seven sisters of Tianling also saw Cheng Yuanfang's golden arrow pointing at them, and they didn't think what Cheng Yuanfang would do next, they were all shouting happily.

When Cheng Yuanfang heard this, he couldn't help feeling pain in his heart. Even if he knew that the Tianling Seven Sisters were fake, he still couldn't do anything, let alone the fact that it was difficult to tell the truth from the fake.

Cheng Yuanfang gritted his teeth, tried his best to divert his attention by listening to howling wolves, and then anxiously waited for Liu Qianlang to appear somewhere around Tianling Seven Sisters, so as to guide his next actions.

"Hmph! You've all seen it, what are you still shouting about? The evil human race, the hateful so-called fairy gods, they are all your close relatives, and now they just want to shoot to death for breaking through the eighteen gates of hell and the twenty-eight hells. You are shot, you are shot...

Wake up, only if you give up your physical body in the physical space and become a completely spiritual existence, you will not suffer from suffering.

What kind of family affection, friendship, love...all are deceiving nonsense. If you don't believe me, you have seen that this spirit demon is going to attack his relatives, that is, you.

And the man who sneaked in just now is even more disgusting. He actually used the invisibility technique, lest you see his true face clearly.

This man is the hero in your hearts, your father, Liu Qianlang, the head of the Langyuan Sect and the spiritual master. Do you know what he wants to do when he comes in? He came in to confirm your position and come to kill you.

Silly children, you must be sober! See clearly the faces of these hypocritical people. In the face of self-interest, everything outside of yourself is useless garbage. You are now garbage in their eyes! They are planning to get rid of you! "

The first thing Cheng Yuanfang aimed at was Tianling, one of the seven Tianling sisters, and as soon as Liu Qianlang appeared, he could immediately see the seven sisters' bodies from the aura reflected in his chaotic eyes.

Seventh Sister Tianling knew at a glance whether it was true or false, and then it was up to her to decide what to do.

At this moment, from the two hell gates in the center of the eighteen hell gates, bursts of cold and evil laughter suddenly came out.

"What, Uncle Yuanfang, is it true what the two uncles Yuan and Jing said, you and Daddy are here to kill us!?

Did we do something wrong just by breaking into the eighteen gates of hell without your permission? We don't believe it! You are so kind to us, how could you kill us! "

Tianling's head looked at the center of the eighteen gates of hell, his eyes were filled with tears, and he cried out sadly.

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