Nine Heavens

Chapter 1709 Spiritual Evil Realm

Chapter 1709 Spiritual Evil Realm

Cheng Yuanfang stood on top of the dark wolf castle, and found that no matter what he said, it was useless, and the spiritual sense of the seven sisters of Tianling had already lost himself.

Cheng Yuanfang simply focused his attention and looked coldly, and stopped talking, just waiting for Liu Qianlang to show up soon, to kill people...

Liu Qianlang flew wildly with white hair, shot through the eighteen gates of hell, and suddenly entered the boundless primordial world.

The front is boundless, the rear is boundless, the left and right cannot see the edge, and the distance cannot be felt.

Everything seems infinitely far away, and it seems to be right in front of us.

The world inside the gates of hell is a pale gray everywhere, which is completely different from the situation seen from the outside.

The only color that Liu Qianlang can see is everything about himself, but the color of the whole body is very weak and strange because of the pale gray inside the gate of hell.

After Liu Qianlang stepped into the gate of hell on the shuttle, after a little adaptation, he immediately raised his psychic eyesight to the peak at the moment, and then looked around, eagerly looking for the figure of the Seventh Sister Tianling.

However, what Liu Qianlang couldn't imagine was that his psychic vision, which could see through the Three Realms, was useless in the space of the gate of hell.

Seeing that the Muhong that I looked out kept bending and retreating in the direction of the gaze, the last sight that I looked out returned to the sea of ​​eyes without exception.

So Liu Qianlang desperately looked around, but he couldn't see anything, his whole body was only pale gray, he couldn't see the trace of Tianling Seven Sisters, and he didn't know where he was flying to!

Liu Qianlang fell into the boundless gray world, and began to suffer like never before.


"Xiao Ying—"


Liu Qianlang was restless in her heart, and flew around on the shuttle, her eyes were not working, and she began to shout the names of the seven beloved daughters.

But once again, Liu Qianlang despaired, and even he couldn't hear the voice he yelled out.

All around is boundless, and despair begins to wander!

"Could it be that Liu Qianlang's journey to immortality is buried here!?"

Liu Qianlang sighed dumbly in his heart!

"Ha ha……"

"Boy Zhengling, do you really think that you are just a small wave of the Xiling River in the heavenly realm, who dares to compete with the number one evil god in the heavenly realm, except for dying sooner or later, do you really think that you can finally break through the eighteen gates of hell? And the twenty-eight prison circles, realize the dream of killing heaven!

Wake up quickly, and tell you clearly, since the appearance of the Nether Inner and Outer Hells, seventy-seven and forty-nine levels of hell, eighteen hell gates and twenty-eight hell realms, no human race in the five worlds can break through the eighteen gates The gates of hell and the twenty-eight realms of hell.

Any of the five people's rumors about achieving Taoism and becoming immortals is pure nonsense.

However, there are some human monks who are similar in strength to yours, broke through the eighteen gates of hell, then fell into the devil, and surrendered to our evil realm of the Three Realms!

Afterwards, either ascend to the heavens and become one of the evil gods, or follow the first evil god in the heavens, the nine gods of distraction, and become the right arm of the gods of distraction.

Frankly speaking, Ben and Jing also have their eyes on you and that three-eyed monster. As long as you are willing to fall into the devil and surrender, Ben Yuan will immediately send you to the heavens to be enshrined as immortal gods, and then you will be loyal to the evil gods of the heavens forever!

Now you Zhengling boy is deeply trapped in the realm of the eighteen hell gates, and you will die sooner or later if you don't submit to me. "


When Liu Qianlang was yelling that every day is not working, and that the earth and the earth should not respond, a voice suddenly came from his mind and said.

Liu Qianlang was overjoyed when he heard the words, and suddenly discovered that in the gate of hell, although the real organs, such as eyes and ears, do not work, all forms of spiritual thoughts can transmit information.

Knowing this, Liu Qianlang's confidence doubled immediately.

"Ha ha……"

Liu Qianlang also laughed out loud, and with a thought, he said: "What a joke, it's really embarrassing for you to want to block the pace of the spirit master's immortal way just by your demons and monsters!

Now there are seven, seven, forty-nine levels of hell, and the most evil triple hell has been destroyed by the spirit master.

I want the spirit lord to say, show up quickly, lift your heads, cut off the head, kneel down and call Grandpa Liu a few times, maybe the spirit lord will send you away as soon as he is happy, so that you will not be shameless alive! "

"Hmph! You're really overestimating your strength, and it's about to fall apart, and you're still talking nonsense here!

The seven beasts of Tiangang listened to the order and immediately came to kill the traitors of the heavenly gods and gods! "

Yuan Sheng and Jing Sheng were taken aback when they heard Liu Qianlang's words, they didn't expect that the other party would dare to be so arrogant until now.

He couldn't help being furious, and evil smoke and ghost mist spewed out from the second central gate of the eighteen hell gates, and then Yuan Sheng screamed.

"Ha ha……"

When Liu Qianlang heard it, the other party's actions were exactly what he wanted, and he was worried that he would not be able to find the whereabouts of Tianling Seventh Sister.

So he laughed wildly on purpose, showing extreme helplessness.

"Why, let your own juniors and closest relatives slaughter you, don't feel good! Hmph!"

Seeing Liu Qianlang's three-dimensional body with flying white hair and the majestic aura of the spirits outside him in the pure spiritual world of eighteen hell gates, Yuan Sheng and Jing Sheng were secretly surprised.

However, seeing the very painful expression on Liu Qianlang's face, there was another wave of contempt and cold questioning.



Just when Yuan Sheng, Jing Sheng and Liu Qianlang had a few spiritual conversations, the seven giant beasts transformed into seven heavenly beasts by the Tianling Seven Sisters had rushed towards Liu Qianlang like a formation of seven stars in the sky.

Tianling turned into a green dragon, scratching wildly with its nine claws, and the naturally existing Tianling wings around his waist, flapping endlessly, gaping open-mouthed, was the first to fly to Liu Qianlang.

Tianling turned into a green dragon, seeing Liu Qianlang in his sight, the eyes of the two cold pool-like dragons were blurry, raised their heads and screamed wildly, and naturally opened their mouths to bite Liu Qianlang.

"Tianling, I'm your father! Wake up, you've been cursed by this monster, you're going to lose your mind!"

Liu Qianlang didn't dodge, and didn't know how to dodge. At the critical moment, he tried to communicate with his beloved daughter Tianling through sound transmission from his soul.


The green dragon that Tianling turned into seemed to have heard Liu Qianlang's spiritual words of soul thoughts, and the hideous mouth that was covering Liu Qianlang was about to close, and suddenly froze.

Then retreated some distance, the dragon's eyes flickered with extremely complex colors, carefully examining Liu Qianlang.

"Children, you have suffered because your father's negligence caused you to break into the eighteen gates of hell and suffer unprecedented torture!

Children must be clear-headed, that Yuanzhu and Jingzhu are not good people, they are the primordial spirit distraction of the number one evil god in the heaven, and they are the source of all evil in the Three Realms! "

Seeing his beloved daughter Tianling hesitate suddenly, Liu Qianlang was elated, which shows that Tianling's seven sisters can also understand the sound transmission of soul thoughts.

So he said quickly.


Although the Tianling Seven Sisters in Liu Qianlang's vision turned into seven huge monsters, they looked extremely strange in his three-dimensional vision. Each had eighteen heads, eighteen bodies, and everything on his body was the number of eighteen. .

However, the divine beasts transformed by the Tianling Seven Sisters sensed in the soul thoughts are absolutely perfect forms of celestial divine beasts.

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