Nine Heavens

Chapter 1710 Golden Arrow Kills Evil

Chapter 1710: Golden Arrow Punishes Evil

"Seven Beast Emperors of the Spiritual Evil Realm, kill this hypocritical human monk, don't be confused by his nonsense, all the suffering you have suffered from being squeezed by the spiritual world is caused by him, kill him, you will be Inside the eighteen hell gates, there are twenty-eight god emperors in the hell world."

When Liu Qianlang kept saying awakening evil words to the Tianling Seven Sisters, Yuan Death and Jing Death kept using all kinds of evil and provocative voices to instigate the Tianling Seven Sisters.

The celestial beasts transformed by the Seven Tianling Sisters hesitated for a moment, and finally stopped hesitating, and suddenly attacked Liu Qianlang again.

Tens of thousands of miles away from the eighteen gates of hell, Cheng Yuanfang Youlan Xiexie Golden Arrow has been in his hand for a long time, facing the head of Tianling's seventh sister Tianling.

Suddenly, Tianling's eyes burst into pale and strange flowers, and his beautiful figure suddenly swelled. Accompanied by bursts of painful roars, he turned into a nine-clawed and two-winged green dragon.

Immediately afterwards, Xiaoying, Danrou, Liusha, Die'er, Lan'er, and Xiaolian also mutated, becoming the personal gods and beasts of the heavenly Nuwa Empress Baihu, Suzaku, Xuanwu, Donglang, Xihu and Xuexi respectively. Kirin.

The seven beasts howled strangely at the same time, opened their bloody mouths, spewed out evil smoke and lightning, and thunderbolts continued. Although they could not attack Cheng Yuanfang through the eighteen gates of hell, the momentum was already very terrifying.

Seeing this, Cheng Yuanfang was astonished, especially when he saw the seven monsters flying wildly and quickly surrounded a familiar white-haired figure, brother Liu Qianlang.

I saw the brothers floating in the eighteen hell gates on the crossing shuttle, shouting anxiously to the seven monsters, and each hell gate was surrounded by the scene of a group of beasts besieging brother Liu Qianlang.

"Qianlang, hurry up and activate the aura of chaos in your body!

Cheng Yuanfang looked outside the hell gate of Shibashan Mountain, and saw that his brother Liu Qianlang was in danger, but the brother did not release the aura of chaos as promised, and he dared not shoot the evil-killing golden arrow that he urgently needed to shoot. Therefore, I am anxious to read the sound transmission.

"No! They are all my poor daughters, don't shoot them from afar!"

At the critical moment, Liu Qianlang refused to release the bright red chaotic aura in his body, shouted excitedly, and he himself was torn and devoured by his five beloved daughters and two beloved nephews, Tu'er.

"Lead the waves! Don't be confused, hurry up! Hurry up, if you don't release the aura of chaos, you will die!"

Cheng Yuanfang's chaotic eyes were sharp and cold, and he divided the rainbow into eighteen beams, shooting straight at Liu Qianlang, roaring loudly.

"call out--"

However, Liu Qianlang remained indifferent, and continued to let the seven-headed monsters keep approaching. At this moment, Cheng Yuanfang clearly heard a sound of breaking through the sky outside the eighteen gates of hell, and then saw a gray-white kit flying out of Liu Qianlang's arms, but it flew to Cheng Yuanfang in the blink of an eye on the head.

"Brother Yuanfang, no matter how resolute the third brother's character is, his relatives and brothers will always be his weakness, and he can't do it! Song Zhen has already predicted the calamity for the third brother, and now he asks the master of the Heavenly Wolf Sect, Bing Xin, to control the sword. To save the third brother and seven sisters from the border of death.

Where the kit flew, the brothers from far away shot arrows, penetrated my soul, shot and killed the third brother and the seven children and the seventeen incorporeal bodies, and the essence returned! "

Before Cheng Yuanfang could look up, the voice of Zhanxuanzi Song Zhen suddenly came out of the gray-white kit.

"Brother Song, thank you!"

In a hurry, Cheng Yuanfang received the guidance, his heart was filled with unspeakable ecstasy and gratitude, and he thanked him deeply. Then when he saw the gray-white brocade pouch flying back to the eighteen gates of hell above his head, he transformed into the stalwart figure of Zhanxuanzi Song Zhen.

Not long after, Zhan Xuanzi Song Zhen's gray-white body had already entered the eighteen gates of hell. In a blink of an eye, eighteen people were separated, and their figures kept getting bigger and bigger. Xiang Liu Qianlang's monster head.

Immediately afterwards, inside the pale body and chest of the eighteen Zhanxuanzi Song Zhen who had grown in size, a bright red heart suddenly appeared one after another, and it was obvious that the bright red heart was constantly bulging and contracting.

Then Song Zhen, the eighteen masters of Zhanxuan, shouted almost at the same time: "When I see the red heart, I shoot, and behind me are all phantom ghosts, not seven children!


Cheng Yuan believes in Zhanxuanzi Song Zhen's divination skills and his personality, especially the life-and-death friendship between him and his brother Liu Qianlang, so he has no doubts about his divination skills. His body and mind were the guide, and he was so moved that tears filled his eyes, and at the same time, golden arrows were fired.

"Boom! Boom!"



I saw tens of thousands of miles away from the eighteen gates of hell, Cheng Yuanfang's pitch-black magic robe dangled, his black hair flowed like a rainbow, and the blue arrow of killing evil with golden light rained like rain. It was Cheng Yuanfang who saw Zhan Xuanzi pull up and shoot a golden arrow.

But a moment later, when the golden arrow arrived, the bright red hearts of Zhan Xuanzi Song Zhen were immediately pierced, and blood mist burst out. Then the cloud of blood mist quickly devoured the seven monsters behind the destroyed body of his colleague.

The seven monsters were rushing towards Liu Qianlang. They didn't expect the sudden change at all. They all rushed into the blood mist, and then their whole bodies were instantly ignited with strange blood. Because of being burned, their bodies were covered with flying scales and lost their armor. It was so cruel. , the pain was unbearable, and the screams continued.

Liu Qianlang obviously didn't expect all this to happen, he only heard him crying wildly: Tianling! Welcome! Danrou. Lianer"

And amidst the cries, Liu Qianlang desperately rushed towards the blood mist.

"Third Brother, don't chase after them, they are not our children, they are baby prostheses made by inexplicable ghosts here, they want to use our children to kill Third Brother! Third Brother must not be fooled, and don't come with Fourth Brother!

For everything here, Zhan Xuanzi Song Zhen had already divined everything when he left Liu Qianlang. After the gray and white bodies exploded with the bright red blood heart, the residual smoke condensed into black and white two eyebrows, and Liu Qianlang was wrapped in Liu Qianlang. Shock outside the eighteen gates of hell.

"Fourth brother! Is it really you? Third brother is such a waste. He didn't take good care of Danrou and Liusha for you. Third brother is sorry for you!"

Liu Qianlang cried bitterly, watching the seven beloved daughters turn into monsters in an instant, and then suddenly shot to death by his brother's golden arrow, when he saw the figure of his brother Song Zhen, he said like a dream.

"Haha, my silly third brother, your precious daughter and my precious daughter are just suffering and frightened, and they are all fine. Come out with me, and you will see them."

Zhanxuanzi Song Zhen disappeared, but the black and white eyebrows kept beating and said.

"What, the fourth brother is saying that they are not dead!"

Liu Qianlang, who had white hair flying wildly and was in a panic, suddenly thought of the matter of the fourth brother's kit, and asked excitedly.

"Naturally, when have you ever seen the fourth brother cheat the third brother!"

Zhan Xuanzi Song Zhen laughed.

While Liu Qianlang was flying towards the eighteen gates of hell wrapped in two eyebrows, one black and one white, Cheng Yuanfang was still shooting golden arrows non-stop. Seeing the monsters in the eighteen hell gates collapse one by one, and then the eighteen hell gates are bloody.

Not long after, all Cheng Yuanfang saw was Liu Qianlang, who was covered by the figure of Song Zhen, the eighteen gray Zhan Xuanzi.

At this time, Cheng Yuanfang thought that he was about to finish his work, but he suddenly heard Zhan Xuanzi's more urgent voice: "Spiritual Lord of the Heavenly Wolf Sect, don't stop, keep shooting the third brother's incorporeal body! Otherwise, his physical body will not be able to return! "

Cheng Yuanfang was startled when he heard the words. When he saw the gray body of Zhanxuanzi Song Zhen standing in front of his brother Liu Qianlang suddenly lit up with a bright red heart, he hesitated for a while, and then gritted his teeth and shot eighteen golden arrows. arrow.

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