Nine Heavens

Chapter 1712 Evil God Escapes

Chapter 1712 Evil God Escapes

"Hmph! What else can I do? The Lord God summoned me to wait, but now the plan to kill Liu Qianlang has failed, and I have not been able to win the Nine Cauldrons of Empress Nuwa's Soul Refining, and my dream of becoming a god cannot be realized. What's the use, why don't you go back to the heaven immediately to occupy some important areas of the heavenly spirit!"

"However, if we go back, once the main god returns to heaven, we will have no choice but to return to our bodies! How about cooperating with the eighteen hell gate demons here and be happy to be the king!"

"I said Jingde, your brain is out of water, didn't you eat brain-dead children today? Our heavenly evil god's spiritual world chaotic array has been destroyed, just relying on the gates transformed by eighteen dark spirit star fighting spirit warriors Can the demon deal with the Xiexie Golden Arrow and the Nine Heavens Immortal Fate Spiritual Sword Fuling Sword Jue!

If you still want to have a good life in the heavens in the future, follow Ben Yuan and leave! "

Inside the eighteen gates of hell, after a while of chattering, Yuan Sheng and Jing Sheng chose not to escape.

Liu Qianlang saw the two Zhong Xing Yuanshen appearing and disappearing tens of thousands of miles away in the pitch-black hell gate distractedly. He didn't intend to chase after him. Instead, he looked happily at the seven unscathed daughters after the catastrophe.

After a long time, he said: "This time it was your Uncle Yuanfang and Daddy Tianzun who saved you this time."

Liu Qianlang gently took the gray brocade bag wrapped around his body in his hand, put his black and white eyebrows into it, and said happily.

For the Tianling Seven Sisters, Liu Qianlang and Song Zhen treated them as if they were their own children, so they called each other's daughters directly.

"Father, it's all because of Lian'er's fault. It's Lian'er's fault, which hurts my sisters. If Daddy wants to scold Lian'er, please stop scolding my sisters. They only broke into eighteen doors to save me. The gates of hell!

At that time, there were eighteen dark demons wielding black knives trying to cut off my head, and the six sisters entered the eighteen gates of hell out of desperation! "

Seventh Sister Tianling knew that she had caused a catastrophe this time, so she changed her usual gibberish manner and bowed her head in silence. Only Lian'er kept stealing eyes on her father Liu Qianlang's expression.

Lian'er found that her father was not angry after the catastrophe, but that there was more affection in his firm face, so she looked at Uncle Cheng Yuanfang first, and then saw Cheng Yuanfang slightly nod his head, and then said cautiously.

"Hehe, Daddy's dear Lian'er, why did Daddy blame you? Daddy said that everything is predestined, maybe this is a fateful catastrophe for you sisters!

What makes Daddy happy is that you all came back safely. You all raised your heads and looked at Daddy and Uncle Yuanfang. Daddy’s good daughters and Uncle Yuanfang’s nephews are all heros who are just like your mother. He is proud of his head, how can he keep his head down.

Dear girls, that’s right, the reason why you are curious to break through the eighteen gates of hell is, in the final analysis, out of the kindness of exorcising demons and defending the Tao, which is exactly what we prodigal sons and daughters should do! "

Seeing her daughters going through this disaster, Liu Qianlang bowed her head in silence, felt pain in her heart, and smiled to encourage Tianling Seven Sisters.

"Isn't it? From now on, you seven sisters will be amazing. You are the first person who has gone through the most terrifying area of ​​seventy-seven forty-nine layers of hell and yet escaped unscathed. You can be called a legend of spirit immortals!

Even better than your distant uncles, until now the distant uncles still don't know what's inside the eighteen gates of hell. "

At this moment, Cheng Yuanfang stood firmly on the wall of the dark wolf castle, stroked the pack of wolves and retreated, leaving only the head of the wolf king Mancang, and smiled.

"Oh! Really, we're still heroes, Daddy?"

Lian Er and her sisters were floating far away in the depths of Liu Qianlang's shuttle, Lian Er's eyes sparkled with excitement, and she asked her father who was hundreds of feet away.

"Hehe, of course, the daughters of the spirit master are all great heroes, this time, and even more in the future, if you don't come here, let Daddy take a good look at Daddy's heroic daughters!"

When Liu Qianlang smiled, he already had a white wine jug in his hand, and nine white wine clouds appeared on his head. At the same time, he waved his sleeve and gave Cheng Yuanfang a jar of immortal wine, and laughed.

"Ha ha……"

"It's really good wine, refreshing!"

Cheng Yuanfang drank the wine as soon as he received it, and Liu Qianlang threw his head up wildly, the waterfall flowing like a river.



Seeing that the two elders were really not angry, the Seven Tianling Sisters instantly regained their fresh and naughty aura, and flew around their father Liu Qianlang like a rainbow, laughing endlessly.

"Daddy, Uncle Yuanfang, if you drink, let's dance for you."

Tianling yelled sweetly, and the seven sisters started a so-called dance, which was actually just a game of chasing each other.

"Ha ha……"

"Well! Good, good!"

Seeing that the daughters finally returned to laughing, Liu Qianlang felt relieved in his heart, and immediately sent a voice transmission to inform Cheng Yuanfang of the beloved wives, the guardians of the Eight Great Immortal Swords, and all Lang Yuan in the black jade skull that Cheng Yuanfang threw to him. Mysterious army.

Then with tears in his eyes, he drank and laughed wildly.

The next moment, Liu Qianlang's beloved wives, the Eight Great Immortal Saber Guardians, and the entire Langyuan army reappeared in Liu Qianlang's crossing shuttle. They looked at Tianling Seventh Sister surrounding Liu Qianlang with amazed eyes. Chase and play.

"In front of the eighteen gates of hell, Lang Yuan is having a carnival! Immortal wine swears to master, and hereby cleans up the dust for the distant spirit master! All brothers and sisters of Lang Yuan, drink as much as you want!"

Liu Qianlang carried the wine with one hand, and raised his wrist with the other hand to stand upright. The emerald green and clear spirit gushed out of the palm instantly, and quickly turned into beautifully shaped wine glasses.

These wine glasses flew like rain, and after a while, all the disciples of Langyuanmen started laughing and chatting happily, drinking to their heart's content.

"Hehe, Lian'er, are you still afraid of the pain in the eighteen gates of hell?"

The reason why Liu Qianlang summoned all his disciples to laugh wildly was because he wanted to ask the seven beloved daughters what they experienced in the eighteen gates of hell.

But I was afraid that the disaster would hurt my daughters again, but I had to ask, so I asked tentatively.

Unexpectedly, with just one mouthful, the smart Xiaolian knew what Daddy meant, and replied crisply: "Daddy and Uncle Yuanfang can ask whatever they want. With you here, my sisters and I, as well as Xiaoliu, are not afraid of anything." !"

He said he was not afraid, but when he heard Liu Qianlang's sudden question, the scene of Tianling Seventh Sister's laughter stopped for an instant, and then complex expressions flashed on her face.

Seeing this, Liu Qianlang couldn't help feeling a little regretful, it was too early to ask, so he quickly changed the subject and said something else.

"Daddy, it's alright, don't worry about us, we survived a catastrophe, why are you afraid of talking about it! Everyone, just drink as much as you want, and wait for Tianling to tell us about the situation that our seven sisters encountered in the eighteen gates of hell."

After all, Tianling is a girl of eighteen or nineteen years old, and she understands her father Liu Qianlang's thoughts more thoroughly than Lian'er.

Although he was laughing, his heart was already ready to ask similar questions from his father at any time. When Tianling spoke like this, his eyes turned from clear to hazy, and his words fell into memories.

"That day, we saw my sister suddenly disappear among the eighteen gates of hell, and then left it to my father to pass on the life-saving spiritual book.

But we waited and waited and didn't see Daddy coming. Later, we suddenly saw 18 huge and vicious ghosts, all of them wielding huge black knives and besieging Lian'er's sister, raising their knives to kill Lian'er.

We were so frightened that we had no time to wait for you, Dad, and immediately rushed into the eighteen gates of hell.

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