Nine Heavens

Chapter 1713 Mind Universe

Chapter 1713 Mind Universe


Tianling was talking, his eyes were full of panic, his hands involuntarily grasped Xiaoying's and Danrou's tightly, and couldn't continue because of panic.

Seeing her daughter like this, Liu Qianlang naturally wouldn't force her. She secretly let out a trace of her soul thoughts, quietly walked around behind Tian Ling, and then entered her soul door without Tian Ling noticing.

In this way, Liu Qianlang can understand everything by himself while Tianling is concentrating on thinking about the eighteen gates of hell, instead of having to make her daughter tell everything in pain.

Tianling felt fear in his heart, and was silent for a while, but when he saw his father's kind and calm face, drinking freely, his mind was suddenly refreshed, and his heart was neither panic nor fear, so he continued...

Liu Qianlang's soul thought turned into Liu Qianlang's appearance, stepping on the spiritual sword of the Nine Heavens Immortal Sword under his feet, soaring in the soul gate of Tianling's mind while looking around.

In Tianling's mind, the sky was full of turbulent waves and flowing clouds. Thousands of miles below, the sea was flowing, Wanfeng was vast and majestic, and the air was filled with extremely powerful spiritual energy.

However, layers of clouds are flowing in the sky, the sea below is surrounded by violent currents, and the waves soar into the sky and meet the clouds. The state is in a state of panic and complexity.

After Liu Qianlang galloped for a while, he came to the extreme center of Tianling's soul universe and stopped, standing firmly on the Nine Heavens Immortal Fate Sword Spiritual Sword, exploring and analyzing Tianling's complicated situation from near and far with extreme caution. mind universe.

After a long period of exploration, Liu Qianlang finally discovered the reason for the uneasy and complicated state of the universe in her daughter's mind.

There are two.

The first one, Tianling intentionally sealed off two huge clouds in an area tens of thousands of miles above his head.

There are two huge clouds, one red and one blue. In that area, the hand is holding the formula, and the mouth is babbling about something.

The universe in Tianling's mind, which was supposed to be calm, was so weird precisely because of their mischief.

The second reason.

Just below the universe in Tianling's mind, the sea is raging, and the waves fluctuate amidst the turbulent waves. Eighteen terrifying ghostly black dragons appear and disappear from time to time.

These ghostly black dragons are covered in filth, but their eyes and mouths are full of red and psychedelic Xia Si'er, floating in almost all the time and space of the universe in Tian Ling's mind.

"Little sword, come out with the Fuling Sword, and you will take care of the eighteen Nether Yaolongs below. Remember to leave a living soul for interrogation!"

Liu Qianlang couldn't have his soul in the avatar, so he said to his feet.

"Hey, master, don't worry, these bastards dare to bully my seven sisters, it's my fault if my little sword doesn't chop them into sand, go!"


The little sword was commanded, shot out from the Nine Heavens Immortal Fate Spiritual Sword with a whoosh, and the next second stepped on the Nine Heavens Immortal Fate Sword Spiritual Sword, smiled at the master, then shook the sword in his hand, stepped on the Linghong and swooped down down.

Not long after, Liu Qianlang heard the melee sounds of the Nine Heavens Immortal Sword, Spiritual Sword, hundreds of millions of Immortal Swords and Dragons, and eighteen evil dragons that roared across the sky.

Especially Xiaojian Qingyue's shout was deafening.

"Hehe, this little guy knows how to concentrate on practicing!"

Liu Qianlang smiled slightly, looked down at the scene below, and then called out to support the Lingshan Mountain, stepped on the Shenlong Tiandial and flew straight to the tens of thousands of miles above the head.

Outside Tianling's body, Tianling suddenly felt his mind was in turmoil, but that strange memory became clearer.

Tianling said somewhat involuntarily: "It turns out that all the beauty we see inside from the eighteen gates of hell is an illusion, but in fact there is nothing inside, and there is boundless gray and white everywhere.

When our seven sisters entered, we immediately lost sight of each other. No matter how much we shouted, we just couldn’t make a sound, and the outstretched hands disappeared immediately. Except for the parts that were close to our bodies, we couldn’t see other parts. arrive.

I shouted desperately and scratched around desperately, hoping to catch even one sister, but no matter how hard I tried, it was in vain.

I was afraid to cry, but I found that not only could I cry, but I also had no tears. I thought about flapping Tianling's wings to leave the place, but I couldn't.

The body was constantly squeezed by inexplicable forces from all directions, which made it difficult to breathe, his head was swollen, and his eyes kept blurring.

Welcome! Dan Rou! Dusha! Butterfly! Little Blue! Lian Er -

Where are you, your sister Tianling is dead, you must make it out alive...

My mind fell into extreme panic at that time, and I didn't even know what nonsense I was talking about.

This situation is getting worse and worse. Just when I felt that I was going to die, suddenly two old men with white faces and white beards appeared in front of me, one was covered in blue, and the other was covered in red.

The two of them glanced at each other, squinted their eyes and smiled, and then each touched my head. I immediately regained my senses, and the inexplicable power that was squeezing me around me disappeared.

well! Poor kindness blooms into evil families, and it is heart-wrenching to punish the devil in the end! Look, kid.

At that time, two old men stood in front of my eyes with their palms stretched out each, and a ball of divine light gushed out from each palm, one red and one blue, and the two colors combined into a strange foggy mirror.

Then, in the foggy mirror, you can see what Daddy looked like in the past, future and present.

The foggy mirror revealed that Daddy was a cruel and terrifying demon in the heavens in the past. He killed countless primitive gods and gods. After being defeated and disobedient, his soul went down to the lower realms. He wanted to recast the celestial body and continue to return to heaven to do evil!

As for the mothers and fathers, they were all forced to marry by coercion and temptation! I watched it at the time, and couldn't help crying, tears streaming down...

Do you want to meet your other sisters, kid?


Seeing me crying sadly, the two old men asked me.

where are they As soon as I heard that they knew the whereabouts of your sisters, I immediately knelt down and asked.

this? When the two old men heard the words, they both looked bitter and shook their heads in embarrassment. After a long time, the red and white-faced old man said, it is not impossible to meet your other sisters, you have to see if you can do it!

In fact, it is not only you and your sisters who are in your similar predicament at this moment, but also your mothers and all relatives of your father Liu Qianlang, and all of these are controlled by your father Liu Qianlang .

Why? I was yelling.

Of course it was for him to return to heaven. On the one hand, you are the stumbling block for him to return to the heavens and dominate the Nine Directions universe. On the other hand, the only purpose he has raised you so far is to kill you at the most critical moment.

Swallow your skills and cultivation bases, so that you can become instantly stronger to an unimaginable level, and then defeat all kinds of calamities in the sky, and rise to the nine heavens.

However, as long as you work hard to kill him, you will not only contribute to the Qingming of the Jiufang Universe, but also the eternal peace of the Jiufang Universe and Ten Thousand Worlds. The most important thing is that your seven sisters, your mother and other family members will soon be reunited .

well! How to choose, only the girl can decide, no matter how angry we red and blue elders are, we will inevitably rape the girl.

After saying this, the two old men, red and blue, actually lowered their heads and wiped away their tears, which made me feel sad and hate my father!

So he categorically agreed, but he knew his own cultivation base, and he definitely couldn't beat his father, so he asked a question.

As soon as the two old men, red and blue, heard that I agreed, they immediately turned their worries into joy, and taught me the supernatural power of the gods and beasts in the heavens, which can infinitely enhance my power. As long as I go all out, it is absolutely no problem to kill my father.

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