Nine Heavens

Chapter 1714: One thousand seven hundred and fourteenth

Chapter 1714

Then, they took me on a strange pale bone ship to a huge spherical space of red and blue intertwined colors.

There, they took turns to teach me various weird exercises, and injected the evil aura in their own bodies into my body, so that my movements were much slower because my mana was too weak.

Then, I feel that my exercises have reached a level that I can't even imagine within a period of more than ten days.

When I and I finally completed the magic power of turning into a human body, they worked together to destroy the huge spherical space and told me that my father had killed all my relatives and entered the eighteen gates of hell to kill me.

When I heard this, I was naturally extremely sad and angry. When I rushed out of the huge circular space, I happened to see my father with white hair flying around, looking around, and then I desperately attacked my father angrily.

At that time, I saw that apart from myself, there were six other terrifying beasts attacking Daddy. Although I was a little surprised, but since we had the same goals as mine, we didn't think too much about it. We agreed with each other, and they cooperated seamlessly, wrapping Dad tightly in all the evil rainbows we shot.

However, at that time, Dad didn't fight back, tears streaming down his face, and he didn't know what he was shouting. Because after all, it was Daddy who loved us so much.

Originally, I could bite off Dad's head in one bite, but when I bit it, I hesitated and backed away when I saw Dad's always firm and loving eyes.

Next, Uncle Tianyun's huge gray-white body suddenly appeared in front of me and other monsters, and a blood heart the size of the sun suddenly appeared on his chest, and after a violent beating, Uncle Song's thoughts came out through sound transmission :

Tianling, Xiaoying, Danrou, Liusha, Die'er, Lan'er, Lian'er who has never been seen before, don't be confused, those two are the number one evil god in the heaven, Zhong Xing Yuanshen, distracted, your father I didn't lie to you!

Quickly swallow a mouthful of my blood heart righteousness aura, and your confused minds will immediately wake up. quick! If it's too late, you will die under the golden arrow of your uncle's death.

The beasts turned into by the Tianling Seven Sisters suddenly saw Song Zhen's appearance, and couldn't help being shocked for a moment. They opened their mouths dumbly while roaring, and looked at each other from left to right, knowing that the beasts around them were actually their sisters.

For a moment, everyone was very excited, especially Danrou and Liusha, who suddenly saw their father's figure, and they were already roaring with excitement.

grunt! grunt!

Uncle Song glanced back at the seven divine beasts, all because of his sudden appearance, he was a little carried away, he didn't listen to what he was shouting at all, and simply waved his huge gray sleeves, and instantly, the seven bright red blood auras shot obliquely It went to the mouths of our seven beasts.

We didn't prepare at all. After one breath, we each swallowed the blood aura into our stomachs. Then our minds suddenly became infinitely clear and rational, and we suddenly realized that we were deceived by the two old men, red and blue...

Daddy, I regret that I almost killed Daddy, and cried out in tears. At that moment, we saw seven golden arrows suddenly shot at Uncle Song's blood heart from outside the gate of hell.

Immediately afterwards, Uncle Song's huge gray body exploded one after another, and the seven blood hearts turned into blood deficiency and devoured us.

Daddy! Seeing Uncle Song collapse, Dan Rou and Liu Sha burst into tears!

Hehe, my silly child, this is just a catastrophe kit made from a trace of Daddy's blood and soul. Daddy is fine in the dark spirit world.

Blood Spirit God Mist destroys Nether, your physical body is free, you and all sisters will return to Master Hunzun's shuttle, and let Weifu quickly take you out of the eighteen gates of hell!

Just when Uncle Song's body was broken, a giant hand made of Uncle Song's blood mist lifted our bodies that had just jumped out of the mouths of the seven divine beasts, and sent them safely to Dad's shuttle.

Then Uncle Song's huge palm expanded infinitely again, and suddenly covered the seven divine beasts, and the seven divine beasts screamed and collapsed..."

"You Zhengling boy is really not simple, I thought you were really deceived by us!

Tell me, how did you see through all the illusions, and finally realized that the eighteen gates of hell are nothing at all, and they are all caused by us manipulating the minds of incoming people. "

Liu Qianlang flew to the height of tens of thousands of miles in the universe of Tianling's mind, stopped the Shenlong Tiandial, held the emerald green Lingshan in his hand, stood steadily, and stared coldly at the death of Yuan and the death of Jing through layers of clouds with psychic eyes .

After discovering the secret of the eighteen gates of hell, Yuan Death and Jing Death became calmer and asked curiously.

"No! The eighteen gates of hell exist! Not only do they exist, but both the physical and spiritual realms exist, and you can transform as you please.

Whether it is your future past present or our future past present, you can create a virtual spiritual time and space at any time, and then you can do whatever you want as long as you hide in the soul door of the manipulator with a little soul thought.

However, you are not without opponents. Your mortal enemy in the heavens is Zhanxuanzi, the second disciple of Dumodu mentioned in the Chaos God Book.

In the heavenly realm, you have not escaped the suppression of the Demon Sword Ancestor and the Godly Lord Jianzhan, and now the lower realms cannot escape the calculations of the Godly Lord Jianzhan. This spirit master saw through your tricks this time and was able to survive, precisely because my fourth brother is Jianzhan Shenjun! "

When Liu Qianlang said these words, combined with what he had learned in the Chaos Divine Book, he knew everything about the past of his fourth brother, and he was both happy and excited, and said with great pride.

"Sure enough, otherwise, you would not be able to break through the Eighteen Hell Gates and the Demon Realm's divine mechanism no matter what.

Zhengling boy's cultivation path has reached the present, and the spirit turtle Huihui has reached the pinnacle. If he is willing to let go of all burdens, he can fly to the cloud world at any time.

Let me confess frankly that we are indeed the distraction of the number one evil god in the heaven, Zhong Xing Yuanshen, and the reason why we tried our best to chase after you is nothing more than to strengthen our soul and reshape the body of the god of heaven.

For this reason, we must either devour your seven-color predestined soul, or seize your refining soul Jiuding, Yinyang Sports Arena, and July Yuanshen Furnace.

Only in this way can we truly restore the bodies of the gods and gods of the heavens again and control the nine directions of the universe.

From the surface of the heavens now, it seems that Zhengling and Immortal God control the overall situation, but what you can't imagine is that today's Nine Heavens Saint Monarch is also a distraction of Zhong Death's primordial spirit.

The Zhengling Immortal Realm that you expect today is already a thing of the past. The reason for this is very simple. In the battle between the immortals and gods of the Jiufang universe countless years ago, not only the number one evil god in the heaven world, Zhong Sheng, was defeated, but also the spiritual essence that almost destroyed the Jiufang universe.

After that, the spiritual energy fell apart, losing thirteen deadly dense spiritual energy parts, that is, the life spiritual core of the Jiufang universe and the four most important parts of the four most unknown forms of spiritual energy.

In such a precarious nine-direction universe, what can it do even if it is a fairy god in the heavens?

Their existence also requires a vast supply of spiritual energy, but the remaining spiritual sources of countless years ago are seriously insufficient.

However, the cornerstone of our demon world's spiritual life has been damaged to a limited extent, only an important part has been lost.

As a result, a large number of righteous spirits and gods in the heavens have already taken refuge in us in secret, and in the end all the immortals of the Nine Heavens were killed by us.

The Zhengling boy must be a smart person, so he should understand that if he wants to ascend to the heavens, he has to seek refuge in the evil gods of the heavens, otherwise he has nowhere to go! "

On Yuan Sheng's pale face, two sharp and blood-red pupils shrouded Liu Qianlang's white-haired figure, and said bluntly.

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