Nine Heavens

Chapter 1716 The whole army attacks

Chapter 1716: The Army Attacks

After Liu Qianlang exterminated the soul thoughts of Yuan Death and Jingde in Tianling's mind and universe, he quickly used his hand to hold Lingshan to cleanse all the spiritual poisons in the eighteen hell gates in Tianling's mind and universe, and then entered the minds of other beloved daughters one after another. The universe has roughly gone through the same process.

In the end, the soul thought returned to Liu Qianlang's body.

At this time, Liu Qianlang was still chatting, laughing and drinking with all the spiritual friends of Langyuanmen, and of course listened carefully to the story of Tianling's journey to the eighteen gates of hell.

"Ha ha……"

"Everything will pass, now the eighteen demons of the eighteen gates of hell have died under the sword of the sword, and the death of Yuan and the death of Jing have also been scared away by your distant uncle.

Then it's time for us to break through the eighteen gates of hell! The head of the sect intends to order the seven sisters of Tianling to be the pioneers to destroy the eighteen gates of hell. I wonder if you seven sisters dare to accept the order? "

After listening to Tianling's memories, Liu Qianlang poured wine and asked with a smile.

"Daddy's order is that it was you, Uncle Yuanfang, and Uncle Zhen who rescued us before. This time, the deceiving devil is gone, but it's just a bombardment. We can do it!"

Tianling was surrounded by white mist, his spiritual eyes sparkled, he nodded vigorously, then turned his head to look at Xiaoying and the other seven sisters.

I saw Lian'er holding Xiaoliu in one hand and holding a colorful lotus in the other, flying tens of thousands of feet into the sky on the red water chestnut in an instant, looking down at the people below, and said domineeringly.


"This child is all used by Tianling. He is always the same size. He even grabs what my sister says."

Below, Liu Qianlang's eight beloved wives couldn't help laughing when they saw this, Emperor Shuangtian glanced at Tianling Niang Shui'er, and said apologetically.

"Hehe, why should my younger sister care? It's strange. Normally, other younger sisters don't dare to disobey Tianling, but this Lian'er has disobeyed her several times. She is not only not angry, but also very happy! Hehe."

Shui'er heard the words, smiled and said to her daughter who had given up since childhood.


"What Lianer said is right, please daddy, no! Please order the head of the soul master, Lingzhu, and Uncle Yuanfang, our seven sisters attack the eighteen gates of hell immediately!"

Sure enough, as Shui'er said, Tianling raised his head and glanced at the little seventh sister Lian'er, who was dressed in a rainbow neon dress, and smiled like a silver bell, and then flew behind Lian'er together with the other sisters, and said.

"Ha ha……"

"Okay! The seven sisters of the Langyuan Gate listen to the order. The spirit master orders you to jointly bombard the seven gates on the left side of the eighteen gates of hell, from left to right, and set off immediately. There must be no mistakes!"

Liu Qianlang was very happy to see that the seven sisters readily agreed, and no longer feared the eighteen gates of hell, and gave the order with a big smile.


The seven sisters of Tianling and the little golden monkey responded with crisp voices, and then a burst of sky shadows shot towards the eighteen gates of hell for the second time.

"Lang Yuan Sect Refining Soul Nine Cauldrons Wave Yuan Soul Lang Yuan Hun will obey the order, nine of you brothers immediately eight people jointly attack the eighteen hell gates, the middle two gates, the eight gates on the right, and the remaining one goes to the left to bombard the first gate of Linzhong , act immediately, without any mistakes!"

"Yes! Father, the master spirit master!"

"Red Immortal, Three-color Huotong, Five-color Spirit Ginseng Ling'er, Xiaomei, Xiaolin, and Little Demon Turtle, three pairs in front, three in back, two in three, go to assist, and ensure that the sixteen gates of hell are destroyed as soon as possible, act now! "


"Ninety-nine and eighty-one gods, dragons, immortals and phoenixes, dragon balls and phoenix pills, the forces of divine swords and arrows immediately set up the sky, and the left, right and rear are fully protected!

The Eight Great Immortal Saber Guardians, all beloved wives, follow me in the hollow, Brother Yuanfang and I go straight to the center, the first gate of hell, and the second gate! Go now! "


After Liu Qianlang's arrangement is completed, fairy shadows and snowflakes fly in the sky, shooting dazzling rainbows to attack the road ahead!

What Liu Qianlang did was following the method of breaking through the eighteen gates of hell that Xingman explained when he left.


"Buzz! Buzz!"

"Thunderbolt click!"


At this time, Liu Qianlang used all the forces of the Waves Gate for the first time to bombard the 18 weirdest hell gates on the 77th, 49th, and 49th floors of hell. Liu Qianlang rushed to the front, both worried and excited.

What I worry about is that for a long time, because I have deliberately avoided many wars with the Langyuan army, there may be unfavorable situations.

What is exciting is that I suddenly feel that I am fighting against the enemy with my family, brothers, and fellow Taoists. My heart is so full and courageous, happy and excited!

"Qianlang, I was always worried before. One day I will ascend first, and I don't know how to face your four sisters-in-law. Now seeing your deeds, brother, I know what to do!

Qianlang, Yuanfang admires you, you are still as stubborn as you were when you were a child, but your stubbornness is convincing. No matter how beautiful and desirable the heavens are, it would be futile if the price is the loss of human relationship and family affection!

I have dreamed more than once, what would it be like if one day I really stood on the top of the Nine Heavens without a loved one by my side!

I think that no matter how majestic and majestic it is, it will not be as good as accompanying parents and relatives to grow old slowly in the mortal world. According to the legend, cutting off all love is the way to immortal dreams. After thinking about it for my brother, it is impossible to do it just like you.

Qianlang, you are a good person, let us brothers be of the same mind, and take a journey of immortals ascending to heaven that has never been seen in the fairy world!

I know that this road is not easy to walk, success or failure is very slim, but no matter what the result is, Yuanfang will always live and die with you, Brother Song, Sister Juan, Sister Feng, and all the brothers and sisters. of! "

Liu Qianlang rushed forward, and at the same time as his brother Cheng Yuanfang whizzed and killed the evil arrows behind him, the voice of his thoughts said with emotion.

"Father and mother are very kind, and they will never abandon them until death! Brothers and sisters are like plucking out the heart! Love your wife and sister-in-law with all your heart and soul, and your children and grandchildren are in tears, how can you bear to abandon them!

Disciple Taoist friends follow, not seeking the same life, but hoping to die together, if such kindness and righteousness are only for their own enjoyment and disregarded, how happy is it to be a fairy god!

Such chasing immortals is not as good as the companionship of relatives in the world of mortals, and the short-lived and happy heart is not sad! Ha ha……

Before we destroyed the world of ghosts, the nether world, the inner world and the ghost world, and broke the law of yin and yang reincarnation, the five human worlds have lived and died, and there is no death, pain, or torture. We have created the miracle of good fortune!

Now, we are about to destroy the seventy-seven forty-nine layers of hell and the eighteen gates of hell in the ghost world, and then pass through the twenty-eight hell worlds. Seeing that the spirit ghosts no longer exist!

If we, Zhu Tian, ​​destroy the ghosts and immortals in the heavenly realm, we will completely wipe out the ghost realm in the Nine Directions Universe. From then on, the ghost world is nothing more than a legend in the Jiufang universe!

Far away, come on! Believe we will do it! "

Liu Qianlang heard the words, the soul thought communicated with Xiaojian, and at the same time he chopped out the Taotao Xianjian Shenlong, he spoke generously.



"Daddy, Uncle Yuanfang, you are so slow! You see, we have knocked down sixteen gates of hell a long time ago. Why haven't you completed the task yet? Do you need the help of our nine Brother Eagles?"

A few days later, on both sides of the two hell gates in the center of the eighteen hell gates, Tianling Seven Sisters and Jiuying, as well as Hongxian, five-color ginseng Linger, and Xiaomei. Xiao Lin, Little Devil Turtle, and Three-Color Fire Baby all successfully destroyed the target, and then moved towards the center Liu Qianlang and Cheng Yuanfang gathered their central forces.

Without orders from their elders, they flew high in the sky and looked down at the battle in the middle. They saw the two pitch-black gates of hell standing proudly against the sky, unable to be defeated. Lian'er's father Liu Qianlang and uncle Cheng Yuanfang shouted.

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