Nine Heavens

Chapter 1717 Heartbreak Appears

Chapter 1717 Heart Death Appears

"Haha, we should call it killing, people are laughing at us!"

Cheng Yuanfang laughed happily when he heard the little niece's words.

"Well! It's time, the golden arrow of killing evil in the distance is in the middle, my Nine Heavens Immortal Sword Spiritual Sword is attacking Kun, the number of ninety-nine and eighty-one six armies will attack around Qian, I will wait for the final blow, completely Destroy the eighteen circular hell gates!"


Liu Qianlang and Cheng Yuanfang exchanged a few words before taking action.

Liu Qianlang has been leading the main force of the miraculous army to bombard the eighteen gates of hell for several days, but he has not called for killing with all his strength. He just keeps consuming the gates of hell on the left and right sides, and the gates of hell are constantly being destroyed. Stop the ghostly evil energy superimposed on the center.

Liu Qianlang did this for safety reasons, because Xingman had warned himself that he had to attack the gate from the flanks, and finally destroy the central hell gate, otherwise, if the method was not appropriate, everything would be in vain, or time would turn back and everything would be destroyed. to zero.

For this point, Liu Qianlang hadn't figured out why, but he never dared to take risks, so he carefully followed Xingman's warning.

"Wow haha……"

"Boom! Boom!"

"The boss finally said something sweet, kill me!"

Hearing Liu Qianlang's final order to kill the two pitch-black hell gates in the center of the eighteen hell gates, the ring peak dragon, the head of ninety-nine and eighty-one dragons, stepped on a white horse and a golden chariot, brandished the overlord's painted halberd, roaring Then he led eighty-one dragons and rushed up.

Immediately afterwards, the other five miraculous armies also rushed up, still following the original plan, and fiercely bombarded the two pitch-black hell gates on the left and right.

"Whoa! Whoa!"

Another few days of violent attacks, this day, the two pitch-black hell gates uttered a demon-like scream at the same time, and suddenly merged into one, forming a larger pitch-black hell gate, which plunged into the sky, with boundless left and right , standing in front of Lang Yuan's army.


"Thousand-winged Goshawk!"

Hearing two sudden shrill screams, Liu Qianlang and his beloved wife Shui'er behind him trembled in their hearts, they could hear it clearly, the voices turned out to be the strange voices of their spiritual pets who had been away from them for a long time.

And the other voice is the voice of Qingxin Daoling riding a thousand-winged goshawk. The two shouted involuntarily.


The extremely huge pitch-black gate of hell erupted with a loud noise that shook the three worlds, and suddenly opened slowly, emitting an infinite jet-black rainbow of evil spirit energy.

Then came out a handsome Taoist priest wearing a light blue knife plate, holding a purple gold dust whisk in his hand.

The Taoist priest floated out of the air, his eyes flashed sharply, and he looked directly at Liu Qianlang and the Langyuan army in the sky. In front of him, there were two eagles swirling in the dark and evil rainbow. They were Qiqi and Qianqi. Goshawk.

"Sixth brother!? You still?"

Seeing the blue-clothed Taoist priest in front of him, all the members of Langyuanmen, except for the younger generation, were all surprised from ear to ear!

Even Liu Qianlang murmured in his heart and asked in surprise.

"What's wrong with me, haha... My third brother, you don't think that the most majestic evil god in the heaven, Zhong Death Yuanshen, died so easily when he was distracted!"

"Whoa! Whoa!"

The dust whisk in Wuhen's hand moved slightly, and the pitch-black vortex in front of him whistled and circled suddenly, and the cold wind howled, and Qiqi and Qianzi Goshawk, who were imprisoned in the center, kept screaming because they were slashed by the pitch-black wind blade.

Every scream, in Liu Qianlang's ears, made Liu Qianlang's heart bleed.

When Shui'er saw Qiqi and thought of the countless lonely days and nights that it had accompanied her in the past, she couldn't bear it anymore, and she shed tears.

"Unexpectedly, the sixth younger brother, who has always been unassuming, turned out to be the number one evil god in the heavens, who was distracted by the primordial spirit. This is beyond the third brother's wildest dreams. Even seeing is believing!

But can you tell me frankly, since when did you know that you are the number one evil god in the heavens? "

Langyuan's army all stopped attacking, and the sky was full of shadows, watching Liu Qianlang and Wuhen floating outside the dark gate of hell.

"It's not surprising since you stepped into seventy-seven forty-nine layers of hell. If my memory of the heavenly world had awakened long ago, how could you still be alive to this day!"

Wuhen looked at the scene of Liu Qianlanglangyuan's army flying across the void, without the slightest fear on his face, and said lightly.

"I finally understood that my second brother Huang Qi would rather die than follow me Liu Qianlang, so he must have known your identity in the heavenly realm at that time.

Although he abandoned the devil and returned to immortality, he finally chose to self-destruct because he couldn't bear to see our brothers killing each other cruelly in the future! "

Liu Qianlang's heart was surging, and he said with a look of infinite pain on his face.

"Hmph! That idiot, who really thinks of himself as the five monks who saved the world, has repeatedly advised him to perish from the demons and return to immortality. What a joke.

Ever since Zhong Sheng introduced the Yanming Holy Spirit outside the Jiufang Universe, it was doomed to the demise of the Jiufang Universe and the rise of the Yanming Holy Spirit Universe!

If it weren't for the interference of Du Mojian Zu and the hateful Empress Nuwa, hum! At this moment, the Nine Directions Universe has long been the time and space of the Holy Spirit!

You scumbags were never born! Did you see, Ben Xinde is now controlling a vortex of the oblivion holy spirit!

As long as I have a thought, these two stupid birds who think they are smart can immediately turn into nothingness.

By the way, by the way, what's the matter with you, have you lived enough, and you even quarreled at Benxin's door? "

Standing in the void without a trace, his appearance is single and arrogant, and his tone of voice is full of threats.

"Ha ha……"

"No matter what, we used to be brothers, we ended up breaking up with each other. The spirit master thought, if we drink a few jars of fairy wine, the sixth brother will never refuse!"

Liu Qianlang laughed, and at the same time his mind was flying, once again he quickly took all the Langyuan army into the Moyu Skull, including his brother Cheng Yuanfang, and then sealed the exit without any explanation.

"Ha ha……"

"The head of July, the emperor of the world, the master of the earth and immortal world, and the legendary figure of the spirit world, is actually afraid of the death of the original heart! Haha..."

Wuhen saw that Mankong Xianjian Shenlong and Langyuan's miraculous army disappeared in an instant, Mouhong looked at the Moyu skeleton on Liu Qianlang's chest that was slowly disappearing in the body sea, and laughed wildly.

Then he stopped suddenly, stared at Liu Qianlang, and said coldly: "You want to kill me with Mingmingling poison wine! It's ridiculous, we have come to this point, you think you will believe in your opponent Old Brothers!

However, if you are asked to drink a few jars of death wine before you die, you will not object to the death of your heart! Then come on, you and your shit fairy wine, I will drink my Yanming Holy Spirit wine!

Haha... please! "

Wuhen felt complacent, stretched out the hand that was not holding the whisk, and a pitch-black wine jug appeared in his hand, and then he raised his head and poured it wildly.

The Yanming Holy Spirit Divine Wine in the dark wine jar was also black.

The pitch-black wine splashed randomly, black smoke gurgled, and spewed out from the altar, and the black smoke formed clouds around Wuhen.

Where the clouds flowed past, they swallowed up that part of the chaotic space-time of the universe and turned them into bottomless black holes.

"Ha ha……"

"Happy! Drink!"

Seeing this, Liu Qianlang felt terrified in his heart, but he still laughed out loud, with white hair flying around, poured wine down his neck, and drank.

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