Nine Heavens

Chapter 1718 Obliterating the Holy Spirit

Chapter 1718 Oblivion of the Holy Spirit

"Liu Qianlang, do you regret that you wished Qiying outside Shuicheng to worship?"

Wuhen carried the pitch-black magic altar, poured the pitch-black Yanming holy wine on his face like a waterfall, and raised his head to the sky and asked.

"Never regret, but regret all my life!"

Liu Qianlang nine pure white clouds wrapped around his head, the waves of wine were flying, and he looked at the sky and replied.

"It would be great if I was Wuhen forever, but fate tricks people. Speaking of which, we are all pawns for the primordial gods and gods of the chaotic universe to attack each other. Are we stupid to exist?"

Wuhen's whole body was pitch black and the Holy Spirit breathed heavily, as if talking to himself.

"I don't care whether we are pawns used by the primordial gods of the chaotic universe, no matter what, I heard you say that, even if you are distracted by Zhong Xing Yuanshen, I, Liu Qianlang, will never forget Wuhen.

The reason why you drink with me must be the unfeeling bar! "

Liu Qianlang looked sideways, looking at Wuhen in front of the huge gate of hell, with mixed thoughts in his heart.

"That's right, there is nothing left without traces, the soul of Zhong Xingying. Misunderstood the way of the world, this Jiumo world man!

The third brother should remember, this time the sixth brother can easily take your life, but you and I will be destined to be brothers in the world!

This time, Wuhen will let you go, and there will be no Wuhen in the chaotic universe from now on, only heart death!

This is your spiritual pet, the Chaos Condor and the Eye Cultivator, the Spirit Riding Thousand-Winged Goshawk, and I will return them to you! you go! Hope we never meet again! "

While Wuhen was speaking, he shook the whisk in his hand, and the huge black evil rainbow vortex controlled by the whisk immediately circled for a while.

A passage from the inside to the outside appeared in the center of the vortex, and two Chaos Condors immediately flew to Liu Qianlang with neighing.

"Crack! Crack!"

Qiqi and the thousand-winged goshawk were freed, screaming excitedly, flying around Liu Qianlang.

At the same time, Wuhen was wearing a light blue Taoist robe, and black evil smoke kept surging around him.

The body suddenly exploded and swelled, turning into a black and ferocious monster several feet tall, with a heart the size of a leather ball in its chest, bright red and dazzling!

"Hoo! Hoo!"

The ferocious monster several feet high panted heavily and shook its body, and the original white whisk turned into a huge black magic stick.

"Ha ha……"

"Third Brother thanked Sixth Brother! But brotherhood is always remembered in the heart, which means never regretting a once-in-a-lifetime encounter.

But since Liu Qianlang appeared in the seventy-seventh and forty-ninth hell, since the first hell replayed the Mirror Prison, he never thought of retreating!

So the death of the heart has let you down, destroying the eighteen gates of hell, the spirit master is imperative! "

Liu Qianlang saw that the other party had recovered the celestial demon body, so he changed his name to call the other party the Tao of Heart Death.

"Hmph! Don't you see the difference between Benxinde and the distracted spirits of the previous Zhongsheng Yuanshen?"


Xinde turned into a demon, and slammed the pitch-black wine jar in his hand towards the pitch-black gate of hell, saying evilly and coldly.

"Isn't it because you have some obscuring holy spirits? The two chaotic eagles are afraid of you, but the spirit master is not afraid of you!"

Liu Qianlang's white hair was flying wildly, and her drinking posture remained unchanged, but after seeing the sudden change in her heart, her expression calmed down for some reason, and she said without fear.

"You know the Ming Holy Spirit!?"

Xinde was a little surprised.

"Didn't you say it? However, even if you don't say it, the spirit master can guess it.

Since Zhong Death was able to fight against half of the original gods and gods in the heavens, he must have a mysterious reliance, otherwise destroying the Nine Directions Universe would also be self-destructive.

Now according to what you said, the Yanming Holy Spirit you mentioned must also be the source of the spiritual power of your heavenly evil palace.

Moreover, the power of the Yanming Holy Spirit is extremely powerful, as you can see just now from the vortex of the Yanming Holy Spirit that you controlled the two Chaos Condors. "

Liu Qianlang said while pouring the immortal wine unhurriedly.

"Now that you know this, do you still insist on sending yourself to death? Let me tell you that the power of the Yanming Holy Spirit comes from the inexplicable divine power of time and space outside the Nine-Front Universe, and no divine power in the Nine-Front Universe can compete with it!"


Xinde slowly raised the pitch-black giant stick, and jet-black hurricanes also shot out from the pitch-black gate of hell, and the pitch-black giant stick buzzed!

"Oh! Uncle Guodi, be careful! The thousand-winged goshawk's feathers have turned into demons to scare people again!"

Hearing the words, Liu Qianlang didn't intend to continue. Seeing the other party slowly raise the magic weapon, he secretly mobilized the nine chaotic divine powers in his body in an instant, arousing the four world sword arts of killing Ming, killing demons, killing demons, and subduing spirits. The spirit sword of Tianxian Yuanjian flew up into the sky for thousands of miles with a clear howl, and instantly soared countless times.

A fierce battle between the two sides is about to break out.

At this moment, a little red head suddenly appeared from within the feathers on Qiqi's back whirling around Liu Qianlang's body and shouted.


Liu Qianlang suddenly heard a long-lost familiar voice, sighed slightly, then felt shocked, and immediately understood something, and said with a smile: "Hehe, it turns out that Xiaohong came with Qiqi, thank you for reminding me!"

"Boom! Boom!"

Before Liu Qianlang finished speaking, he was overjoyed, his feet trembled, and the traveling shuttle was replaced by the Shenlong Tiandial, whizzing and flying into the sky for thousands of miles in an instant.

Then, Liu Qianlang controlled the Nine Heavens Immortal Sword Spirit Spirit Sword, and the crazy god smashed the gate of hell through the sky and into the earth.

Seeing this, Xinde below couldn't help screaming coldly, the crazy hurricane circling under his feet formed a dark hurricane vortex, dragging Xinde's lightning holding the black giant stick high to the sky!

"Boom! Boom!"

Soon after, the two sides began a war in the sky.

"Qiqi, your master is fighting with the annoying black feather, you might as well help!"

Below, the little red dot sticks out its head among the wings on Kiki's back to remind Kiki.

"In my opinion, let's forget about it! With Master Qiqi's cultivation now, it's not difficult to defeat heart death, so why bother to make trouble!"

The thousand-winged goshawk, who was flying thousands of miles away from Qiqi, retorted.

"That's right, Father Lang'er is really amazing. Judging from his soul power, he is already in the realm of the Great Perfection of the Soul, and he can be called invincible in the spiritual world! It's just a distraction of Zhong Xing's primordial spirit, and Father Liang'er can handle it!"

Qiqi looked at the sky with infinite admiration, with white hair fluttering around, he manipulated the master of the Nine Heavens Immortal Sword, the spirit sword and the strange sword art, and said.

"Bah! Thousand-winged Goshawk! You are a big villain! That black demon was transformed from your feathers, I have seen it before!

Qiqi, don't be fooled by him, he is not a good person! "

Hearing what the thousand-winged goshawk said, Xiaohong was extremely angry, jumped out from Qiqi's wings, and shouted.

"Hey! My little red dot, be good! It's dangerous outside, get under my wings quickly. You just sleep well and don't worry about anything else.

That’s great, brother Qianyi is my celestial clan, how could Lingyu turn into a demon, you must be delusional!

Hehe, brother Qianyi, Xiao Hongdian was just looking for me all the way in the underworld, and has gone through too many hardships, that's why she is so sensitive, please Haihan! "

Qiqi placed a few words on the little red dot, looked sideways at the thousand-winged goshawk flying thousands of miles away, and said apologetically.

"The Chaos Condor doesn't need to explain. I won't care about it. After all, she is a human pet, so it's not surprising that her spiritual sense misjudged her!"

Thousand-winged goshawk Mouhong stared closely at the situation of the sky, coping with such a sentence.

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