Nine Heavens

Chapter 1719 Mutual coercion

Chapter 1719 Mutual hostage

"Qiqi! You stupid bird, stupid bird! Do you believe my words or his words!?"

Xiao Hong Dian was very stubborn and shouted angrily.

"Of course... I believe your words!" Qiqi sent a sound transmission to Xiaohongdianer!

Qi Qi was about to persuade Xiao Hong to respect Qian Goshawk again, but suddenly found that there was cold and strange black smoke in Qian Goshawk's dark eyes, so he changed his mind halfway.

"Hee hee! Brother Kiki, then you..."

Xiaohong felt happy when she heard it, and her angry cursing turned into a gentle voice transmission.

"Come on, hide it quickly, I'll go help Qianlang's dad right now, be careful!"

The chaotic eagle Xiaoqi suddenly understood the reason why Xinde had already caught himself and the thousand-winged goshawk in his sleep, but let him go.

Thought of the sound transmission in my heart, I told Xiao Hongdian, and suddenly flew towards the sky thousands of miles away.

"Boom! Boom!"

Sky, Liu Qianlang and Xinde are still fighting.

"Papa Qianlang! Be careful, the thousand-winged goshawk is the real heartbreaker! What you are fighting against now is just one of its feathers!"

While Xiaoqi was struggling to fly high, his anxious thoughts were transmitted to his master.

"Hehe, Father Lang'er has already seen it, but don't point it out yet, you first pretend to defeat this heart-dead Lingyu with me, and then talk about it!"

Liu Qianlang did not look down Qiqi, still controlling the Nine Heavens Immortal Fate Sword Spirit Spirit Sword War Heart Death Lingyu, said with a smile.


Qiqi immediately understood the meaning of the master, agreed, and shouted down: "Brother Qianyi, you are the leader of the Chaos Condor in the heavens in the past, please help us, the three of us will fight the evil spirits, and the winner will be determined immediately!"


"Crack! Crack!"

The thousand-winged goshawk hesitated for a while, then resolutely flew into the sky, and then said: "Brother Qiqi's words are true, I'm afraid we will insult the reputation of Zhengling Boy!"

"Ha ha……"

"Thousand-winged goshawks are worrying too much. How can Liu Qianlang care about these petty thoughts in front of the enemy. Since the two chaotic eagles have come, this demon will be handed over to you!"

Liu Qianlang saw Qiqi and Thousand-Winged Goshawk appearing around him thousands of miles away, suddenly burst into laughter, drew his flying sword, and went straight to the huge black gate of hell.

Liu Qianlang's figure suddenly became tens of thousands of miles high, and the manipulator of the Nine Heavens Immortal Fate Spiritual Sword, before Qianying Goshawk and Qiqi could react, had already slashed through the pitch-black gate of hell.




Because of Liu Qianlang's sudden dense covering of the huge pitch-black hell gate, he manipulated the Nine Heavens Immortal Fate Sword Spirit Spirit Sword Dao Dao Sword Curtain to slash wildly, making sky-swallowing loud noises and trembling roars.

Hundreds of millions of immortal swords and dragons, which are also split by the spirit sword of the Nine Heavens Immortal Fate Sword, roared in the sky, and the momentum was terrifying.


At the same time, Liu Qianlang activated the Shenlong Tiandial, Soul Refining Nine Cauldrons, Youlan Guyue, and the ninety-nine and eighty-one Dragon Ball Phoenix Pills.

Liu Qianlang suddenly changed the target of the bombardment, and the speed and ruthlessness of the action caught Qiqi and Qianying Goshawk by surprise.

Before the two Chaos Condors had time to react, Liu Qianlang had already crashed down the pitch-black gate of hell that went from heaven to earth.

The incomparably huge pitch-black gate of hell kept trembling and roaring. Countless jet-black smoke lotuses exploded from it, and then the jet-black clouds poured down from the sky like a raging waterfall.

"Ha ha……"

Liu Qianlang laughed wildly and said, "With the help of the thousand-winged goshawk, we will destroy the eighteen gates of hell immediately!"

Liu Qianlang, holding Lingshan in his hand, surrounded him like a vast emerald sea, holding Lingshan in his hand, the righteous spirits and divine splendor are constantly devouring the evil smoke and evil spirits pouring down from the dark gate of hell.

"Hmph! Oh ha ha! Liu Qianlang, you are wrong,

You can see clearly, am I a thousand-winged goshawk or a dead heart! "

Amidst Liu Qianlang's loud laughter, the thousand-winged goshawk suddenly flew to the side of Xinde who was fighting fiercely with Liu Qianlang in front of the sky. The huge eagle body suddenly turned into Xinde's appearance, and then appeared around him Countless heartbreakers laughed coldly.

"Haha, don't look, I knew you were not a thousand-winged goshawk?"

Liu Qian has completely smashed down the last gate of hell, standing firmly in the dark smoke and raging waves of hell, with white hair flying wildly, sky brocade silk robe and Tunlun cloak shaking, with a calm and unrestrained expression on his face, everything is upright In the spirit of evil spirits.

Hearing the roar of the thousand-winged goshawk that suddenly turned into a dead heart, he smiled dismissively.

"I knew it earlier? You Liu Qianlang knew that I was not a real thousand-winged goshawk, how did you know!?"

Countless people were heartbroken, their pupils were filled with dark and evil smoke, and they asked in unison.

"Thousand-winged Goshawk is the spiritual cavalry of the gods and gods in the heavens. Its owner, Xiu Mu, died in the battle of countless evil gods and gods.

Thousand-winged Goshawk didn't wake up the memory of the heavens before, but now he has already woken up. Seeing you, the god of death, distracted, and the enemy meeting each other, how can you be so peaceful!

Just now, if it was a real thousand-winged goshawk, the moment you let go of it, it would recklessly fly into the sky and kill your feather prosthesis!

If my guess is correct, the so-called Oblivion Holy Spirit you possess is not the real Oblivion Holy Spirit, otherwise why would you create those false black holes that devour Bai Ling!

In the final analysis, in fact, your heart is dying because you are afraid that my righteous boy, Liu Qianlang, wants to use my spiritual pet Qiqi to get close to me and kill me by surprise, but you are clever but you are misunderstood by your cleverness. After you were captured, you were safe and sound, and you accidentally did yourself a disservice!

When I saw you just now, I wanted to kill Qiqi more than once, and then attack me, but you were hesitating, and you were not sure that you would win against me! "

Liu Qianlang said lightly.

"Oh ha ha..."

"Now you know what's the use of this, I killed that thousand-winged goshawk a long time ago in the Thirteen Netherlands Demon Fairyland, and then pretended to help Qiqi, a silly bird, get out of the gate of hell and come to kill you!

Now Yuan Death and Jing Death are gone, and the existence of the eighteen gates of hell is meaningless, so what if you destroy them!

I am heartbroken as long as I kill you, everything will be fine. Not to mention, the Chaos God Spirit of that thousand-winged goshawk is really powerful. Since devouring its aura, the power of the dead demon has multiplied countless times.

Now the whole body is relaxed, the demon power is boundless, nothing else, just want to kill someone! who, oh! Then kill this annoying red bird first! She must have reminded you of something to ruin my plan! "

Countless people in the sky were heartbroken, seeing that Liu Qianlang had destroyed the last gate of hell, but he did not admit defeat, swayed evilly, and smiled evilly.

Then a small red dot appeared in each of their demon hands, covered by the jet-black poisonous surge from their giant hands.


"Father Langer! Brother Qiqi! Help me..."

Sky, Xiaohong shouted in a terrified voice.

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