Nine Heavens

Chapter 1720 Mental Thunderstorm

Chapter 1720 Spiritual Thunderstorm

"Let go of Little Red Dot!"

Qiqi saw that Xiaohongdian was caught by Xinde inexplicably, and couldn't help shouting angrily.


"Chaos Condor! Zhengling boy, I will say it for the last time, hurry back to the five worlds, don't move on, otherwise, this damn red bird will be your fate!"

Numerous heartbroken, sneered in a provocative tone.

"Ha ha……"

"Forget about the death of your heart, you can still use this kind of small plan at this time, little sword, Fu Ling Jian Xiao, go!"

"Yes! Master!"



Liu Qianlang's psychic bright eyes looked into the distance, but his spiritual sense glanced at the little red dots in the hands of countless Xinde, and found that those little red dots were nothing more than illusions of demon spirits, so he called out the little red dots with a smile. sword.

The little sword was commanded, and immediately shot out the Nine Heavens Immortal Fate Spiritual Sword, and then held the Nine Heavens Immortal Fate Sword Spirit Spirit Sword in his hand, chopped out hundreds of millions of fairy swords and dragons, roaring and rushing towards countless souls tens of thousands of miles away.

At the same time, the Dragon Ball Phoenix Pill forces, Shenlong Tiandial, and Youlan Guyue who had previously bombarded the gate of the pitch-black hell also circled in like a whirlwind and shot at the target together.

Then, in the eyes of Liu Qianlang and Qiqi, there was another fierce battle in the sky, countless hearts were smashed and destroyed, and naturally those fake little red spots screamed how miserable they were.

"Cut! Damn devil, am I so ugly, what have you turned me into!?"

At this time, the real little red dot jumped out from Kiki's back, grinned and looked at the countless dying selves in the sky, kicked Kiki angrily and shouted.

"Hey! You kick it casually... I thought?"

Qiqi turned her head and saw Xiao Hongdian losing her temper well on her back, she was feeling scared, and said with a naive smile.

"Liu Qianlang, don't be complacent. It's useless to destroy the eighteen gates of hell. There are still twenty-eight hells. Without sister-in-law Chuan Gezhou and the seven-color lotus, you can't fly out of the twenty-eight hells in your dreams." world!

I don't want to play with you anymore, you stupid things, I hope you will wander forever in the twenty-eight hell worlds! "

The sky burst into roars, and the number of countless dead hearts continued to decrease because of Liu Qianlang's powerful attack, and finally there were no more left.

Then, thousands of miles higher in the sky, there came the unwilling roar of the soul fleeing and escaping.

"Ha ha……"

"Thank you for your reminder, unfortunately, my sister-in-law Chuan Gezhou and Seven-color Shenlian, I have both, and I let you down!

However, you don't have to be sad for too long. After you return to the heaven, get distracted with those Zhong Xing Yuanshen as soon as possible, and it will be convenient for the spirit master to solve it all at once after he ascends to heaven! "

Liu Qianlang, with white hair fluttering around, stood firmly on the Shenlong Tiandial, pouring wine and laughing.

"Liu Qianlang, don't be self-indulgent! You will have sister-in-law Chuan Gezhou, so you are talking nonsense.

Now that the Netherworld Prison no longer exists, the forty-eight sister-in-law boats in the twenty-one yin and yang realms have naturally lost themselves!

There is also the seven-color lotus, which is the enchantment guide spirit flower of Empress Nuwa in the world of gods.

Now Empress Nuwa has been mysteriously missing for 999,990,000 years, and the Seven-Colored Xia Mountain has been sealed by Empress Nuwa, so no one can enter. How can you have the Seven-color God Lotus! ? "

"Haha, if you die in your heart, escape back to the heaven as soon as possible. The spirit master will immediately correct the time and space of the eighteen gates of hell. If it is later, your primordial spirit and soul power will probably be scattered, and you will not be able to go back even if you want to."

Liu Qian laughed loudly when he heard the words, and warned back.

When Liu Qianlang spoke, the hands hovering around his body supported the Lingshan Mountain and roared thousands of miles into the sky.

Then, holding the Lingshan Mountain, it quickly swelled to cover the sky, and the thick green rainbow, from the 100,000 huge hand holding the Lingshan Mountain, flew clouds and clouds, and soon filled the sky!

"Zhengling boy, you, you!"

Xinde was afraid that the mighty hand would engulf the spiritual energy of Lingshan to devour his primordial spirit and demon spirit. Seeing the surging emerald rainbow below, he whimpered and disappeared.

A few days later, Liu Qianlang completed the righteous spirit of the eighteen gates of hell, sealed the ten directions of the human world behind, and then with a thought, all the people from the gates of Langyuan appeared in the shuttle.

And the Shuttle of Crossing was floating on a huge monster ship with pale white bones, and Liu Qianlang stood proudly on the bow.

In front of him is a little girl wearing a rainbow neon dress, holding a seven-color lotus in one hand, stepping on a rainbow damask, accompanied by a monkey beside her, whistling and flying to the once eighteen gates of hell. time and space.

This piece of time and space is endless, and it is full of gray and white tones. As soon as the huge pale bone ship entered, it disappeared.

I don't know how long it will be.

"Everyone is holding hands with each other. Remember that you can only transmit sound with your mind. You can't see and your ears can't hear. With your mind and sensibility, follow Lian'er's guidance!"

In the spiritual world of the twenty-eighth prison world, the pale sister-in-law Chuan Gezhou is moving in a strange way, and everyone falls into inexplicable loneliness and hopelessness.

Liu Qianlang reminded everyone because of his previous experience in the eighteen gates of hell.

"Brother Qiqi! Woohoo——"

Although Xiao Hong Dian'er heard Liu Qianlang's reminder, but looked around, she couldn't see anyone around her, nor could she hear any sound, so she couldn't help crying with fear in her heart.

However, no one heard her cry, let alone paid any attention to it. Although all the people in Langyuanmen knew that everyone was in Sister-in-law Chuange's boat, they felt that they were separated from the world!

"Dian Dian, don't be afraid, you have always been on my back, sensing Lian'er's heartbeat with your heart, we will soon fly out of the twenty-eight hells!"

Qiqi was worried that Xiaohong was afraid, so she sent her voice to Xiaodian.


"Brother Qiqi, I'm afraid!"

Hearing Qiqi's mind transmission, Xiaohong burst into tears instantly.

"Don't be afraid, take a little time, sleep peacefully, and we will win when we wake up."

Qiqi continued to comfort Xiaohongdianer.


Hearing the words, Xiaohong gradually calmed down, and tried her best to drill deep into Kiki's wings, because of fear and fatigue, she really fell asleep slowly.

Then, in fact, the entire sister-in-law boat, except Liu Qianlang and the eight beloved wives, Cheng Yuanfang, and the seven Tianling sisters all fell asleep.

People who are asleep are confused and don't know where they are, and where their dreams are.

Those who are awake are always paying attention to the flying situation of the invisible Lian'er.

Lian'er was flying non-stop, and the only colorful light in the space that seemed to be absent was flickering strangely. However, only Liu Qianlang and Cheng Yuanfang behind him could see this luminous color.

"Qianlang, are you sure that when we walk out of the twenty-eight hells, we can go back in time, travel back to the starting point, and destroy them?"

Cheng Yuanfang asked Liu Qianlang via voice transmission.

"Of course we can, but if we do that, maybe we will never find Sister Juan and the others!

I have left the spiritual thunderstorms of hundreds of millions of souls I have refined along the way. When we fly out of the twenty-eight hells, as long as I detonate the spiritual thunderstorm, the twenty-eight hells behind us will disappear instantly.

It's just that we never seem to be able to go back to the five worlds again! "

Liu Qianlang replied.

"Then, what about the time boat controlled by Yaya and all five people in the world?"

Cheng Yuanfang asked urgently.

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