Nine Heavens

Chapter 1721 Dual Energy World

Chapter 1721 Dual Energy World

"They have already entered the Mind, Soul, and Spirit Time Divine Way that I have already cultivated successfully. As long as they don't get out of the time travel shuttle, when we walk out of the twenty-eight hells, we will naturally meet them."

Liu Qianlang glanced back at Cheng Yuanfang who was behind him based on his feeling, and said in a voice transmission.


"Hunnian Spiritual Time Divine Way? Could it be that Qianlang also created a spiritual existence similar to the eighteen gates of hell and the twenty-eight hell worlds? How did Qianlang do it?"

Cheng Yuanfang asked in a surprised tone.

"Yes, but the spiritual world I created is only at the stage of traveling through time and space. And it is only the existence of Mingling spirit.

Using a special artifact like the time boat, we can travel freely in any time and space in the Mingling world, without being limited by the start and end, time and space.

From the starting point to any Mingling space-time node, as long as we want, we can arrive in an instant, or as fast or as slow as our soul desires.

My motivation to create this kind of soul-mind, spiritual time, and time since I, Shui'er, Miao Yan and the others began to go on the road of searching for the soul-refining nine tripods.

I hope to create a way that one day, all the disciples of our Langyuan Sect can escape any form of tangible disaster in the heaven, and find a unique way to go straight to the spirit of the heaven.

In this way, we can at least suffer much less physical pain.

As for how to do it, it's because I found that no matter in the five human worlds, or in the world of immortals and ghosts, the divine power we face can generally be divided into two aspects.

Vast tangible physical divine power and powerful invisible spiritual divine power.

The so-called immortal skills and Taoism of our monks is to do our best to control these two kinds of divine power, especially the former.

However, no matter how vast the physical divine power we control, it cannot penetrate the extremely powerful world of spiritual divine power.

Just like the inner world of the eighteen hell gates and the inner world of the twenty-eight hells created by the death of the heart, the death of the yuan and the death of the essence.

If we don't have my continuous strengthening of the soul power level of the waves, the shuttle of crossing, the boat of sister-in-law, the golden arrow of the spirit of killing evil from afar, etc., we will always be the same as our predecessors, and we will never be able to survive between the eighteen hell gates and Within the twenty-eight hells, let alone past.

But on the other hand, if we have mastered the spiritual supernatural power, if necessary, we can transform all the physical and spiritual factors into virtual and soul, so that the substance can become spiritual, and then we can fly freely in the spiritual world.

Wait for us to pass through the spiritual world we want to live, and then restore the physical body, so that neither the real time and space nor the pure spiritual world is an obstacle for us to overcome.

In the distance, do you still remember that I created the Niangshan Milky Sea and the infinite life cycle domain in the five worlds? Eternal life without accidental casualties has been realized for any life, and it is eternally disease-free and pain-free.

These are all done by using the powerful soul refining ability of the soul refining Jiuding after I understand the two great gods.

The so-called longevity, there are three possibilities in principle, one is to keep the physical body forever young and immortal!

One is to let the physical body age, as long as the spirit is intact and unbroken, that is, the distracted obsession of the primordial spirit always exists in time and space as a whole, and a new physical body can be found to continue to survive, such as the monk's inferior behavior of seizing the house.

There is another kind, which is to achieve the free transformation of one's own spiritual power and physical power. Moreover, during the transformation process, the low-level essence or bad factors of mental energy can be eliminated at any time, so as to achieve eternal youth in the true sense.

The first possibility exists only among our cultivators who are pursuing immortality, and there are not many of them. After all, the number of cultivators who have the opportunity to take miraculous pills such as Eternal Green Pill is limited. Most of the cultivators and ordinary people have no chance at all.

And as far as elixir such as Eternal Green Pill is concerned, even if it is taken, it does not realize the immortality of the two great divine power worlds of the entire universe in the true sense.

For example, we have all taken Evergreen Pill, and we can achieve immortality in the real world of divine power, but once we enter the world of spiritual divine power, we will immediately age and die.

Far away, do you know what the seven sisters of Tianling should fear most in the eighteen gates of hell? "

Liu Qianlang paused for a while and asked Cheng Yuanfang.


Cheng Yuanfang thought for a moment, but asked without an answer.

"The hideous faces of themselves rapidly aging within the eighteen gates of hell."

When he said these words, Liu Qianlang felt a strange feeling of pain rekindled in his heart.

Liu Qianlang will never forget the horrified expressions of the seven beloved daughters when they saw each other's wrinkles and aging at the eighteen gates of hell.

At that time, regardless of everything, he split his soul into their soul sea, erasing this memory before he soon turned into a celestial beast.

But even so, after the Tianling Seven Sisters came out, there would still be indescribable fear in their hearts and minds for a short time.


"So that's it, I said why when the seven sisters of Tianling mentioned the experience of the eighteen gates of hell, they all turned pale with fright!

It's no wonder that the seven beautiful children suddenly saw each other turned into old and ugly old women, how could they not be afraid! "

Cheng Yuanfang felt sorry for the Tianling Seven Sisters for a while.

"The second method of longevity is to try to keep the original spirit and soul obsessed after the physical body is destroyed, and to seek parasitic variants.

It's like a monk's act of seizing a house. However, this kind of behavior obviously abandoned the old body, and only achieved spiritual immortality, not the physical body.

And it is only limited to ascetics, and the act of seizing homes is neither humane nor advanced. Not to mention that the cultivation base of the seized house is lower than before, and the target can be a human or a beast.

Such so-called longevity is neither fish nor fowl, nor is it the realization of real longevity.

Only the third type, which realizes the free and high-quality transformation of self-spirit and body, is the real longevity.

However, this kind of longevity, including all the original immortal gods in the chaotic universe, and the evil gods of the heavenly palace, there is no existence that can achieve it.

As for us, we still only rely on Yongqing Dan and the state between the second.

As for the Niangshan milk sea in the five worlds, it was transformed with the help of the spirit flowers and herbs in the middle. "

Liu Qianlang continued to explain.

"So, if we don't have the boat of sister-in-law, the shuttle that travels through, and the spirit of soul, spirit, time, and divine way that spreads around us to protect the body, we will not be able to cross the twenty-eight hells at all, right? "

Cheng Yuanfang seemed to have understood everything Liu Qianlang said, and said.

"That's exactly the way it is, before we realize the true immortality of the physical body in the two worlds of divine power, that's the only way to go.

We can't separate the spirit, supernatural power, divine way, Linghua, sister-in-law Chuangezhou, and Linghao who travels through the shuttle to appreciate the real world in the twenty-eight hells.

Perhaps, this place is not what we feel now, the gray and endless state everywhere, in fact, it may be very beautiful! It's just that our vision of the real divine energy space-time cannot see it. "

Liu Qianlang sighed a little.

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