Nine Heavens

Chapter 1724 6021 billion years later

Chapter 1724 6021 billion years later

There are gusts of clear wind in the world, carrying the morning sun and colorful clouds, floating in the sky, Liu Qianlang sucks the long-lost taste of the world, his heart is moving, and his soul is refreshing!

"Hehe, yes! Unexpectedly, we went deep into seventy-seven forty-nine layers of hell, but returned to the starting point at the end. This is really beyond our imagination.

It seems that our ghost hell is not at the bottom of our five worlds as we used to think, but in the package of our five worlds.

We finally came out, Lian'er accelerated her flight, Daddy was going to detonate a mental thunderstorm and completely destroy the twenty-eight hells! "

Liu Qianlang activated the psychic eyesight, raised his eyesight to hundreds of billions of breaths, looked at the magnificent rivers and mountains in the first human world, especially the familiar Cangshan Mountain and Longyun Mountain, and said with infinite emotion.

"Yes! Daddy!"

Lian'er also smelled the familiar smell of Qingliuheguo, the first person in the world, especially Qianque Lake in Jindu, and responded happily.

Then cheered: "Mom! I saw Qianque Lake, and I can see the nine sisters Lian again, right?"

"My dear daughter, have we really returned to the first world?"

Shuang'er, the Great Emperor of Frost Sky, with tears in his eyes, thought of the nine righteous daughters whom he had regretted parting with, and now they could see each other again. Weeping with joy, he asked in disbelief.

"It's true, Shuang'er, we have really returned to the first world, our homeland!"

Looking back, Liu Qianlang affirmed excitedly as he inspected all the members of Sister-in-law Chuange Zhouzhonglangyuanmen, which was tens of thousands of feet tall.

At the same time, Liu Qianlang unceremoniously aroused the mental thunderstorm, and after a while, he heard indescribably strange sounds from the depths of the infinitely distant twenty-eight hells.

In just an instant, waves of turbulent waves surged from behind Sister-in-law Chuangezhou, the infinitely vast spiritual force world, and the wave of mental explosive force suddenly pushed Sister-in-law Chuangezhou out of the Yang Chasing Prison Realm.


When Sister-in-law Chuangezhou was pushed into the depths of the first human world for billions of miles, Sister-in-law Chuangezhou suddenly made a low whistling sound, and then collapsed as the mission was completed.

With the help of Collapsing Lihao, the traversing shuttle on it, carrying the people of Langyuanmen, suddenly soared above the sky of hundreds of millions of miles in the first human world.

Then Liu Qianlang and all the people from Langyuanmen saw the invisible twenty-eight prison realms, and finally disappeared with the infinite power and madness, and at the same time, they turned into blue stars and flew to the sky.

"Qianlang, the five worlds have never been locked up and killed by the ghost world, right?"

Cheng Yuanfang sighed with nostalgia for the countless ancestors of the three-eyed mad wolf who had accompanied him.

Liu Qianlang, with white hair flying wildly and rainbows shining in his eyes, looked down at Cangshan Mountain and Longyun Mountain, which are hundreds of millions of miles high in the sky, with billowing clouds and mist, nodded and said:

"Yes, among the Seven Realms and Nine Realms, our Langyuan Sect wiped out the Ghost Realm, Soul Realm, Primordial Spirit Realm, and Lingxuan Realm! From now on, there will be no ghosts in the world!

However, there are still ghosts and immortals in the heavens. Ghosts and gods exist. They must hate us to death! "


"Daddy, no way! Aren't there all gods and gods in the heavens? Why do I have ghosts in the heavens!"

Lian Er, who successfully led the way for the Langyuan Sect army, was surrounded by her sisters around Liu Qianlang at this time, opened her big watery eyes, and asked in amazement.

"Hehe, these are also my father's guesses, I hope it's best not to, whether there are, we will know in the future!

We finally succeeded in destroying the seventy-nine levels of hell, which is very difficult and fortunate!

Such good news, Tianling Seventh Sisters, hurry up and contact your senior sisters and tell them that we are coming back to see them! "

Liu Qianlang looked down at Cangshan Mountain and Longyun Mountain, his heart was ups and downs, and the past was vivid in his memory.

Suddenly thinking of his beloved disciple Yaya, his son Liu Yun, Yun Zhongzi and other close friends from the same sect of the Twelve Shocking Heaven Peaks in Longyun Mountain, he said excitedly.


Tianling Seventh Sister heard the words, thinking that she could finally see the master sister Yaya, everyone was overjoyed, and immediately responded to the sound to activate their soul thoughts, calling for the Langyuan Gate of Cangshan Mountain in Yunyun and the Xuanling Gate of Longyun Mountain.

After sending out the soul thoughts of the seven beloved daughters, Liu Qianlang, Cheng Yuanfang, the Seven Tianling Sisters, Liu Qianlang's eight beloved wives, the Eight Great Immortal Sword Guardians, etc., and all the forces of the Miracle Wave Yuanmen looked at the two mountains with infinite excitement. , waiting for a response.

Especially Liu Qianlang, summoned nine pure white wine clouds, and Cheng Yuanfang, seven brother protectors including Tianhen Gudao among the eight guardians of the fairy sword, ninety-nine and eighty-one dragons, and his fellow Taoists who are good at wine, all It's bursts of laughter, drinking and drinking, just waiting for the response from the old friends and relatives of the old country to pick us up!

Liu Qianlang's white hair flew wildly, splashing wine and splashing the waves, through the hops and flowers, Liu Qianlang seemed to see the figures of his son Liu Yun and his beloved disciple Yaya who should be his daughter-in-law flying in hand in hand.

For the first time since Liu Qianlang entered the fairy gate, he completely relaxed his vigilance, drank fine wine, and had happy dreams.


In the joy of soul thoughts, Liu Qianlang seemed to hear the immature snail sound played by his beloved disciple Yaya when she was a child.

After several hours.

"Huh? What's the matter, elder sister, elder brother Yun, and Uncle Yunzhong, why are they ignoring us?"

Liusha was wearing a dark and shining neon dress, with eyes full of doubts, she looked around at the sisters and asked.

Tianling and other sisters also looked blank. They had sent out several rounds of summons, but they never responded.

"That's not right! Why is the returned spiritual information so cold, without any warmth of spiritual life?"

"Oh! Could it be that the Jiufang universe that Uncle Yuanfang said has been destroyed!"

"Then how come, we are in the Nine Directions Universe. If the Nine Directions Universe is destroyed, how can we still talk here? We would have died along with it!"

"Then what's the matter? If Senior Sister and Brother Yun are here, it is impossible not to respond to our soul call."

"Is the entire mountain gate closed?"

"This is even more impossible. It's not just Elder Sister and Brother Yun who didn't respond. I sent soul calls to the Goddess of the Eastern Sky Ocean, the Goddess Gate of Shandao, and the Western Shura Temple, but there was no response.

snort! How heartless! It's been less than half a year since we left, and we've all been forgotten!

Had I known this, Dad and Uncle Yuanfang shouldn't have built some kind of fairy tower for them back then!

It's good now, we just happened to break out of the twenty-eight hells, came here to see them, and they didn't see us, I was so mad! "

The last words were spoken by Lian Er.

"My God! Uncle Guodi, you are decadent. Although the immortal wine is delicious, it is not as good as you!

It's no wonder that big sister Yaya dare not respond to you. With you like this, which fairy gate in the world dares to entertain you? A jar of holy spirit fairy wine will make the entire gate poor! "

Xiaohongdian squatted on Qiqi's back, Qiqi squatted on Liu Qianlang's haircut, Xiaohongdian's whole body was washed dizzy by the splash of wine splashed by Liu Qianlang, the boss said unhappily.

"Not good! We have not returned to the original first human world, but have come to the first human world 6021 billion years later!"

Cheng Yuanfang heard the words of Tianling Seventh Sisters and Xiaohong Dian'er, and suddenly tasted the infinitely rich, but also very desolate flavor of the first human spirit.

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