Nine Heavens

Chapter 1725

Chapter 1725


"Uncle Yuanfang, what are you talking about? How did we come to the first human world in 6021 billion years? We haven't stayed in the twenty-eight prison world for long?

Not to mention 6,021 billion years, even a year! "

Xiaoying, the daughter of Liu Qianlang and Princess Qinghua, her eyes were full of horror, she looked back at her mother and the other seven master mistresses, and then looked at Cheng Yuanfang who was on the 7 Dark Wolf Castle and asked.

"This Uncle Yuanfang doesn't know too much, and Yuanfang can't be sure, it's just a guess, let's listen to your father!"

Seeing Xiaoying's shocked expression, Cheng Yuanfang replied.

"Go to Cangshan immediately!"

Liu Qianlang suddenly put away the nine clouds of pure white wine, his complexion suddenly changed, his complexion was solemn, and he let out a loud cry.

The soul thought was flying, and the next moment, Liu Qianlang's shuttle and the dark wolf castle on which Cheng Yuanfang put the shuttle had appeared, above the Cangshan Mountain in the first world.

Cangshan Mountain is still the same, the three main peaks, Qingcang Peak, Qingqiong Peak and Qingyu Peak, piercing the clouds and mist for hundreds of millions of miles, are infinitely majestic.

Liu Qianlang was incapable in the past and couldn't appreciate the wonders of Cangshan Mountain, but now he is watching the sea.

The first nine famous mountains in the world of earth immortals are divided into nine levels from bottom to top according to the strength of earth immortal monks.

Liu Qianlang didn't know about this when he first entered the mountain gate, but he only learned about it later as he gained more experience in cultivation.

The lowest level is the first level of the Earth Immortal, and the Cangshan Mountain that the Earth Immortal monks face is 90,000 Renmin.

From now on, every time one level of cultivation level is raised, the Cangshan Mountain will be increased by 90,000 ren, until it reaches the ninth level of the earth immortal, the psychic peak, which Liu Qianlang and others can see now.

Back then, Liu Qianlang's Cangshan Langyuan Gate was only at the height of 180,000 renmin, which belonged to the second level of the earth immortal.

The scene of Cangshan Mountain further up, Langyuanmen, including Liu Qianlang, had never been seen before.

At the peak of any of the nine famous mountains, the earth immortal monks of this level can enter all areas of the spirit world and eventually become spirit immortals.

However, Liu Qianlang's Langyuan army obviously did not develop according to the normal law, and did not rise gradually, but directly penetrated into the ghost world.

Today's entire Langyuanmen army has already reached or exceeded the level of Lingxian.

It is rumored that there are 80,000 clans in nine thousand domains in the spirit world, and the seventy-seven and forty-nine levels of hell that Liu Qianlang broke through alone and Lang Yuan Tongmen destroyed are nothing but the ghost race in the spirit world.

There are also countless spiritual clans in the spiritual domain, Liu Qianlang has never entered.

However, the Nether Spirit Race can be described as the most terrifying existence in the entire spirit world.

After destroying the Nether Spirit Clan, Liu Qianlang's entire Langyuan army was upgraded to Lingxian without exception.

But this is only in terms of strength, so far, the 80,000 clans of the nine thousand prisons have not publicly admitted it. Liu Qianlang has not yet learned about their specific location.

Because since they are clans in the spirit world, they all have their own spirits in the Mysterious Realm, and the existence of the Mysterious Realm will not be disturbed by the five human races.

Liu Qianlang, with white hair flying wildly, hunting in silver clothes, surrounded by his beloved wife, daughter, and Dharma protector brothers on the shuttle, looking down at the former Langyuan Mountain Gate, which is nearly a million feet high, the excitement in his heart cannot be expressed in words.

Haoyang is in the sky, that beautiful Cangsanfeng Langyuan Gate Hundred Thousand Palaces still shone with a familiar taste.

However, the powerful spiritual consciousness that came back told me that, just like what the seven beloved daughters said, there was not a single person in the whole Langyuan Hundred Thousand Palace.

Liu Qianlang didn't believe that the first human world had completely become a time and space without spiritual life, so he exerted the nine chaotic divine powers in his body to an unprecedented level, and filled all areas of all five human worlds with spiritual consciousness.

However, the results Liu Qianlang received were all the same. In the five worlds, except for his army of Lingxian Langyuan, there was no one at all, not even various forms of spiritual life such as spirit flowers and weeds.

"Could they all perish!"

Such an idea suddenly popped up in Liu Qianlang's mind. After thinking about it, even he was shocked and frightened!

Such a fact, Liu Qianlang couldn't accept it no matter what.

Even if I and everyone came to the five worlds 6021 billion years later, this is not the reason for the death of all spiritual lives in the five worlds!

If this is really the case, then what's the point of all my pain and effort in destroying the ghost world!

The human order established in the five worlds that I once left, could it be that all of them have also disappeared! There is also a gratifying result of my struggle-the fact that five people in the world will live forever and have no disease! How could there be the ending now! ?

Liu Qianlang couldn't accept the ending in front of him, nor could he understand it, his face was pale, and he fell into boundless pain.

In a short period of time, Liu Qianlang controlled the Shuttle of Crossing, and led all the Langyuan army, to successively patronize the five worlds of mothers, mountains, and seas of milk.

Niangshan milk sea I am still, the breeze of Niangshan mountain is warm and warm, the water of milk sea is sweet and delicious.

But I just can't see all the spiritual figures in any human world.

In the end, Liu Qianlang led the army of Lang Yuan, and returned to Tai Cang Peak, the Twelve Shocking Peaks of Longyun Mountain in the first human world, with infinite anxiety.

Liu Qianlang wants to remember the road he has traveled here.

For many days, Liu Qianlang sat alone on the cangya rock protruding thousands of miles out of the desolate Taicang Palace, letting the waves of the Taicang River wash away the flying sky, and his mind was racing.

Cheng Yuanfang was silent, standing on top of the pitch-black Wolf Fort, surrounded by the twelve startling peaks of Longyun Mountain, thinking about what to do in the future.

Liu Qianlang's beloved wives, under the guidance of Miaoyan, Yun Qianmeng, and Palace Master Qinghua, looked around and listened to the touching memories of the three of them.

The Tianling Seven Sisters are better, leading Hongxian, Xiaomei, Lin'er, Little Devil, Five-color Lingshen Linger, and Three-color Huowa, even at this moment, they are still very happy.

Because in their hearts, no matter what, the sisters are with each other after all, and their parents are well! As for the others, apart from missing the elder sister Yaya and Brother Yun, some familiar elders, that's all.

Yaya, will they really perish?

Elder sister Liu Juan, brother Song Zhen, younger sister Shi Feng, looking for the dark emperor, Yue Lan and the others lost contact like this?

Could it be that all of this was really caused by the final explosion of the Nine Fangs universe's extreme spiritual life and spirit element! ?

However, if the Jiufang universe really perishes, why do I and the hundreds of Langyuan army spirit generals still exist?

Also, if something happened to Yun'er after Yaya, why didn't Yaya blow the conch for help.

There is a trace of his own seven-color fate soul sealed in the Mitian conch, no matter where he is, as long as Yaya summons him, he will definitely be able to get it emotionally.

However, what happened in the five worlds? It turned out to be extremely gorgeous and beautiful everywhere, but none of them had any spiritual life!

Time flies, Liu Qianlang sits cross-legged in the clouds and sprays, and spends day after day, month after month, year after year...

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