Nine Heavens

Chapter 1729 Dieyuan Spirit Realm

Chapter 1729 Butterfly Spirit Realm

"Nine Swords, now that the five worlds are completely dark, I will thank you for performing the Ziyang Divine Art and the Demonic Dragon Eye Transformation Moon Divine Art.

Ziyang rises into the sky, and the blue demon moon flows into the sky, let's restore the light of the five worlds for the time being!

Then we try to recreate the five human sun, moon and stars. "


Jiujian and Fairy Zixia agreed at the same time, then waved their sleeves at the same time, and as they groaned, Ziyang and Moyilongyan quickly shot into the sky.

Not long after, the sky and the earth suddenly became bright, and everyone looked up at the east sky, where the purple sun was shining, and the blue magic moon, for the time being, was indistinguishable, among the clouds and mists in the west sky.


"Sister-in-law Nine Swords, you are so powerful! Even the sun in the sky can be replaced with magical skills, can you teach Lian'er this kind of magical skills!"

Lian'er looked at the beautiful purple sun in the eastern sky, and the lavender auspicious clouds flying everywhere in the sky and earth, couldn't help but envy, and asked loudly.

"Hmph! No way! Father and mother can only teach my good daughter me! You are not father and mother's daughters, you can't!"

As soon as Lian finished speaking, she immediately heard a little boy shouting in a childish voice.


This voice was very similar to Blue Butterfly's voice when she was a child, and immediately aroused the curiosity of the Seventh Tianling Sisters.

Looking at the sound, he couldn't help laughing. It turned out to be a little boy in lavender clothes standing on Zixia Fairy's shoulders and shouting.

"Yang'er! Don't be rude! Now that you're here, you haven't seen the two spirit masters that your mother and father told you about, the eight great Dharma protectors, and the head spirit mothers!

My lords, please also invite Haihan, this is the yang spirit born of Zixia and Ziyang, very naughty. "

Zixia Fairy looked embarrassed and explained with a smile.

"Oh! What are the superiors and inferiors, aren't they just some old men and old ladies, hee hee! Yang'er has seen the superiors and inferiors!"

Upon hearing this, Yang'er stared at Liu Qianlang, Cheng Yuanfang, the Eight Great Immortal Sword Guardians and Liu Qianlang's beloved wives with flashing purple eyes for a while, but looked at Tianling Qi The sister felt much more comfortable, so she giggled, turned around and pouted her buttocks to face the crowd, bowed to her shoulders and said.

"Ha ha……"

This action of his instantly made everyone in Langyuanmen laugh, including Liu Qianlang and Cheng Yuanfang, who couldn't help laughing.


"The seven sisters are so beautiful! If you want to learn from my mother's Ziyang magic skill and Daddy Nine Swords' magical dragon eye magic moon magic skill, you can just accompany me to Niangshan Ruhai to play."

After Yang'er gave the gift, she turned around, put her small arms around Fairy Zixia's locks and said a lot, Tianling 1 especially Lian'er, Lan'er, and the weird little golden monkey Xiaoliu.

"Okay! I'm also thinking of Xiaoliu going back to Niangshan Ruhai to have a look."

When Lian Er heard the words, she immediately agreed happily.


Next, with the effort of teacups, the Tianling Seventh Sisters and Yang'er became close friends, and Yang'er flew to the Seventh Sisters, chatting hotly.

When Jiujian and Fairy Zixia saw each other, they had no choice but to smile back and let him mess around.

"Hehe, my lords, now there is a purple sun and a demon moon shining in the five worlds, and the darkness is gone for now. As for other important matters, let's go back to the Dieyuan Spiritual Realm first."

Nine Swords looked up at the sky, suddenly the inexplicable darkness had risen with the purple sun, and the tide submerged into the sky like the sea receded, he said with a smile.

"That's the only way to go. After meeting the venerables of Hele Xianmen, let's discuss various matters together. From afar, you Dharma protectors are listed as beloved wives. What do you think Liulu Lingshuai thinks?"

"Well, I would like to obey the ruling of the head master!"

Everyone in the Langyuanmen almost responded in unison when they heard the words.

"Lao Jiujian and Fairy Ziyang will lead the way!"

"Everyone, come in with us!"

Nine Swords and Fairy Ziyang did not need to go through a long journey before they could reach the Die Yuan mentioned by Nine Swords, as everyone in Langyuan Sect had imagined.

But Jiu Jian just turned around, stretched out his arms and waved behind him, and everyone saw a hole several feet high appeared in the void.

Inside the entrance of the cave, there is a magnificent blue sky, long white clouds, and a beautiful paradise full of auspicious birds, which is completely different from the outside of the cave.


The seven sisters of Tianling hadn't seen such a beautiful scene for a long time, and they all exclaimed!


"Grandma Diehuang's Dieyuan spiritual realm is beautiful, come with me in, you all can sit on my sister's and my moon boat."

"Yue'er, come here quickly and pick us up. Look, we have seven more beautiful sisters!"

Yang'er Yijiujian's father opened the Dieyuan spiritual realm passage and shouted inside.

"Hey! Okay, brother Yanger, I'm playing hide-and-seek with some butterfly fish, they are so cunning, squatting under the clouds, they can't come out.

Little Butterflyfish, let's play by yourself first, I'm going to pick up Brother Yang'er! "

Yang'er's shout fell, and a string of sweet and tender laughter immediately came from the passageway of Dieyuan Spiritual Realm.

Afterwards, the Seven Tianling Sisters saw a little girl wearing a blue cloud skirt, not more than a foot tall, floating towards the entrance of Dieyuan Spiritual Realm in a golden crescent-shaped moon boat.

"Sister Yue'er, don't go, play with us!"

Behind the curved golden moon, more than a dozen golden scale fish with butterfly wings of various colors flashing, with bright and clear eyes, opened their mouths and shouted.

Seeing the golden moon boat appear, Yang'er first shot into the channel of Dieyuan Spiritual Realm, landed on the golden moon boat, and greeted the Tianling Seventh Sisters.


Seeing the two little people on the golden moon boat, and the beautiful butterfly fish behind the moon boat, Lianer and Laner sisters have already liked it so much, they cheered and flew up hand in hand, and then excited again shouted Tianling Five Sisters.

After all, the five Tianling sisters were a bit older, and they first greeted the elders behind them, as well as fairies Nine Swords and Ziyang, before they flew in happily.

After a while, I saw Tianling Seven Sisters on two little guys, one at the bow and one at the stern, using a pendulum to control the golden moon boat drifting away.

Afterwards, Liu Qianlang and the others saw all kinds of flying spirit weapons flying from Dieyuan Ling territory. Like a sky full of clouds.

There are emerald and rich lotus leaves, huge white and flawless feathers, soft and fluffy white clouds, blue waves with neon flashes, pearls with bright red rays, magic carpets with flying rainbows, and various spiritual flowers with swirling lights, Countless spiritual boats of various forms...

The gorgeous void is amazing.

"Now there are 80,000 clans in the 9,000 domains of the spirit world, except for the 8,999 domains and 79,999 clans of the Nether Spirit Clan that have already perished, all of them have bowed to Dieyuan Diehuang.

The spirits, demons and demons of the spirit race all abandon their demons and return to the immortals, pursuing righteous spirits and great benevolence. When they come to the Dieyuan Spiritual Realm, you don't need to be vigilant.

It's good to take away the fairy artifacts and spirit treasures, take the spiritual artifacts such as Dieyuan Spiritual Realm, and take a look at the scenery along the way to the Holy Land of the Linghuang. "

Nine Swords and Fairy Ziyang stood on the side of the entrance of Dieyuan Spiritual Realm, standing on the side of the entrance of Dieyuan Spiritual Realm, stepping on the Nine Heavens Immortal Fate Sword and Fairy Ziyang. Seeing Liu Qianlang's controller turned into a shuttle, he naturally looked majestic as if he was facing an enemy, and smiled.


"Ha ha……"

"Isn't that right? We're here to meet old friends and meet new ones. This is too serious. The Wolf Fort is accepted in the distance, and I also accept the Shuttle of Time Travel. Everyone can choose the spirit weapon at will."

Liu Qian laughed heartily and ordered.

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