Nine Heavens

Chapter 1730 Dieyuan Three Realms

Chapter 1730 Dieyuan Three Realms

Afterwards, Liu Qianlang signaled Nine Swords and Fairy Zixia to lead the way, and everyone rushed into the Dieyuan Spiritual Realm.

They each chose their favorite spirit weapon, surrounded Liu Qianlang, Cheng Yuanfang and other high-ranking officials in front of them, looking around curiously, and galloping under the guidance of Nine Swords and Fairy Zixia.

"This Dieyuan Spiritual Realm is really a paradise, just a Dieyuan is like this, all the nine thousand realms of the spirit world, how amazing are the eighty thousand races!"

Liu Qianlang's eight beloved wives are all flower bodies, so they are naturally close to the petals of various spiritual flowers, so they each choose a beautiful petal, float on it, look around with joy, and are amazed.

Miao Yan looked at the rainbow-colored clouds in the sky, even the sun, moon and stars in the sky were rainbow-colored. In addition, the colorful birds were singing and the colorful butterflies were dancing in the space below, and she couldn't help but praise.

"Hehe, all the heads and respected ladies, what you said is true. Don't say how beautiful the eight thousand races in the nine thousand domains of the spirit world are, the beauty of Die Yuan is beyond count!"

Fairy Zixia, who was leading the way ahead, heard Liu Qianlang's beloved wives praising the beauty of Die Yuan, and the beauty looked back and answered.


"Xianxia Zixia, let Jiujian lead the way by himself, come here, can you tell us about Die Yuan in detail?"

Pa'er stepped on a piece of pure white petals, surrounded by her own pear blossoms, waving her Fan of Floating Stars and Cracking Clouds, and greeted Fairy Zixia.

"Haha, all the head wives like you, why don't you go?"

Jiu Jian hurriedly urged his beloved wives beside him, Fairy Ziyang blushed and smiled, Pingting flew to Liu Qianlang's seven beloved wives.


"Where did the Nine Swords get such a stupid blessing? Come on, tell us about the allusion to Die Yuan?"

Liu Qianlang's eight beloved wives raised their hands to pick up Fairy Zixia, and then looked at her and sighed.

The female disciples of Langyuan Sect, such as the Four Great Immortal Saber Guardians, the Guardians of Dragon Balls, the Guardians of Nine Nine Eighty-one Immortal Phoenix and Phoenix Pill, etc., are all interested when Fairy Zixia tells the history of Dieyuan.

Colorful clouds followed each other, surrounding Liu Qianlang's seven beloved wives and Fairy Zixia.

"Ha ha……"

Behind them, Liu Qianlang, Cheng Yuanfang, the Four Great Immortal Sword Guardians, Aoyue Kuangsword Bingjinlang, Chasing Soul and Suoyue Sword, Killing Mogong, Tianhen Gudao Huanlangzi, and Feiying Canxin Sword Chao Jiufeng.

Ninety-nine and eighty-one dragons, and all the other male disciples of the Langyuan sect, saw the woman in front of them chattering and joking, they were very relieved, and they all burst into laughter.

Liu Qianlang and Cheng Yuanfang listened carefully to Fairy Zixia's words amidst everyone's laughter:

"Actually, what I know about Die Yuan is nothing more than hearsay.

I heard from some Die fairies here that Die Yuan is divided into three realms: Love Dust Realm, Soul Transformation Realm and Wuhen Realm.

Lianchen Jie means that he is still deeply attached to the five worlds.

This realm has the most butterfly fairies, and is also the most beautiful. The colorful butterflies we see now are all beautiful butterfly fairies.

Apart from butterfly fairies, the world of love dust has the most beautiful scenery.

You see, the sun, moon, and clouds in the sky are all colorful.

The mountains and rivers on the earth, the mountains are gorgeous and beautiful jade, and the water is the color of clear ice.

In the world of soul transformation, the biggest characteristic is simplicity and elegance. The body of Diexian who can achieve great success in immortality and enter the world of soul transformation will change from a gorgeous state to a single-color shimmering body state.

The sky, sun, and moon in the Soul Transformation Realm are all of a single color, and everything on the earth is also in a state of simplicity, but the divine power contained in it is countless times that of the Love Chen Realm!

As for the Wuhen Realm, it is rumored that there are very few butterfly immortals in it, and everything in it is as invisible as if there is no trace, and there are all mysterious and unpredictable existences.

For example, Jiujian and I were appreciated by the Butterfly Emperor, and we were appointed as dual guardian envoys outside the Wuhen Boundary, and we were on duty outside the Wuhen Boundary.

Even though it has been more than 6021 billion years now, I have never entered the Wuhen Realm, and I have never seen how strange it is in the Wuhen Realm! "

"Oh! I didn't expect the spirit world to be so mysterious. Fairy Zixia, that's strange. You, Jiujian, and the five people from the Human World and the Lexian Sect are not from Dieyuan.

It stands to reason that it is already a favor for them to accept you for refuge, so why would they give you official positions? "

Hearing what Zixia Fairy said, Princess Jinling sighed.

"This is mainly because of our emerald soul master.

Back then, when the five mortal worlds underwent drastic changes, Immortal Lord Yaya carried all five mortal worlds and fellow Taoists from Lexianmen to Die Yuan in the spiritual world on the boat of time. agreed to receive.

At that time, the 80,000 races in the nine thousand worlds were at odds with each other in the spirit world, and Die Yuan was very repulsive of any forces outside of Die Yuan.

When Yaya entered Dieyuan alone and asked for refuge, she was directly rejected by the three butterfly emperors of the Three Realms.

However, at that time, Immortal Lord Yaya had already planned to manipulate the time boat to go deep into the inexplicable time and space beyond the five human worlds to pursue the five human beings, so she begged hard and persistently.

He also helped Dieyuan Spiritual Realm to defeat most of the spirit clans in the spiritual realm, and finally moved the butterfly emperors of the three realms, and promised all the five mortal Hele Xianmen Taoists to set up camps and settle in the outer edge of the Love Dust Realm in Dieyuan Spiritual Realm. Reiki protection.

Of course, this is not very safe. Later, the Butterfly King of the Wuhen Realm accidentally saw the time boat, and secretly summoned Immortal Lord Yaya to enter the Wuhen Realm once.

When she came back, she was overjoyed. Let all our fellow Taoists of Helexianmen have a billion people into Dieyuan, and except for Wuhen Realm, we are allowed to enter and exit at will in Love Dust Realm and Soul Transformation Realm.

Later, Immortal Lord Yaya and Deputy Immortal Master Yunyun controlled the time boat and left. We follow Immortal Lord Yaya's will and wait for your arrival here forever!

We don't know the exact reason, but Immortal Lord Yaya only told us when he left that it was Spirit Lord Cuihun, the elder sister of the head spirit master, who saved us.

Since then, we have been greatly respected by the butterfly immortals of the Three Realms, and many important official positions have been entrusted to us.

Official positions like Nine Swords and Nine Swords Wuhen Realm Guardians can only be taken by people who can be trusted by the Wuhen Realm Butterfly Emperor, and Wuhen Butterfly Emperor chose me and Nine Swords! "

"Oh, that's right! Sister Juan is so amazing, how could she have had a life-and-death friendship with the Die Emperor of Dieyuan Wuhen Realm!?"

Princess Jinling stared wide-eyed, inspected the crowd, and said in disbelief.

"Hehe, this sister Juan is really not simple. She was the queen of the Qingliu Kingdom in the human world. I heard that in the outer prison of the netherworld, she broke the twenty-one yin and yang realms and killed the Piaoling Hades. In the end, she became the Wandering Hades herself. Woolen cloth!"

"That's right! I also heard from Huanfeng Shenlong and the others that sister Juan was the brave hero when she fought against evil spirits in the Underworld.

Stepping on incense and blood handkerchiefs, dragging jade seals from Nine Dragons fireworks, twenty-one spirit gods protecting the body, nine masters will lead the way, left and right spiritual soul troops, soul generals protect the position, and the commanders of the primordial gods will command in the air. It sounds domineering! "

Hearing Princess Jinling's words, Yun Qianmeng and Princess Qinghua praised Liu Juan's majesty before.

"And I, Little Red, will help deliver information and investigate the enemy's situation!"


Yun Qianmeng and Palace Master Qinghua didn't stop talking, when Qiqi, who was squatting on Shui'er's shoulder, suddenly jumped up on the back of Qiqi, shouting.

It made everyone happy.

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