Nine Heavens

Chapter 1731 Master Lingxian

Chapter 1731 Lingxian Fangzhu

"Well, none of us know that Little Red Dot is the most precious blood pet of Empress Qixiang. It's just a pity..."

Shui'er glanced sideways at the jumping Xiaohongdian and said.

"Huh? Aunt Shui'er, what's the pity?"

Xiaohong looked at Shui'er's mother with some wicked eyes and asked.

"It's a pity that Empress Qixiang loves her again, and she still chased her lover brother in the end, everyone said, right?"

Shui'er deliberately elongated his voice and said.


After hearing this, everyone couldn't help laughing again.

"You are all necrotic, ignore you!"

Xiao Hongdian looked at everyone looking at her and laughed, and got angry, kicked her legs, got into Qiqi's back and couldn't come out.

"Hehe, don't make fun of others, let's listen to Fairy Zixia talking about Dieyuan.

Fairy Zixia, we generally know the three realms of Dieyuan. This Dieyuan is so big, how is it divided into regions, and what are the official positions of Dieyuan you mentioned. Tell us, so that we won’t be confused . "

Miao Yan interjected.

"Back to Yan'er's words, these Zixia are about to say it.

Dieyuan's three realms are roughly divided into areas of Lingshan, Lingshui, Linghua, Lingyun, Lingfeng, Lingxiang, Lingquan, Lingyu, etc. There are seventy-two areas in total. .

All the Diexians in Dieyuan are charming girls who died in the past five mortal worlds.

Whenever Dieyuan hears that there are five beautiful girls in the world who have died, Dieyuan will immediately send a special envoy to lure the girl's soul to Dieyuan.

Then assign her according to her spirituality to a suitable party in the love world to nourish her for thousands of years.

Then it will take a long time for him to gather the soul of the third world, and then refine the soul for 30,000 years, and then the soul of the dead girl will become a beautiful butterfly in the world of love.

The butterflies in the love dust world have been absorbing the aura of heaven and earth to cultivate in the love dust world for about 100 million years, and they have the ability to transform into a human form, so I have the right to enjoy a position in Die Yuan.

This is roughly how the process of an ordinary butterfly in the dust-loving world continues to upgrade.

The first is to become a Zhandie, that is, to become a Diexian warrior to defend the interests of Dieyuan's spiritual realm.

Those who have survived many battles and made military exploits will be honored as butterfly warriors! In the future, as the strength and cultivation base continue to improve, you can continue to advance to butterfly general, butterfly handsome, butterfly respect, butterfly king, butterfly emperor, butterfly saint, butterfly spirit, butterfly fairy, butterfly god.

However, within Die Yuan, there are not many Die Immortals who can reach the level of Die Zun, like Die Wang, there are only a handful of Die Emperor level existences. As for the Die Die Ling above the Die Emperor, Die Xian and Die Shen only heard that Die Yuan seemed to have existed, but they had never seen it.

These are divided according to Die Xian's strength. In Die Yuan's specific work, they are generally divided according to each party.

The highest venerables of all parties are called Fangzhu, above Fangzhu is the butterfly king of each domain, and above the butterfly king is the butterfly emperor. Diehuang is the supreme venerable in the management of Dieyuan affairs.

Under Lord Fang, there are guardians, special envoys for transforming butterflies, special envoys for refining souls, special envoys for gathering souls, and special envoys for attracting souls. They are all directly led by Lord Fang. "

"It's really complicated, but it sounds like it's well-organized and well-organized. This Dieyuan has a long history and extraordinary fortune!"

Hearing Fairy Zixia claiming that she didn't know much about Dieyuan, everyone sighed, Dong Luo and the flame poisonous witch Liaoyan sighed.


"Which gust of wind is blowing here, the miraculous army of the Langyuan Sect that the five human worlds and Lexian Sect have been looking forward to day and night has finally arrived!

Dieyuan loves the world of dust, Lingxian, the master of Lingshan, has seen Zhengling boy and Moling boy, all of you are high-ranking! "

Just as everyone was concentrating on Fairy Zixia, they suddenly heard a silver bell-like laughter coming from the sky ahead.

Then, everyone saw an emerald green bamboo couch flying steadily from high above.

Leaning on it is a beauty in the cloud. This person has jet-black hair, pulled high like a butterfly.

Wearing a white orchid dress, she is holy and majestic, shaking a strange wooden fan with misty fragrance in her hand.

The eyes are beautiful, the nose is trimmed, the sea of ​​eyes is clear and deep, radiant, the vermilion lips are slightly parted, the white teeth are lightly exposed, and the voice is crisp and soft.

At first glance, it gives people a feeling of arrogance and rebellion.

The beauty shakes her fan and shines her eyes, laughing and saying that welcoming guests is like an old friend!

"See Fangzhu Lingshan!"

Jiujian, who was leading the way in front, and Fairy Zixia, who was behind, saw the person falling slowly from a height of thousands of miles, and hurriedly saluted.

"Cut! What are you pretending to be, is there anyone still lying on the bed when picking up people?"

Seeing the other party leaning on the green bamboo couch, coming with a fan, Xiao Jian, who was galloping beside Nine Swords to connect with him, was not happy at that time, and muttered.

"My little brother Xiaojian, you can be content! You don't know, this Lingshan Fangzhu is not ordinary arrogant, the Nine Lian Butterfly King Butterfly King came, and I didn't see her come out to greet her once.

If she can come, just have fun secretly, why are you picky! "

Jiu Jian hurriedly reminded Xiao Jian through sound transmission in his mind, and also explained to the master Liu Qianlang about the temper of the party master of Lingshan, for fear that the director would be angry.

Hearing this, Xiaojian cast a displeased glance at Gaokong, and then saw Tianling Seventh Sisters having fun with Yangeryueer in the distance, so he slipped away out of sight and out of mind.

"Well, Jiujian and Fairy Zixia are two special envoys protecting the world, you are welcome."

Fangzhu Lingxian of Dieyuan Lianchen Realm Lingshan looked down at Jiujian and Fairy Zixia, nodded slightly and said.

"Ha ha……"

"An uninvited guest, hundreds of fellow Taoists from the Langyuan Sect came to Dieyuan to be quiet, and the master of Laoling Mountain is bothering you!"

Liu Qianlang saluted the other party calmly after seeing him floating ten thousand feet above his team without moving.

"Hehe, since it is the younger brother of Liu Juan and Liu Hunhou who came here, he is naturally the guest of Fangzhu.

Liu Hunhou is the only person who came to my Dieyuan Love Dust Realm in the flesh, and then left alive. She deserves the admiration of the master. If you want to come to her younger brother, the righteous boy and the devil boy who are rumored in the Three Realms, probably also Not bad! "

Lingxian's face was full of unruly spirit, his eyes glanced at Liu Qianlang and Cheng Yuanfang, and he said without paying attention to everyone else.

"Sister Liu Juan is a strange person in the world and a master of the underworld! I can't wait for my sister to come to Dieyuan with her prestige. I feel so ashamed and I don't understand the rules. I hope Fangzhu will forgive me."

Liu Qianlang's tone was full of arrogance when he heard what the other party said to me, and the five fellow Daoists of Langyuan Sect and the members of Lexian Sect were all taking refuge at the same time, although he felt a little unhappy, he only said modestly.

"Zhengling boy is probably too modest, five mortals don't know it.

But who in the 80,000 clans of our nine thousand domains in the spiritual world doesn't know that you, Zhengling Boy, destroyed the four cases of the Emperor of the Underworld, the outer prison of the nether world, and the five cases of poison and evil in the five worlds. From now on, there will be no death or pain in the five worlds!

Then he broke through seventy-seven and forty-nine levels of hell alone, and now he has broken through eighteen hell gates and twenty-eight hell realms! With such a skill, even the Heavenly Soldiers and Generals would lament that it was not as good as it!

Then there is the demon boy, the five mortal worlds unified the demon sect of demons in the world, established the Sirius Sect, and returned to the sect of Langyuanmen, entered the dark spirit universe with the golden arrow of evil, killed 18 demons from hell gates, and became friends and relatives!

Demon spirit boys are also rare with divine power. With such strength, why should you be humble? "

Liu Qianlang and Cheng Yuanfang were a little confused about each other's thoughts when they heard Lingxian say this.

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