Nine Heavens

Chapter 1732 Sandwind Spirit Race

Chapter 1732 Sandwind Spirit Race

"Ha ha……"

"The lord of the Lingshan side is really absurd. The lord of the Heavenly Wolf Sect used to be a demon sect with very mediocre strength. Fortunately, the Langyuan Sect gave me some kindness and took it under my sect. Only then did I have the majesty of the Spirit Lord now." , I can’t really talk about strength!”

When Cheng Yuanfang heard the words, he burst into laughter, and his words were wonderful. He neither belittled himself nor hurt the other party, and by the way raised his brother Liu Qianlang very high.

This kind of answer made all the people in Langyuanmen secretly praise.

"Well, Moling Boy is really a humble person, Langyuan Hunzun, the master of the Heavenly Wolf Sect, since you have come to Dieyuan, please don't see outsiders, just treat this place as your own mountain gate.

The two Butterfly Emperors of Soul Transformation Realm and Wuhen Realm delivered a decree specifically, telling the owner of this party not to neglect the respected guests of Langyuanmen.

"Hehe, since you are asking for trouble, everyone in the Langyuan Sect will not be polite. The head of the sect first thanked the two Butterfly Emperors for their deep friendship.

However, Dieyuan is useful to my Langyuanmen, so please don't be polite, Fangzhu, although my Langyuanmen's strength is limited, but it is also a strength! "

Liu Qianlang secretly thought about the words of the Fangzhu of Lingshan, and seemed to have realized something, so he stood on top of a cloud of seven colors, and said calmly.


"The head of the sect is the head of the sect, and Zheng Ling boy is indeed extraordinary, intelligent and divine.

Not to mention right now, Die Yuan is really unhappy.

I think the friends of the Langyuan Sect probably know that there are nine thousand domains and eighty thousand races in the spirit world.

For countless years, the 80,000 clans in the nine thousand domains have been fighting endlessly, which is not only detrimental to the spiritual lives of the five former common people in the human world, but also detrimental to the growth of the entire spiritual world.

As a result, the 80,000 people in the nine thousand domains of the spiritual world are often harassed and violated by the second sister and the second sister of the cloud and sky demons, and they suffer repeatedly!

Fortunately, 999 billion years later in the spiritual world, a peerless butterfly emperor finally appeared in the traceless world.

Under his leadership, almost all of the 80,000 clans in the Nine Thousand Domains were finally defeated, and a situation where the spiritual world was about to be unified.

Now there are only two recalcitrant Beiling Sand Wind Spirit Clan and Xi Ling Piao Ai Spirit Clan left!

They used to be powerful in the vast spiritual world. Although they have been trampled countless times by our Die Yuan Spirit Butterfly Army, the centipedes are dead and not stiff, and recently they are ready to move!

Why! It really made the Butterfly Emperor of the Love Dust Realm worry, no, he has been going to the Sand Wind Spirit Palace of the Sand Wind Spirit Clan in Beiling for several months to negotiate, and he hasn't come back until now. It's really worrying! "

Speaking of this, the owner of the Lingshan side, with beautiful eyes, waving the foggy wood fan, watching Liu Qianlang's white hair flying wildly, stopped.

"The master of the Lingshan side means that, against the Beiling Shafeng Lingzu and Xiling Piaoyu Lingzu, I, the Langyuanmen, have a chance to do something for Dieyuan?"

Liu Qianlang looked at the Fangzhu of Lingshan who was still reclining on the emerald bamboo couch with a smile, thought for a while, and said with a smile.

"No, no, no! All the disciples of Langyuan Sect are fellow disciples of former friends, so how can the master of this party tire all the respected guests.

However, the owner of this party thought that Dieyuan has always had a rule that never breaks, that is, anyone who enters Dieyuan must first voluntarily collapse, and then your soul spirit will be brought into Dieyuan by the soul messenger!

Then, the souls of the Langyuan Sect must pass through the 900 million beautiful butterfly formation, which is the fragrance formation, the mist formation, the wind formation, the snow formation, the frost formation, the light formation, Refining Electric Butterfly Array, Refining Rainbow Butterfly Array and Refining Void Butterfly Array.

The former, because the fellow daoists of Langyuan Sect are old friends and fellow disciples, the two Butterfly Emperors pardoned him! However, the two butterfly emperors couldn't avoid the 900 million beautiful butterfly formation.

Otherwise, the Dieyuan Spiritual Realm will not be able to face the majesty of the infinite years, and it will even make the tens of thousands of spirits who surrender cannot be convinced!

However, Dieyuan also has another way to avoid the 900 million beautiful butterfly formation, called Soul Offering.

What does it mean, that is, if there is no enemy who wants to enter Dieyuan, he can defeat one of the spirit clans for Dieyuan, and capture the souls of the whole clan's primordial spirit and dedicate them to the Diehuang of the Three Realms.

Then not only do you not need to go through the 900 million beautiful butterfly training array, but you will also receive the highest honor of Dieyuan's highest butterfly ceremony, the Three Realms Butterfly Emperor, who personally guides you into the Wuhen Realm.

Fangzhu of this Lingshan side thought that for the fellow Taoists of Langyuanmen, no matter which of the two paths they choose, it would be a no-brainer.

But the honored guest welcomes the door, the master of the party should come and explain the situation in person, lest the younger generation make a wrong message and make all the friends of the Langyuan sect choose the wrong angle.

Speaking of it in the future, this party owner is very unrespectful! "

Fangzhu Lingxian of the Lingshan side of the Lianchen Realm bowed slightly, with a strange look, smiled and said the above words.

Xin Dao, what’s wrong with this world of human cultivation, feelings regard our Dieyuan Spiritual Realm as a refuge, it’s nothing more than so many spiritual realm immortals from the previous batch of five human worlds and Lexianmen, and now they come again like this, Good life is unpleasant.

Why not, Mingli followed the wishes of the two Die Emperors, and secretly used the two most troublesome methods of Die Yuan to scare them away.

Therefore, after speaking, there was a bit of provocation, and he looked at the hundreds of spirit generals of Langyuanmen.

"Heck, I didn't expect Dieyuan to have such an interesting array of 900 million beautiful butterfly refining elephants. The local leader of the fairy world is very interested. I don't know what you think, sisters?"

Not far behind Liu Qianlang, Pa'er is shaking the Fan of Floating Stars and Cracking Clouds, surrounded by white pear blossoms, flying stars in the hand of the magic fan, with a crisp smile, looking at Shui'er, Miao Yan, Yun Qianmeng, Love Flower Palace Lord, flame poison witch Liaoyan, Princess Jinling, Dong Luo and Emperor Shuangtian said.

Princess Jinling laughed like silver bells when she heard this, and said: "But, most of the things that Sister Pa'er likes, Jinling likes it most of the time. accompanied.

As for the fights or rescues between the Beiling Sand Wind Spirit Clan and the Xi Ling Piao Ai Spirit Clan, let Tianling Seven Sisters and their children go. "


"Is this Princess Jinling from the Three Dou Jing Kingdom, the Seven Seven Forty-Nine Realm in the First Human World?

He spoke so boldly that he was so relieved to let a group of children deal with the Beiling Sandwind Spirit Clan and the Xiling Piaoyu Spirit Clan, which are more than half of the 80,000 clans in the nine thousand domains of the vast spiritual world!

Zhengling Boy, head of Langyuan Sect, your wife is serious when she speaks! ? "

The owner of the party in Lingshan obviously thought that Princess Jinling was carrying him with him, intentionally taunting the child and ridiculing him, so after speaking to Princess Jinling, he turned to Liu Qianlang.


The rest of the Langyuan Sect, when they heard the question from the master of Lingshan, they were all worried about Liu Qianlang, worried that Liu Qianlang would reprimand Princess Jinling next time, which would make the Langyuan Sect unhappy.

After Princess Jinling finished speaking, she also felt that what she said was inappropriate, and she felt that her husband was embarrassed, so she bowed her head and said nothing.

"Hehe, there is no need to doubt the master of the Lingshan side. My sect master and his nine beloved wives live and die together, and our hearts are connected. What Jin Ling's beloved wife said just now is exactly what my sect master said.

There is a saying that when you go into the village, you do as the Romans do. Since Dieyuan has rules, making an exception and allowing us to enter the abyss physically is already a favor of the fifth, so how dare we not know how to advance and retreat, and do whatever we want.

The following two rules of Guiyuan, Langyuanmen should accept it unconditionally. Just as Ling'er said, the nine wives rushed into the battle, and the children were at the disposal of Fangzhu to deal with the Beiling Sandfeng Lingzu and Xiling Piaoyu Lingzu. "

But to everyone's surprise, Liu Qianlang didn't mean to blame his beloved wife, Princess Jinling, but instead tightly held Princess Jinling's slender hand beside her, and said with a smile.


Princess Jinling raised her head suddenly, and was meeting her husband's eyes. Princess Jinling felt a burst of warmth and strength in an instant, her eyes were full of tears, and she called out softly with incomparable happiness and gratitude.

Liu Qianlang smiled and nodded.

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