Nine Heavens

Chapter 1733

Chapter 1733 Brocade Clothes Lady


Lingxian, Fangzhu of Lingshan, was stunned for a moment when he heard Liu Qianlang's words, then sat up, smiled coquettishly, still shaking his fan, his expression was more curious, and said:

"Since the head of Lang Yuan said so, why not just stay in the Fragrance Refining Area of ​​Wanyang Garden on the side of my Lingshan for a few days, enjoy it to the fullest on my side of Lingshan, and then go to the Soul Transformation Realm and Wuhen Realm to meet the two butterflies How is the emperor?"

"Ha ha……"

"Okay! Respect is worse than obedience. Then Langyuanmen will go to the five worlds first and Lexianmen will be disturbed by Xianpeng. Hundreds of spirit generals will be shocked today!"

Liu Qianlang readily saluted and thanked him.

"Qianlang, the lord of the Lingshan side doesn't seem to welcome us very much. Why don't we go to our own Xuanling after meeting the five fellow Daoists of Human World and Lexianmen, and then go to find Sister Juan and Yaya?" Bar."

Cheng Yuanfang saw that the owner of the Lingshan side in his sight was troubled, and he said to his brother Liu Qianlang through voice transmission in his mind.

"Don't worry if you are far away. If you come here, you will be safe. Since this is the place where most of the 80,000 races in the nine thousand domains of the spirit world bow their heads, we might as well meet for a while. Maybe we can get the support of Sister Juan and Yaya." some information.

Now that we have defeated the most terrifying Nether Eldar in the spirit world, what else is there to fear. We just need to focus on contacting them. As for the matter of breaking the formation and fighting, it's time for the Tianling Seven Sisters to practice. "

Hearing what Liu Qianlang said, Cheng Yuanfang also felt that this was the reason, so he nodded slightly in agreement.

"Happy, fellow Taoists of the Wave Fate Sect, please, my master will refine the strange fragrance of fog wood in Dieyuan, and all the respected guests of spirit immortals will accompany the strange fragrance of fog, and go through the strange gate of fog wood with the master. One side of Lingshan, Wanyang Garden, let's refine the fragrance!"

Hearing Liu Qianlang's words, the Fang Lord of Lingshan didn't say much anymore. He couldn't see happiness or anger from his face. At this moment, he stood up slowly, and the emerald bamboo couch suddenly turned into a ball of pure white The cloud with a faint green rainbow carried her and floated away in the opposite direction.

Immediately, I heard her laughter like a string of silver bells and the mysterious and elegant fragrance blowing towards my face.


"Two Butterfly Kings, six Butterfly Kings, let's just concentrate on retreating. Your honored guests, Lingxian will take care of you on your behalf!"

Fangzhu of the Lingshan side led the way and galloped forward, and said with a smile through his soul.

Everyone in Langyuan Sect couldn't sense this, but Liu Qianlang and Cheng Yuanfang could hear it clearly because of their powerful Heavenly Spirit Body and Spiritual View.

However, they looked at each other and did not comment, but continued to listen attentively.

"Hmm! You crazy girl, take good care of them, they are the blessings of the righteous spirit world! Remember, don't have nothing to do with your meddling guardian looking for me.

After three spiritual months, I will wait for the Diewu Yaoguang spiritual array to pass out after I have successfully cultivated. If I find that the honored guest is unhappy, I will not let you, a proud ghost, be lightly spared.

Well, take good care of them, and don't disturb me within three spiritual months.

Now that the Kings of Lianchen have all gone to the Beiling Sandwind Spirit Clan to negotiate, you are the only one who can provoke major events, and you can handle everything well. "

This voice is very sweet and crisp, and it should be the voice of Dieyuan Wuhen Realm Diehuang. Inside and outside the words, I really like the Fangzhu of Lingshan.

Judging by the other party's words, Liu Qianlang and Cheng Yuanfang, it seems that Lingshan Fangzhu Lingxian's essence is not bad.

In this way, after hearing these few words, the two of them had some confidence in their hearts.

From Liu Qianlang and Cheng Yuanfang's point of view, if the party leader of Lingshan wasn't out of hostility and proposed something like entering the battle and dealing with foreign enemies, there was nothing to worry about.

On the contrary, I hope to do something for Die Yuan in my heart, which can be regarded as a little reward for entertaining him.

By the way, in the spiritual world, one spiritual year is equivalent to 2.5 billion years recorded in the remaining five human worlds, and the spiritual year in the spiritual world is also December in a year, and each spiritual month is equivalent to more than 200 million years recorded in five human worlds .

Therefore, the three spiritual months of retreat that the Butterfly Emperor of Wuhenjie said means that he will leave after five human years, about 600 million or 700 million years.

"Oh my God! Aunt Lingshan, you are so beautiful, even more beautiful than our mother!

whee! Aunt Lingshan, can you tell us, what kind of fragrance is this? It smells fragrant and refreshing? "

Liu Qianlang and Cheng Yuanfang were thinking about the conversation between Fangzhu of the Lingshan side and Diehuang of Dieyuan Wuhen Realm, when they suddenly heard the familiar laughter of Lian'er and Lan'er floating a thousand miles ahead.

The two sent their eyes off and saw the Seven Sisters of Tianling, Jiujian, and Zixia Fairy's two spirits, the sun and the moon. At some point, they flew by the side of Fangzhu on the side of Lingshan in a golden crescent moon spirit boat, and each looked up. , asking others questions with a look of admiration.

"Huh? Where did some yellow-haired girls come from, they can't be rude, they are so indifferent, talking to Fangzhu like this!?"

At this moment, Liu Qianlang and Cheng Yuanfang saw a graceful and luxurious lady dressed in brocade clothes flying in front of the master of the Lingshan side, her eyes were cold and gleaming, she glanced at the Tianling Seven Sisters, and asked.

"Cut! Who are you? Why are you so ugly? You're not even half as good-looking as Aunt Lingshan Fangzhu. And you're talking about us, why are you so rude? Mother said you can't look down on people!

We are not yellow-haired girls, we are the seven young masters of Langyuanmen! Yang'er and Yue'er are the two little spirit children of Brother Jiujian's sister-in-law! You are not big or small, you still haven't apologized to us! "

Lian'er is not casual, when she heard the other party's words, she especially saw that the other party was wearing a large floral dress, which was not at the same level as the simplicity and elegance of the party master of Lingshan. It was horrible.

"What! Master Fang, are they?"

When the noble lady dressed in brocade heard the words, she immediately became angry, her face changed drastically, and she looked at Die Er carefully with a frosty face, her eyes shot a colder fierce light.

After glancing at Lian'er for a while, the lady asked the master of the party in Lingshan, and at the same time looked at the people of Liu Qianlanglang Yuanmen who were thousands of miles away.

Realizing that the so-called Langyuan army was only a few hundred people, a cold snort came out of his throat instantly! Then, he withdrew his gaze and continued to stare at Lian'er coldly.

"What are you looking at! Don't look at it, our seven sisters are all prettier than you. Didn't you understand what I said, please apologize to us quickly, or we will look down on you!"

This Lian'er was not afraid of the other party's cold gaze, so she just stuck her waist in and tilted her head in an attempt to piss her off.


"Shuang'er, Lian'er, why is this child so domineering, why doesn't he look like you at all?"

Liu Qianlang heard Lian'er's words from afar, and felt embarrassed for that lady Dieyuan, so she thought of sending a voice transmission to his beloved wife, Emperor Shuangtian.

"Hehe, my daughter of Emperor Shuangtian, how can I do without a bit of arrogance. Lian'er is doing well, at first glance, that woman is not a good thing!"

Liu Qianlang originally wanted to hear a few words from his beloved wife to criticize his youngest daughter, but he didn't expect Emperor Shuangtian to be so happy, he ignored the implication of his husband's question, and even praised his daughter.

"Oh! Shuang'er, it's fine to spoil Lian'er, it's not good to say that, but now we are here to disturb Die Yuan."

Liu Qianlang heard his wife's words, smiled and said something, and then planned to speak out to rescue the noble lady thousands of miles away.

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