Nine Heavens

Chapter 1735 Brothers talk heart-to-heart

Chapter 1735 Brothers talk heart-to-heart


After hearing the words of the lord of the Lingshan side, the blazing guardian finally felt that the lord of the Lingshan side cared about his generous advice, so he nodded heavily.

"There is Lao Chi Lie, the Dharma Protector. It is said that the five mortals and the eight venerables of Lexianmen, as well as some venerables such as the first mortal Tai Cang and the Seven Immortals, say that the honored guests of Langyuanmen will be on the side of Lingshan for the time being.

Our party mainly welcomes the honored guests with the most grand butterfly battle in the world of love in history, and holds a banquet for a hundred days to celebrate them! "

"What? Master Fang! How can this make us feel restless when they come, but Master Fang actually praised them like this, wouldn't it make them push their noses on their faces and make them even more unscrupulous..."

Hearing the words, the blazing protector, who was originally somewhat relieved, was instantly covered with a layer of surprise and bewilderment, and immediately spoke out to dispel the idea of ​​Fangzhu of the Lingshan side, but was interrupted in the middle of the sentence:

"Blazing Dharma Protector, the owner of this party has already deeply felt your worries, so don't worry, the owner of this party has a reason!"


Seeing that the face of Fangzhu on the side of Lingshan suddenly turned a little cold, the blazing protector quickly agreed and left.

Seeing the blazing protector drifting away, the Fang Master of the Lingshan side suddenly changed into a different person, chatting and laughing with the Tianling Seven Sisters and other Tingfei Caiyun.


"This Fangzhu is not simple, why is that fiery protector so prejudiced against us!

It seems that we should not stay here for a long time. We should find a way to find out the whereabouts of Sister Juan and Yaya as soon as possible. The sooner we leave, the better! "

Seeing the changes before and after Fangzhu on the side of Lingshan, Liu Qianlang and Cheng Yuanfang felt the same way, they looked at each other, and their thoughts were communicating.

"What Yuanfang said is exactly my plan. For all their actions, we should try our best to be courteous. We just need to know the purpose of our visit in our hearts.

After all, it is our Enhui Lingmen who accepted us and the five human worlds and Lexianmen! Based on this, no matter what they are, we can't go too far. "

Liu Qianlang faintly realized that Fangzhu and Blazing Guardian of Lingshan would make it difficult for Langyuanmen, so he said so.

"Well, Yuanfang understands this. There is a sentence that I have always wanted to ask you, but I was afraid that it would be embarrassing for you to hear, so I don't know if I should ask it or not?"

Cheng Yuanfang's jet-black long hair was in stark contrast to Liu Qianlang's fluttering white hair. They each stepped on a white cloud and flew hand in hand.

Cheng Yuanfang glanced at the silver-clothed Lie Lie beside him, and asked the resolute brother.

"Hehe, but Yuanfang said, after we confirm the whereabouts of sister Juan or Yaya and Yun'er, will we take away the hundreds of millions of fellow Taoists from the five human worlds and Lexianmen?"

Liu Qianlang smiled sideways when he heard the words.

"That's right, what is Qianlang's plan?"

"Yuanfang, I've actually thought about this question for a long time, and I've always hoped that they would go with us.

However, in everything, if you are not yourself, it is better to let nature take its course, so I will teach them the right to choose, whether to stay in Dieyuan, or continue to go against the sky with us, it is up to them to decide!

No matter what they choose, we just need to remember one thing in our hearts forever: no matter when we are brothers and sisters who once shared our anger! "

"Hearing what Qianlang said, Yuanfang is relieved. Whether they will stay or not, Yuanfang is not worried about this. I am worried that you are still obsessed with the same family. If they choose to stay in Dieyuan, you will be disappointed! "

Cheng Yuanfang is different from Liu Qianlang, apart from his relatives, the brothers of the Heavenly Wolf Sect are the ones he cares most about in his heart. As for the others, he doesn't care about them. So bluntly express my concern for my brother.

"Thank you, Faraway!"

Hearing the words, Liu Qianlang looked at the brothers who grew up together and cared for each other. With such words, his eyes were a little moist, and he looked deeply at each other and said.

"Ha ha……"

"Qianlang, do you think we will never grow up like we were when we were young, or are we better now?"

Seeing Liu Qianlang's expression, Cheng Yuanfang was also shocked.

Immediately, I remembered the scenes of the two playing together when they were young, and my nose felt sore.

Then, he laughed loudly and asked, the words were asked in his accent, causing the colleagues who were speeding around to be at a loss for a while.

"all good!"

Liu Qianlang blurted out.

"Let's hear it, your opinion is similar to mine!"

Cheng Yuanfang asked with great interest.

"When we were young, we enjoyed family happiness and were loved by our parents and seniors. The four of us, brothers and sisters, were so honored. By the Crescent Lake, I don't know how much laughter!

When we grow up, we return to the immortal way by different paths, and each of us has met someone with the same fate. Both of you and I have passed away for future generations. What makes us even more gratified is that our parents also embarked on the journey of immortality with us.

The family relationship in the world used to be mortal, and it can still continue now. Just ask Xiancheng Avenue, how many people can be as lucky as me! ? "

When Liu Qianlang said these words, his face was full of relief.

"Yes, however, we also have some regrets. Qianlang still remembers that the five elders in Qingshi Villa Elder's Home, the hometown of the first human, went there one after another in order to escape the common people!

What makes Sister Juan even more sad is that because of our misunderstanding, Elder Yuwu, Elder Donglai and Elder Liu all died under Sister Juan's sword of Cuizhi Lingxi Lei Xuexue, and it is still Sister Juan. The pain of washing face! "

When it comes to their hometown, both of them have mixed feelings in their hearts, and their hearts are ups and downs.

After a moment of silence, Liu Qianlang said: "In order to relieve my sister's hidden pain, I am asking for help from a former friend of the evil sect in the heavens, and I am looking for the souls of the five elders everywhere.

Just before we entered the Twenty-Eight Hell Realm, I received news from him that Elder Dongfang Henxue was still alive in the five human realms, and had entered a certain spiritual realm.

Nangong heard that the soul of the Elder Primordial Spirit had already floated away, but his figure existed in the legendary shadow sea.

The souls of the other three elders who were accidentally killed by my sister have all been found, and they are now in the hands of this evil friend. One day, when we meet, we will definitely have a way to revive the four elders.

When we see Sister Juan, we must tell her the good news. "

"This, this is true!?"

Hearing this, Cheng Yuanfang was very excited. He has loved Liu Juan since he was a child, and Liu Juan's heartache always made him worry.

Now hearing that Liu Juan was about to let go, how could she be unhappy, almost lost her composure, even though she knew Liu Qianlang would not lie to herself, she still asked in disbelief.

"it is true!"

Liu Qianlang replied simply and emphatically.

Afterwards, the two chatted a lot, which attracted a large group of colleagues from the surroundings, especially Liu Qianlang's nine beloved wives and the Eight Great Immortal Saber Guardians, the good-natured Huanfeng Shenlong.

Hundreds of people from Langyuanmen were talking happily, when suddenly about ten thousand miles ahead, two white jade spirit gates that tilted to the sky suddenly opened left and right.

All of a sudden, the colorful auspicious clouds drifted out of the inside, slowly flying in all directions, gorgeous and mysterious, too beautiful to behold.

Then, from the Qingtian Baiyu Gate, Lingling's wonderful fairy music came out, and at the same time, the spiritual mist and spiritual fragrance came with the wind.

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