Nine Heavens

Chapter 1736 Sand Wind Dragon Arrives

Chapter 1736 Arrival of Sand Wind Dragon

A moment later, in the center of the Qingtian Baiyu Gate, a vast sea of ​​beautiful butterfly immortals flew out of the middle, relying on the team, first appeared like a tide, and then divided into two fairy rainbows, spreading to the left and right of the two Qingtian Baiyu Gates.

In the sky above the Qingtian Baiyu Gate, there are hundreds of millions of butterfly fairies flying in the gorgeous void, each holding a mysterious musical instrument, singing and dancing, entwining the wind and playing with the clouds.

In the hollow, the whole Lingshan side was a high-ranking person, no less than ten thousand, who came to ride the clouds. When they saw the Lingshan side's master and the people from the Langyuanmen, they all saluted and shouted in homage:

"Master Fang is auspicious!"

"Welcome fellow Taoist Lingxian of Langyuan Sect!"

Then, a high-ranking person from Wanyu Lingshan divided into hundreds of butterfly fairy figures in an extremely orderly manner, and flew to each spirit fairy of Langyuanmen, leading the way for the whole Langyuanmen guests.

"Ha ha……"

"The head of the Wave Fate Sect, I am Dieyuan Love Dust Realm Lingshan side, although not one ten thousandth of the Dieyuan Spiritual Realm and Immortal Realm, I dare not compete with the rumored destroyer of the inner and outer prisons of the Netherworld, seventy-seven forty-nine layers of hell in the Netherworld Compared with the army of waves.

But every Butterfly Fairy is a sincere and hospitable person, so open the door to welcome guests, please don't make fun of Zhengling Boy! "

Fangzhu of the Lingshan side saw that he was very satisfied with the team he was relying on, and looked back at the team of only six or seven hundred people in the Langyuanmen, obviously deliberately embarrassing Liu Qianlang and said.

"Ha ha……"

"The master of the Lingshan side is really humble, so relying on the strength of the battle, he is almost catching up to one ten thousandth of the strength of my Langyuan army. This leader is even more amazed, how can he laugh at the master of the Lingshan side!

The Lingshan side is so enthusiastic, and the hundreds of gods, spirits, generals and generals in Langyuanmen are really grateful! "

As soon as Liu Qianlang heard the words of the owner of Lingshan Fang, he naturally knew that the other party looked down on Langyuanmen. So he laughed and said.


Hearing the words, the Fang Master of the Lingshan side murmured in his heart, thinking, you righteous boy, just blow it!

Seeing that including wives and children, there are only five or six hundred people who are pitiful, and they are talking wildly in front of my Lingshan disciples.

Alright, Zhengling boy, aren’t you bragging, then I will fulfill you..."

"Well, heck... That's good, the spirit master doesn't have to worry about the Langyuanmen army looking down on my little mountain gate of Lingshan.

It was very hard for all the respected guests to step on the flying things all the way.

Now please enter the thousand-mile spirit flower boat, sit down around the spirit banquet table, drink spirit wine and walk slowly, watch the scenery and dance, and pass thousands of miles to the gate of white jade and love dust. "

Just when Fangzhu's laughter on one side of the Lingshan Mountain filled the air in front of the Qingtian Baiyu Gate, inside the Qingtian Baiyu Gate, which is thousands of miles wide, with the turbulent waves of the colorful gods, a giant ship made of magnificent spiritual flowers sailed in. Come out slowly.

Then hundreds of millions of flying butterfly immortals flew to the sky above the huge wheel of magnificent spirit flowers, and continued to sing and dance.

At the same time, the guard of honor and the high-level Die Zun, the party leader of Lingshan who came to greet him, suddenly turned their heads and flew to the front of the magnificent ship, welcoming the guests and leading the way.

And Fangzhu of the Lingshan side led the Tianling Seven Sisters and flew to the magnificent ship first to greet everyone in the Langyuan Sect.

"Hehe, the master of the Lingshan side is really domineering, the Shenzhou Linghuadu is thousands of miles away, and the fairy road of the Yaomen is thousands of miles away! The enthusiasm of the Fanglord of the Lingshan side is remembered by the Langyuanmen."

Liu Qianlang inspected the giant spirit flower wheel for a while, and at the same time meditated in his heart, he led everyone from the same sect to fly up.

Then, under the signal of the Fangzhu of Lingshan, they were not polite, and they all sat down in front of the white spirit jade table full of boats.

Taste spiritual fruit, drink fairy wine, watch the butterfly dance in the sky, or enjoy the more magical scenery in the white jade spiritual gate.

All the people from Langyuanmen, including Liu Qianlang and Cheng Yuanfang, were all in high spirits.

Coupled with the non-stop persuasion of the owner of the Lingshan side, the tour guide and the people of the Langyuanmen are even more happy.

"I bother!"

"These old hats, who have never seen anything in the spirit world, should die in the cold and hot in the Nether Hell. Why didn't they die and came to Dieyuan to embarrass themselves!"

Seeing people from the Langyuan Sect eating and drinking, and being from the same sect, rowing left and right, performing dances in the sky, and leading the way in front of the magnificent ship, it is a happy relationship.

At this moment, the blazing protector who was standing beside Fangzhu on the side of Lingshan Mountain was already so angry that his seven orifices were filled with smoke, and he wished to step forward and swallow the good friends alive one by one.

But the master didn't allow it, so he could only curse violently in his heart.

Two ferocious cold eyes, blazing with cold smoke, a face that was originally beautiful, was twisted into an ugly shape.

The blazing protector secretly resented the master of the Lingshan side in his heart, and it was superfluous to choose such a big gift to welcome the people of the Langyuanmen like a mountain.

What a respectful greeting etiquette to lead the way with hundreds of millions of butterfly immortals. Even the butterfly emperors of the three realms are not qualified to enjoy such respectful etiquette when they return from the triumphant war, but now it is used on these hateful people!

I really don't know if the master is stupid or has a brain problem. In short, the guardian Zhi Lie is very unhappy in every way.

But the matter has come to this point, and the blazing protector can't stop it, so he can't stop feeling ruthless in his heart, thinking about how to cheat the people of Yuanlangmen next.

"Ha ha……"

"The Dieyuan Spiritual Realm is so lively today. Did you choose a new master in advance, knowing that the Die King and the three Die Kings in the Lianchen Realm are about to die?"

At this moment, tens of thousands of miles away from Dieyuan Spiritual Realm and Lianchen Realm, there was a burst of howling and laughing like a storm.

"Hmph! Sha Fenglong! You are finally here, and the owner of this party has already ordered you to come back!"

When Fangzhu of Lingshan heard the words, he was having a drink with Liu Qianlang, Cheng Yuanfang, Liu Qianlang's nine beloved wives, and the Eight Great Immortal Saber Guardians.

The wine didn't stop, the laughter didn't stop, the party master of Lingshan just casually replied.


"This makes Sha Fenglong not understand, could it be that the master of your Lingshan side is the worm in my Sha Fenglong's stomach, you know what I do.

Since you said so, Sha Fenglong would like to hear your guess of my purpose for coming here! "

Outside the love dust world, let out an exclamation.

"Ha ha……"

"It's ridiculous. Do you think that the master of this party will be as stupid as the spirits of the Beiling Sand Wind Spirit Tribe? The master of this party can figure out your purpose of coming here with a strand of hair.

You must have imprisoned the Butterfly King and the three Butterfly Kings who went to seek peace negotiations, and then came to release the Sandstorm Order.

Let me exchange Dieyuan Spiritual Realm with the three Sand Sorcerers and the six Fengs from the Beiling Sand Wind Spirit Clan captured before the formation, but? "

The lord of the Lingshan side raised his head, bent his slender arms, drank a glass of fine wine and said calmly.

"Cut! This time, you, the master of the Lingshan side, made a foolish mistake. When did you hear that our Beiling Sandwind Spirit Clan will be blackmailed for a few defeated generals.

As soon as the Shafeng Order of the Beiling Sandwind Spirit Clan comes out, the clan will be wiped out! The majesty of Sha Fengling Huang Sha Pao Feng Xiao of the Beiling Sand Wind Spirit Clan, I think you are no stranger to the Fang Master of Lingshan!

This time, the evil wind dragon came here for only one thing, and that was to deliver the Sand Wind Order.

This envoy gives you three days. If the two Butterfly Emperors from the Soul Transformation Realm and the Wuhen Realm are not within the agreed time, personally send the three Shalu and the six Feng to the gate of the Sandwind Spirit Palace of the Sandwind Spirit Clan in Beiling Make an apology and dedicate all the territory of Dieyuan Spiritual Realm, and you are ready to collect the corpses of the butterfly king and the three butterfly kings in the love dust world! "

"Hmph! Where did the bastard come from, but he can speak such wild words!"


Beiling Sand Wind Spirit Clan Sand Wind Dragon, the delivery messenger of Sha Feng Ling hadn't finished speaking when suddenly a blue rainbow shot out from the depths of Lingshan Mountain.

With a cold snort from a clear woman, Qinghong quickly shot out of the world of love for thousands of miles with a whistling whistle...

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