Nine Heavens

Chapter 1737 Uninvited

Chapter 1737 Uninvited


A moment later, a scream was heard from outside the Lianchen Realm, and there was no more sound.

"The master of the side of Lingshan sees the Butterfly Emperor!"

After Qinghong passed, a huge shock wave of 100,000 miles made the entire thousand-mile magnificent ship tremble a few times. The Fangzhu of the Lingshan side saw that the sand wind dragon outside the love dust world was killed by a woman deep in Dieyuan.

When You Qi heard the other party's voice, his face paled in shock, he quickly turned to face the source of the woman's voice and shouted towards Shi Li.

As for all the other butterfly immortals on the Lingshan side, they knelt and bowed their heads in seconds.

"Dieyuan welcomes all the fellow Taoists of the Langyuan Sect, and please don't be offended by Sect Leader Liu. On this occasion, Dieyuan's chaos has disturbed everyone's interest."

"Liu Qianlang, the head of the Langyuan Sect, has seen His Majesty Die Huangzun, and Die Huangzun is too polite, it is I who delayed Die Yuan's important event.

Listening to what the Sha Fenglong said just now, it is obvious that the intentions are not good. If the Butterfly Emperor does anything to the Beiling Sand Wind Spirit Clan, please feel free to dispatch it if you need it. "

Liu Qianlang said sincerely.

"The Butterfly Emperor of the Soul Transformation Realm thanked Master Liu for his kindness! Just now, the Butterfly Emperor violated morality and killed the messenger of the Shafeng Order of the Beiling Shafeng Spirit Clan. The Beiling Palace Emperor did not get a reply. I will not do anything against the Butterfly King and the three Butterfly Kings in the Love Dust Realm!

Before I leave the customs with the Butterfly Emperor Supreme of the Wuhen Realm, Master Liu will rest in peace, and all important matters will be discussed after I leave the customs! "

"Master Fang of Lingshan, you have done a good job, greeted the guests and saluted, the stop is not good, let's continue! The Supreme Butterfly Emperor of the Wuhen Realm has sealed himself as a soul gate and entered the realm of cultivation. Next, I will do so.

During our retreat, no matter how provocative the Beiling Sandwind Spirit Clan is, we must not act rashly! Okay, let's go on! "

After the Butterfly Emperor of the Soul Transformation Realm finished speaking, he stopped making a sound.

After such an episode, the grand formation of hundreds of millions of butterfly immortals led the way, and it became deserted and silent...

Inside the Lingshan Fangzhu's spiritual palace, the Lingshan Fangzhu took the usual posture, reclining on the emerald bamboo couch, shaking a misty wood fan, his spirit eyes fixed, thinking about something.

Beside him, sits the blazing Dharma protector.

Blazing Protector also frowned in thought, and the two remained silent for a long time.

"As soon as the Sand Wind Order comes out, the clan is about to be exterminated! Although the Emperor Die Huangzun of the Soul Transformation Realm killed the Sha Feng Order's envoy, Sha Fenglong, but since the Sand Wind Order has appeared in our Dieyuan, the Beiling Sand Wind Spirit Clan must be the leader this time." Planning to fight us to the death!

But at the critical moment, the two butterfly kings are actually retreating, the situation is really critical, and please make a decisive decision, at least save the butterfly king and the three butterfly kings! "

After a long time, the blazing protector said.

"The master of this party has thought over and over again, it is better to listen to the spirit of the butterfly emperor of the Soul Transformation Realm.

At this moment, the two high-ranking butterfly kings are retreating, and the six high-ranking butterfly kings are guarding the frontier in the border of the Xiling Piaoyu Lingzu. The army of spirit butterflies that we can control is currently only the butterfly fairy forces of our love dust world. If they don't have an advantage, they will definitely have no chance of winning if they fight against the Beiling Sandwind Spirit Clan head-on.

And those spirit clan forces that have bowed their heads have been exhausted from wars for billions of years, and their vitality has been seriously injured. At this moment, when they gather together, their power is still limited.

These are not the most important things. The host is worried that if I, Die Yuan Die Xian, take action, it will immediately endanger the safety of me as the butterfly king of the Love Dust Realm and the three butterfly kings.

It may even lead to the combination of the Beiling Sandwind Spirit Clan and the Xiling Piaoyu Spirit Clan, attacking us from the north and the west, and we will be even more passive.

So all in all, the hundreds of billions of years of recuperation policy proposed by the previous three realm emperors is correct.

If we want to completely defeat the Beiling Sandwind Spirit Clan and Xiling Piaoyu Spirit Clan in the end, we cannot do it with our current strength alone.

Therefore, negotiating with the two major spirit clans for the time being, seeking a temporary stable situation, and quickly cultivating the great cause of the clan is the basis for future success!

Therefore, the owner of the party still decided that the Dieyuan Spiritual Realm will not move, and everything will be discussed after the two Die Emperors leave the customs. "

Fang Master of Lingshan Mountain shook his fan and said to the anxious-looking Blazing Protector.

"What Master Fang said is of course Die Yuan's long-term strategy, but right now, Sha Feng's order to declare war is only within three days, so what if Sha Fenglong is killed!

Three days later, the Beiling Sand Wind Spirit Clan did not see the return of the Sand Wind Dragon Messenger, so they slept well and let it go. At that time, our Butterfly King and the three Butterfly Kings in the Dust Realm will not be as dangerous! "

Hearing the words of Fangzhu of the Lingshan side, Dharma Guardian Chi Lie felt gloomy in his heart, shook his head and sighed.

"Isn't what you said wrong? The owner of this party is also a little confused. The current situation of our situation, the butterfly emperor of the Soul Transformation Realm should be more transparent than us, but why did she kill the Beiling messenger Sha Fenglong? Isn't that true? Stimulate the opponent to send troops quickly?

Among the three Butterfly Emperors, speaking of it, she is the most calm and steady, but her actions today made the owner unexpected. "

Up to this moment, Fangzhu of the Lingshan side was still thinking about the intention of the Butterfly Emperor of the Soul Transformation Realm to kill Sha Fenglong.

"It shouldn't be said, the reason why the Butterfly Emperor of the Soul Transformation Realm did this is naturally for revenge!"

At this moment, Liu Qianlang arrived without invitation, settled his disciples from the guest palace, and came with a sword. Hearing the conversation between Fangzhu of Lingshan and Blazing Guardian, he continued.

"Oh! Master Liu is saying!?"

Fangzhu of the Lingshan side was not surprised to see Liu Qianlang appearing, but after hearing his words, he jumped up suddenly, his face turned pale, and he looked at Liu Qianlang in astonishment.

"Well, at least three Butterfly Kings have fallen, and Shafenglong came to cast the Shafeng Order to demonstrate against the Dieyuan Spiritual Realm!

Speaking of aggressively attacking Die Yuan, the Beiling Sand Wind Spirit Clan will not do so in the short term, because the Beiling Sand Wind Spirit Clan is not only concerned about Die Yuan, but also the Xi Ling Piao Ai Spirit Clan.

They killed Die Yuan's peace negotiator, the purpose is, one is to show that there will never be peace with Die Yuan.

The second is to intimidate Die Yuan not to act rashly, otherwise they will take tougher measures to deal with Die Yuan at any time.

And the Butterfly Emperor of the Soul Transformation Realm had already seen such an ending, or when the Butterfly King and the three butterfly kings of the Lianchen Realm set off.

Therefore, by killing the Shafeng Ling messenger of the Beiling Shafeng Ling clan, on the one hand, he relieved the slain brother, and on the other hand, he used this to fight back against the opponent, showing that Dieyuan was fearless! "

Liu Qianlang analyzed and said.

"Hmph! Sect Master Liu didn't rest in the guest palace, but trespassed into Fangzhu's spiritual palace and eavesdropped on Die Yuan's secrets. Is there some ulterior motive?"

When Guardian Zhi Lie saw Liu Qianlang coming uninvited, he narrowed his eyes, curled his mouth, and said mercilessly.

"Liu Qianlang is just an outsider who has been favored by Die Yuan, how dare he overstep, the guards at the palace gate have already sent a message outside the palace just now.

But she said, Fang mainly left a message, as long as you come before me, you can enter by yourself, which made me hear your conversation.

Sorry for the offense. "

Liu Qianlang looked calm and explained briefly.

"Since someone who is valued even by the Die Emperor of the Soul Transformation Realm, there is no problem with immortality. Sect Leader Liu doesn't need to say more, it seems that you understand the general situation of Die Yuan.

It is clear to the onlookers, I don’t know what you think, please feel free to enlighten me! "

After hearing Liu Qianlang's words just now, the party leader of Lingshan changed his previous attitude of underestimating Liu Qianlang, and rarely asked modestly.

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