Nine Heavens

Chapter 1738 Sand Wind Longmu

Chapter 1738 Sand Wind Longmu

"Master Fang! Don't listen to his nonsense! Now there are three Shafeng, six Feng, and nine spirit generals of the Beiling Shafeng Lingzu, all of whom are imprisoned in our Undead Realm. Wouldn't it be foolish if they killed the three Butterfly Kings?" !

This protector believes that Sha Fenglong's original intention was to force us to exchange hostages, not some arrogant demonstration! "

Seeing Fangzhu of the Lingshan side change his attitude back and forth, and his attitude towards the head of the Langyuanmen suddenly turned 180 degrees, he couldn't help being very angry, and immediately spoke first.

"Huh? Blazing Dharma Protector! Presumptuous! When is it your turn to make irresponsible remarks when the master speaks! I have a discussion with the head of the Langyuan Sect, and I will not back down!"

Hearing the words, Fangzhu of Lingshan's side turned cold, and motioned for the blazing protector to leave the palace immediately!


The blazing protector glared at Liu Qianlang fiercely, then bowed back and shot out of the palace very reluctantly.

"The master of this party is incapable of disciplining his subordinates, please forgive me, Master Liu!"

After seeing the blazing protector leave, Fangzhu of the Lingshan side turned his head and signaled Liu Qianlang to sit in the first seat on the left side of the hall, then floated down, sat in the first seat on the right side and said.

"Hehe, Guardian Chi Lie is utterly loyal to Die Yuan, I admire him so much, I have nothing but admiration.

I just said a few words out of context, but now it seems that what Chi Lie Dharma Guardian thinks is indeed reasonable.

We just think about the problem from different angles, and there is no old hatred, so please don't care about it! "

Liu Qianlang's expression was calm, and his hostility towards the fiery guardian had long been expected. But out of politeness, he didn't want to offend her, so he spoke like this.

"Hehe, Master Liu is so open-minded, let's not talk about these boring things, and ask Master Liu to answer the question asked by the master just now."

Fangzhu of the Lingshan side smiled, his spiritual eyes were foggy, and his fans were shaking the fragrance, which gave people an inexplicable sense of incomprehensibility.

"Hehe, if Fangzhu insists on asking me to say something, I think it is unnecessary, but if Fangzhu wants to let me do something, I am willing to share Die Yuan's worries."

Liu Qianlang looked directly into the deep eyes of Fangzhu on Lingshan and said.


"What does Master Liu mean?"

The master of the Lingshan side heard the words, his eyes rolled, and he raised his eyebrows and asked?

"Since the Beiling Sand Wind Spirit Clan sent Sha Fenglong to deliver the Sha Feng Order, we killed Sha Feng Long again. Although the Beiling Sand Wind Spirit Clan will not attack Die Yuan aggressively because of this, it is necessary to continue to provoke.

Among them are the three Butterfly Emperors of the Lovers World who continue to torture the Emperors of the Lovers World who may no longer be in the spirit world.

The time is only three days. After three days, Dieyuan Spiritual Realm will definitely face the harassment of various Beiling Sand Wind Spirit Clans.

In other words, we have three days to be peaceful, so why don't we rescue the Butterfly King and the three Butterfly Kings within three days? "

"However, it's not easy to fly to the Sandwind Spirit Clan in Beiling and rescue the four lords within three days...

oh! The head of Liu said, are you willing to help the Langyuan Divine Army? "

Fangzhu of the Lingshan side suddenly turned around and asked.

"That's right, but I just don't know if the master of Lingshan can be trusted?"

Liu Qianlang smiled and nodded.

"If the people from Langyuanmen are willing to make a move, the owner of this party is really wishing for it, how could he not believe it.

Because the Beiling Sand Wind Spirit Clan doesn't even know the origin of your family and my Dieyuan Spiritual Realm, let alone your family's arrival at this moment.

The spirit generals of your family made a sudden move, they must be hard-pressed to guard against it, and I have nothing to say if I want to come to the Dieyuan Spiritual Realm to provoke me afterwards.

Master Liu, let me tell you how Die Yuan cooperates with Master Liu, even if I say so, Die Yuan will definitely do it! "

In fact, the Fangzhu of Lingshan has long intended to use the people of Langyuanmen to do things for Dieyuan's spiritual realm.

This is also the reason for advocating hundreds of millions of butterfly immortals to lead the way and welcome Langyuanmen to enter the Lingshan side.

In doing so, it will be much easier to talk to the superiors and ask the people of Langyuanmen to work hard.

However, to the great surprise of the party owner of Lingshan, the other party even offered to share Die Yuan's worries, which made the party owner of Lingshan both pleasantly surprised and a little unbelievable.

Therefore, he suddenly realized, and with a swish, he took away the Wumu Qixiang fan and said.

"Hehe, only Sanshaluan and Liufeng are enough!"

Liu Qianlang still said calmly.


Liu Qianlang's words once again surprised Lingshan's side and let out a sigh.


Outside the main palace on one side of the Lingshan Mountain, the blazing protector roared and flew out. Because of being humiliated, he was so angry that his face was livid, twisted and hideous, and his body was covered in brocade smoke, like a cloud of colorful smoke, crashing down on the top of a Lingshan mountain. .

"Boom! Damn Langyuanmen!"

Then, gnashing his teeth, he waved the strange cold light spiritual blade and slashed the rocks on the top of the peak.

"Hmph! It's been hundreds of millions of years, how did you brag about it back then, but now you're just a little protector of the Dieyuan Lovedust Realm, and you can't even enter the Soul Transformation Realm, how stupid!

Why, you were scolded by your master like a mad dog again. Don't tell Bensha Fenglongmu that you have failed to provoke the conflict between Dieyuan and the seventy-nine million clans in the eighty-nine hundred domains! "

From the top of another Lingshan Mountain, a figure of a slender woman swaying in the blue wind suddenly fell down, and scolded with a cold snort.

"Bah! What are you doing here, the matter of Sand Fenghun, when did it fall to a dragon raising spirit to talk!"

The blazing protector suddenly raised his head and looked at the person on a cliff thousands of miles away, with the sand and wind in his eyes circling alternately, he spat in return.


"You haven't changed at all. Back then, we of the Sand Wind Spirit Clan, the Sand Wind Emperor's Mystical and Invisible Five Guardians, I, Sand Wind Longmu, you, Sand Wind Soul, Sand Wind Thunder, Sand Wind Swallow Fish, and Sand Wind Tear Rock.

Among our magical five protectors, you are the one who has the most flamboyance, just because of you saying, 'Undercover Die Yuan can be destroyed in a hundred million years! '

Our five magical protectors fell from heaven to hell in an instant. Since then, you have been undercover in Dieyuan, and the four of us have been waiting indefinitely outside Dieyuan in the Huanglang Cave.

You are better off, enjoying the fairy light of the spirit flower in the Dieyuan Spiritual Realm, but in order not to be exposed, we hold our spirits and rest all day long, enduring the boundless darkness and coldness in the dark barren wave cave.

Just to wait until the day when your Shafeng soul sits on the Dieyuan Wuhen Diehuang, and then we Beiling Sandfeng Spirit Clan Tundieyuan and Xiling Piaoyu Spirit Clan.

However, countless billions of years have passed, and not only did you fail to sit on the Diehuang of the Dieyuan Wuhen Realm, and you contributed to the Beiling Sandfengling Clan's dominance of the nine thousand realms and eighty thousand clans in the spirit world.

On the contrary, you have participated in countless battles where Die Yuan conquered 80,000 races from nine thousand domains in the spirit world as Die Yuan's soul-refining guardian.

As a result, our Beiling Sand Wind Spirit Clan's dominance of almost dominating half of the spirit world's 9,000 domains and 80,000 domains was gradually replaced by Die Yuan.

You behaved like this, so Bensha Fenglongmu really couldn't figure out whether you were Dieyuan's undercover agent in our Beiling Sandfengling Clan, or our Beiling Sandfengling Clan's undercover agent in Dieyuan! "

Outside the Lianchen Realm, Shafeng Longmu laughed with a vicissitudes of life, and then angrily scolded and taunted the guardian.

"How can a sparrow know the great ambition! You four are born useless! You have time to doubt Bensha's Fenghun's kung fu, why don't you think about the reason why I desperately helped Dieyuan!

That's right, on the surface, Bensha Fenghun is nothing more than a protector of Fangzhu, the master of the Dieyuan Lianchen Realm Lingshan.

However, what you can't imagine is that in Dieyuan today, as long as I, Shafenghun, raise my arms, the Fangzhu of Lingshan is just a puppet!

As for the two retreating Butterfly Emperors, hmph..."

The blazing protector said this, but didn't say any more.

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