Nine Heavens

Chapter 1739 Evil Spirit Undercover

Chapter 1739 Evil Spirit Undercover

"Hmph! Until now you are still dreaming, you think that you, Shafenghun, are the only ones in the entire spirit world who can't be smart!

Ben Shafeng Longmu, you don’t need to guess, you know, it must be you, Shafenghuang, who secretly poisoned the Sandfeng Soul Poison, and the Dieyuan Lianchen Realm Butterfly King and the three butterfly kings who came to my Beiling Sandfeng Lingzu to negotiate, right? .

Otherwise, with their cultivation bases, how could they be captured by my Shafeng Longmu, who is no more than 300 million Sandfeng Dragon Army! "

Shafeng Longmu is the prince of the Longling clan, one of the two war spirit tribes of the Beiling Shafengling clan, the Longling clan and the Fengling clan, because he later became one of the five great protectors of the Shafeng Emperor of the Beiling Shafengling clan. One, he just left the military affairs of the Dragon Spirit Clan.

However, Shafeng Longmu once served as the instructor of an army of hundreds of billions of dragon warriors in the Dragon Spirit Clan's Zhaoyi Lingzhan Tianjun, so the spirits of the Beiling Shafeng Lingzu like to call him Shafeng Longmu.

"Ha ha……"

"Hearing what you said, I finally made some progress, but there are some things that you only saw and thought of the tip of the iceberg.

Don't waste time here, immediately summon the three supernatural invisible guardians, Shafenglei, Shafeng Swallowing Fish, and Shafeng Tear Rock, and then return to the side of the Shafeng Emperor of the Sandfeng Spirit Clan in Beiling to restore the identity of our five supernatural guardians.

Now it's finally here, the time for our Beiling Sandwind Spirit Clan to dominate the spirit world! "

The blazing protector suddenly raised his head to the sky and screamed wildly, surrounded by red sand and yellow smoke, whistling and circling, and hurricane whirlpools rolled up around him.

"Unexpectedly, you have already practiced the Sand Wind Soul Desperate Divine Art! However, don't think that our seven magical guardians are afraid of you! If we unite together, you may not be our opponent!"

There was an exclamation from outside the love dust world, and then said coldly.

"Didn't you just want to ask Ben Sha Fenghun why he saw the Butterfly Emperor of the Soul Transformation Realm killed a little Sha Fenglong and didn't help?

snort! For the sake of our Beiling Sandwind Spirit Clan's spiritual world domination and domination of the great cause, what is the death of a little-known little Shafeng Longshafeng order! "

The blazing protector felt that Shafeng Longmu had no intention of leaving, and Wanli Hunnian said in a remote voice.

"Bah! To put it lightly, this Sand Wind Dragon is one of the billions of Sand Wind Dragon Generals that Ben Sha Feng Long Mu once had the most proud of. This is why I was honored by the top leaders of the Beiling Sand Wind Spirit Clan and became a The outstanding Sandstorm Commander!

If he doesn't die, his status will soon be on par with you and me based on his countless achievements in delivering the Sha Feng Order!

You should know that there are 300 million killers in the Shafengling Clan in Beiling, and each of the 300 million killers has the myth of killing a family overnight, and he is one of them, and now you see him To be slaughtered without moving! It's abominable! "

Shafeng Longmu was indignant, and his soul sent voice transmission, roaring and shouting.

"So what, even if all the 300 million spirit-slaying and clan-killing killers die, they can be cultivated again, but if they lose the chance to dominate the spirit world, they will never be able to raise their heads again!

You, Shafeng Longmu, aren't that stupid, can't you feel that in the past 6021 billion years, after five great evolutions in five human worlds, one of the fairy gates entered our spirit world very strangely! ? "

"You mean the Langyuan Gate of the First Human World!"

"That's right, it's the Langyuanmen. Do you know where the magical army of the Langyuanmen went after they destroyed the Netherworld?"


"At this moment, they are in the Dieyuan Lianchen Realm, the spiritual realm, and the Lianchen Realm. They are the disaster stars of the entire Three Realms. Once they arrive, everything that we had at our fingertips will become difficult!"

"The ghost world is originally the source of poison in the spirit world. What a pity to be removed. We should thank them. Why did the disaster star speak?"

"Hmph! Can you, Shafeng Longmu, use your brain to understand why the Langyuan Sect killed the Nether Spirit Race at all costs?

It's not for the battle for hegemony in the spiritual world! As you know, Liu Qianlang, the head of the Langyuan Sect in the First Human Mortal Realm, also known as Zhengling Boy, is revered as the Emperor of the World.

In the five human worlds, the Earth Immortal Realm was regarded as the ancestor of the Earth Immortals. Now that we have come to the Spirit Realm to exterminate the Nether Spirit Race, will we be far behind? "

"No, what Sha Fenghun said is a bit biased. According to what our four magical protectors know, the Langyuanmen is not a line of evil chasing immortals. Unprecedented evolution!"

"Shut up! It's really stubborn, Shafeng Longmu listened to the order, and immediately summoned the other four magical protectors, the Hui people will see you, and they are ready to wait for the summons at any time, and there must be no mistakes!"

Hearing Shafeng Longmu's words, the blazing protector was furious, and instantly appeared thousands of miles away from Dieyuan's love dust world, standing firmly in the sky out of thin air, staring at the top of a cliff thousands of miles away and roaring!

At the same time, he slowly raised a black moon token engraved with a black moon in his hand!

"It turns out that you are the head of the 300 million massacre killers!?"

On the top of the cliff, the hurricane roared, and the waves and sand kept rolling up and down. A horrified voice said.

"What, it doesn't look like it? Get out of here, don't tell me I can't let this deity kill all of your Shafeng Dragon Clan!"

The blazing body protector suddenly flashed, and restored the scarlet sandstorm avatar of the Shafeng Spirit Clan that had been hidden for 6021 billion years, and then quickly returned to the appearance of a noble lady in brocade clothes, shouting and cursing.


At the top of the cliff, a huge black sand figure fell heavily in the wild sand, kowtowed, the earth shook and the mountains shook, and there were bursts of roars!

"Shafeng Longmu is blind and blind. For countless billions of years, he didn't know Gao Zun's true identity. He deserves to die. Thank you for your life, the chief killer of the 300 million massacre killers. His subordinates immediately summoned Sha Fenglei, Sha Feng Swallow Fish and Tieyan, return to the Sandwind Palace of the Beiling Sandwind Spirit Clan, and be ready at any time!"

"Since you're blind and blind, what's the use of it? Today, the deity will get rid of them for you. In the future, you will only use your brain when doing things, maybe it will be better!"

The blazing protector's face was frosty, the red sand hovering all over his body, the yellow wind howled, and a strange smile came out of his mouth, and then a giant red sand hand shot out from his eyes, and shot at Sand Wind Longmu like lightning, and then retracted instantly .

Then, a transparent deep hole appeared at the position of Shafeng Longmu's heart and eyes, and inexplicable spiritual blood spurted out.


Shafeng Longmu was in so much pain that he screamed and left.


The blazing guardian let out a series of cold snorts, and then instantly returned to the top of the cliff in Dieyuan's love dust world.

There is a very delicate emerald green bamboo building on the top of Cangya. The bamboo building is surrounded by Linghu Lake, and the lakeside is dotted with spirit flowers and spirit trees. It is very beautiful!

This is the palace of Blazing Protector himself. Because he claims to like to be clean, there is not a single maidservant here.

On weekdays, all the Diexians on the Dieyuan Lianchen Realm Lingshan side know her temper, so in Dieyuan, this cliff top is like an isolated island in the vast ocean isolated from the world, and there is no one except the blazing guardian came.

Blazing Protector habitually walked up a rainbow-shaped white jade bridge to the highest point.

The blazing protector waved his sleeves and shot out white light like a rainbow bridge in the lake. Suddenly, the lake was choppy, and countless red auras flew in it.

These red auras wrapped around the blazing guardian for a while, and shot into the sky.

Immediately the lake returned to calm.

The blazing protector looked up at the sky for a long time, and then floated away to the emerald bamboo building not far from the Rainbow Bridge.

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