Nine Heavens

Chapter 1740 The Pseudo-Alliance of Lingyuan

Chapter 1740 The Pretense of Lingyuan

When the blazing protector was walking towards his bamboo building, he suddenly felt a white cloud-like figure above the Cangya.

"Who is so daring to trespass on the palace of my fiery guardian!?"


The blazing protector was startled, and several cold lights had already flown from his cuff to the opponent.

"Dang! Dang!"

However, the shot cold light was quickly ejected and flew in all directions.

Immediately, a man with fluttering white hair and a huge sword with a bright red Liuxia on his feet, burst into the sword with bright aura.

"Dieyuan is beautiful, and the palace of the blazing guardian is even more unique.

Hehe, why should the blazing protector get angry? Liu Qianlang, head of the Langyuan Sect, has been waiting for you here for a long time. "

After Liu Qianlang left Fangzhu's spiritual palace of Fangzhu in Lingshan, he returned to the guest palace to explain something, and followed the tracking spirit implanted in the blazing guardian to chase here.

Of course, Liu Qianlang secretly heard many conversations between Blazing Guardian and Shafeng Longmu.

"Hmph! Wait for me?

Didn't Master Liu make a mistake? Didn't you see that this protector hates you very much? We don't have any common language. If you still want to lose face, please leave quickly.

This Dharma protector really can't imagine that the head of a dignified spiritual sect has no rules at all. As a difficult person, he still doesn't know his self-respect and rushes into the Dieyuan Immortal Mansion of this Dharma protector. "

The blazing protector was silent for a moment, with a glint of coldness in his eyes, and said.

"It's true that there wasn't one before, but just now, unfortunately, I saw a black sand wind dragon spirit and heard some words that I couldn't hear in my dreams. From now on, we are destined to have a common topic."

When Liu Qianlang was talking, nine white clouds of wine fluttered above his head, and Liu Qianlang moved the altar and poured wine, drinking freely.


"Sect Master Liu is very cheerful, isn't Die Yuan's celebration for Lang Yuan Sect not lively enough, and even toured Tianli Cliff alone? Hearing what you said, it's really too late for us to meet each other!

Is head Liu also interested in the Dieyuan Spiritual Realm? "

After hearing the words, Guardian Zhi Lie knew that Liu Qianlang had heard the conversation between himself and Shafeng Longmu, and his heart was shocked, then his attitude changed suddenly, and he laughed crisply.

"Of course I'm interested. After 6021 billion years of hardships and hardships, I finally defeated the ghost race and broke into the spirit world.

Naturally, he intends to be the overlord of one party in the spirit world! For this reason, we also naturally need to make a name for ourselves.

And the best way for the Langyuan Sect to gain a firm foothold among the 80,000 clans in the nine thousand domains of the bright spirit world is to quickly eliminate one of the most powerful spirit clans among the eighty thousand clans in the nine thousand domains.

This goal, the head of the sect has already chosen 6021 billion years ago, and cultivated five Hele Xianmen forces in the five human worlds, and then successfully broke into the spirit world.

This coincides with the thoughts of your Beiling Sandwind Spirit Clan. It can be said that today's Die Yuan, apart from the power of your Sha Fenghun, is the undercurrent of my Wave Yuan Sect. "

Liu Qianlang, wearing a sky brocade silk robe, and a Tunlun cloak, hanging in the sky, looking at the Dieyuan Spiritual Realm far and wide, said with infinitely deep eyes.

"Sect Master Liu spoke frankly, it seems that this protector has not misunderstood your true purpose of coming to Dieyuan from the Langyuan Sect!

That being the case, this protector does not tell lies in front of real people. This protector is indeed one of the magical and invisible Sandstorm Emperor protectors of the Beiling Sand Wind Spirit Clan.

The reason why he became invisible in the Dieyuan Spiritual Realm 6021 billion years ago was all for the sake of dominating the spiritual world of the Beiling Sand Wind Spirit Clan!

We can be said to have the same ambition to dominate the 80,000 races in the nine thousand realms of the spirit world! "

Sand Wind Soul no longer hides his identity.

"So, I thought that from the moment I saw you, there was a feeling that we have a common language."

Liu Qianlang returned to the original topic.

"Then, did Master Liu come here to have a drink with Bensha Fenghun, or to fight to the death?"

Sha Fenghun's eyes were filled with vigilance, and he asked tentatively.

"Fighting against the Beiling Shafeng Spirit Clan, who occupies 80,000 clans in the nine thousand domains of most of the spirit world, the Shafeng Soul's magical and invisible guardian really thinks highly of me, Lang Yuanmen!

As I said just now, the current purpose of breaking into the bright spiritual world from the Langyuan Gate is just to gain a firm foothold, and that is enough.

This is the reason why this sect master and Shafenghun Dharma Guardian have a common language. The head of the sect already has immortal wine in hand, if Sha Fenghun is interested, we will have a drink.

If you want to fight to the death, even though this sect leader is not talented, he will gladly fight! "

Sha Fenghun savored Liu Qianlang's words, because he firmly believed that Liu Qianlang must have bad intentions when he went deep into Dieyuan through the Langyuan Gate.

It can be said that it is the natural ally of the Beiling Sandwind Spirit Clan who agreed to destroy Dieyuan. Although you have to share a share with yourself in the war, compared to being an enemy and pushing it to the side of the Dieyuan alliance, it is better to unite temporarily, destroy Dieyuan and its allies first, and then destroy him. Late.

Thinking of this, Sha Fenghun smiled and said: "Since you have come to my Dharma Protector's Palace, you will be honored guests, and we will not enjoy the delicious food and wine. What are you talking about? You kill me, I will kill you!"

Sha Fenghun represents the entire Beiling Shafeng Spirit Clan to welcome the birth of another new Spirit Clan, the Lang Yuan Spirit Clan, in the spirit world. Please, Master Liu, let's just float around the lake, how about a booze? "

"Ha ha……"


Liu Qianlang laughed loudly and fell steadily.

Sha Fenghun Pingting left the bridge, and a moment later, on the emerald waves of Linghu Lake, the two sat cross-legged with smiles on their faces.

Between the two of them, a spirit lotus emerges from the water, on which spirit fruits and vegetables are fragrant, and spirit splendor shines.

"Dieyuan Xiandao, Langmen Lingjiu, and Langsha cooperate to create the future together, please head Liu! Hehe..."

"Ha ha……"

The two looked at each other with a smile, and then began to watch the wind and the scenery, talking freely about the various plans to eliminate Die Yuan. They obviously have their own calculations in their hearts, but they seem to have a tacit understanding when talking about it...

"Cut! Brother Zhuanying, daddy is really a drunkard. Didn't he tell the head wives that he wants to get rid of that old woman? Why did he drink fairy wine with her!"

While Liu Qianlang and Sha Fenghun were drinking and "chatting" in Cangya Lingyuan, the seven Tianling sisters, Jiuying, Hongxian, three-color fire baby, five-color ginseng Ling'er, Xiaomei, Lin'er and Xiao The twenty-two demon turtles, following Liu Qianlang's instructions, patrolled the spiritual traces left behind, and flew over the cliff invisibly.

Lian'er behaved as usual, accompanied by the little golden monkey Xiaoliu, flying ahead on colorful silk.

He leaned over and saw that Dad was drinking wine again, and he was chatting and laughing with the noble lady in brocade clothes. He immediately became angry, and turned his head to the nine who were stepping on the Nine Cauldrons of Refining Soul and holding the Hammer of Sun Moon Primordial Spirit. Brother Weiying yelled through voice transmission.

"Hee hee! What's so strange about this, Jin Lingniang said, Dad has this problem, he can't finish talking when he sees a beautiful woman, this is called seeing someone and loving another, do you understand?"

Lan'er, who was two years older than Lian'er, saw his adoptive father beaming with joy, and searched out a line from his belly and said.

"What are you talking about, Dad is not what you said, Dad only likes the nine head wives.

Daddy told us to pass through here before going to the Sandwind Palace of the Beiling Shafeng Spirit Clan, so that I can recognize the face of this bad woman, and then we can choose someone to become her, so that we can easily mix into the Beiling Shafeng Spirit Clan Sandfeng The palace saves people.

Sister Tianling, do you think so? "

Die'er stopped Lian'er and Lan'er's words, pouted and criticized the two younger sisters.

"Hmph! Sister Die'er, you are getting older and older, and there is a generation gap with us! Why are you talking to Sister Tianling more and more!"

Lian'er and Lan'er flew to one place quickly, making faces together to pay Die'er back.


"Okay, look at you guys, you're starting to argue again, big things matter, these jokes can't be too late to come back, let's go!"

Tian Ling was amused by the words of the three younger sisters, and then said.

"Hehe, Lian'er, Lan'er, Die'er, don't be naughty, let's fly to Beiling Sand Wind Spirit Tribe quickly according to Daddy's plan."

Liu Qianlang's nine Nascent Souls also burst into laughter, and then one infant, Liu Chao, reminded everyone.

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