Nine Heavens

Chapter 1741 Outside Sandstorm

Chapter 1741 Outside the Sandstorm

One day later, the Beiling Sandwind Spirit Clan was outside the Sandwind Territory.

Twenty-two people including Jiuying, Tianling Seven Sisters, and Three-Color Huowa have already appeared in the Beiling Sandwind, where the five colors of black, white, red, gold, and green are filled with crazy sand, and the five colors of blue, black, yellow, white, and red are whistling. .

Twenty two people were in the wind and sand, thousands of miles away, the sky, the fairy clothes were shaking, they were all looking down at the target area, as if they were waiting for something.

After being in this state for a long time, Lian'er finally couldn't bear it anymore, and said: "Sister Tianling, what are you doing daddy, we have the shuttle to help us, we arrived here a day ago, but why do we have to stand in front of you?" What about waiting here for a day later?"

"I find it very strange. We only have three days to rescue the Butterfly King and the three Butterfly Kings from the Lianchen Realm. There is not much time in the first place, so why waste more than a day?"

Lin'er and Hongxian also asked Tianling and Jiuying successively.

"Because the blazing protector is the spirit fairy of the Beiling Sand Wind Spirit Clan. The headmaster asked us to do this, so that we can let him know the action of saving the Dieyuan Dieyuan Lianchen Realm Diehuang as soon as possible, so that the nine headmasters will be more convenient. Niang and the six-way miraculous army's raid on the border of the Beiling Sandwind Spirit Tribe."

The three-color fire baby, with red, yellow and purple three-color blazing flames jumping strangely on its head, said infinitely mysteriously in the three-color fire eyes.


"Brother Sancolor Huowa didn't lie to us, did he? That annoying guardian is from the Beibeiling Sandwind Spirit Clan!?"

The five-color spirit ginseng and the five-color Xiayi, with the spirit flowing, asked with an expression of disbelief.

"Besides, there's no need for the leader to waste time pestering a person from the Dieyuan Love Dust Realm. We are now carrying out the task of saving people and raiding the army of the Beiling Sand Wind Spirit Clan."

The three-color fire baby looked at the five-color sand wind roaring seal barrier of the Beiling Sand Wind Spirit Clan thousands of miles away, and said very confidently.

"What the three-color fire baby said is correct, this point, the head father has already told me clearly when the time-traveling shuttle was handed over to me.

The head daddy said that in Dieyuan, there are people from the Beiling Sand Wind Spirit Clan who are hiding deeper, so at present, the head daddy can't fall out with the blazing protector, but pretends to join forces with him to deal with Dieyuan on the surface.

And the reason why we juniors came to rescue the Diehuang in Dieyuan Love and Dust Realm was also arranged by the head father on purpose. After returning to Dieyuan, we insisted that this was our behavior behind the head's back.

This will render the Blazing Guardian speechless. As for the incident of the nine head wives raiding the Shafengling Clan in Beiling, the head can also be said to have been with the guardian blazingly and did not give orders. "

Liu Chao looked through the layers of misty sand, and at the same time he inspected the roaring sand wind seal enchantment of the Beiling Sand Wind Spirit Clan, a rainbow light, a shuttle of spirit crystals and diamonds, suddenly appeared under his feet.

"At that time, we can all go back to repay the hospitality of the Fangzhu of Dieyuan Lingshan. Even if the blazing protector knows in his heart that Daddy has schemed against her, he will only suffer from being dumb and unable to speak. Because she For a while, I don’t want to expose my identity in Die Yuan.”

Tianling shook Tianling's wings, nodded slightly, and continued following Liu Chao's words.

"Brother Chaos, I don't quite understand, since we don't want the Blazing Guardian to know our actions, why don't we go incognito and do it secretly.

Wouldn't this not only hit the Beiling Sandwind Spirit Clan, but at the same time stabilize the situation in Dieyuan, and let the Beiling Sandwind Spirit Clan have no way to take revenge! "

"Yeah yeah!"

Xiao Ying asked Liu Chao puzzledly, and Liu Sha, Dan Rou, Lan Er and others also echoed.

"On the contrary, the original intention of the head daddy is not only to let the Blazing Protector and the Beiling Sand Wind Spirit Clan know that Die Yuan's power was the cause, but also to let them understand that Die Yuan is not someone to be messed with.

Once the hostages of the Sand Fengling tribe in Beiling were lost, and the frontier was suddenly attacked, they must be terrified, and they will never act rashly again in a short time.

Thus, the two butterfly kings, Dieyuan Soul Transformation Realm and Wuhen Realm, can be won to get out quickly, and then make long-term plans! "

Liu Chao explained the purpose of each other's actions.


"Brother Chaos, the nine head wives have already taken action in Bamang of the Wind Spirit Clan in Beiling Sand. This is the aura signal from Commander Ling Shuai Paerniang."

At this time, everyone suddenly heard a whistle from above, and then the Guardian Spirit God Liu Meng of the Hongmeng Cauldron received a ray of blue aura in his hand and said.

"Okay! Let's act now!

Lian'er, Lan'er, and Die'er are in charge here to blatantly blaspheme, just yell and don't do anything.

When all the forces of the Beiling Sandfeng Spirit Tribe, the Sandfeng Army, and the spirit beasts of the Beiling Sandwind Spirit Tribe guarding the Shafeng seal in this area appear, you immediately flee to the southeast at full speed, trying to lure these Beiling Sandfeng Spirit Clan forces to chase you all the time.

Until you escape to the pear formation commanded by the heavenly girl, you will be safe!

Red Immortal, Three-Color Fire Baby, Five-Color Ginseng Ling'er, Xiaomei, Lin'er and Little Demon Turtle are responsible for guarding outside the seal of the area of ​​the Sand Wind Spirit Clan because of your powerful Hunyuan divine power!

When our nine butterfly emperors who successfully rescued the world of love dust arrived, they destroyed the barrier instantly so that the butterfly emperors who could not enter our shuttle could walk out of the barrier smoothly.

Before this, the six of you must be invisible, don't let the guarding army of Sandwind Barrier discover you, and don't be distracted, lest you miss our signal to destroy the barrier.

Okay, what else is unclear? "

After Liu Chao finished speaking, he asked.

"Why, you are only allowed to scold, but you are not allowed to shoot. Wouldn't it be better to kill them!"

Lian'er pouted and asked.

"Die'er, you must control this naughty little sister. If something happens, I'll ask you!"

Hearing this, Liu Chao frowned, and said in a rare stern tone.

Seeing Liu Chao's serious look, Lian'er stuck out her tongue, and hurriedly said, "Lian'er is the most obedient, I'm just talking, don't worry, Sister Die'er. Lian'er will definitely listen to you."

Jiuying, Tianling, Xiaoying, Danrou, and Liusha all snickered when they heard Lianer's words, but they still looked at her with serious eyes for a while with a straight face.


Lian'er looked a little depressed, and thought to herself, cut! Who are you scaring, I am not afraid of you.

"Lian'er, what are you thinking, you and Lan'er, Die'er are our vanguards, use your best skills and start scolding!"

Seeing Lian'er's black eyes and the sparkling eyes, Liu Chao knew at a glance that he was probably thinking of some crooked idea again. Let me remind you, the next second, the nine Nascent Souls all entered the crossing shuttle, and then in the original disappeared.

Immediately afterwards, Hongxian and the other six people also quickly shot to the front of Beiling Sandwind, a thousand miles ahead, and hid themselves outside the barrier of the Sandwind Domain of the Spirit Clan in Beiling.

"Hmph! You can just curse. Damn it, you're going to die, you disgusting, ugly Sandwind Spirit Clan bastards, come out to me!

Lian'er wants to kick you into sand and tear you into silk! "

"Squeak! Squeak!"

Xiaoliu, the little golden monkey, also turned somersaults on Lianer's colorful damask, winking and scolding something.

"Lian'er, you are awesome! Swearing is like eating delicious food. Who did you learn from? You really know how to swear! I can't swear as well as you!

Cowards of the Beilingsha Fengling Clan, you blind people, if you hear that the three Lingxian grandmothers are here, if you don't come out and kowtow to see them, you will die! "

Lan'er was humble for a while, looking down at the ground and cursing.


"Sister Lan'er, you are still modest, you are so talented!"

Lian'er listened to Lan'er's scolding words, looked up at the young lady adoringly and said.

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