Nine Heavens

Chapter 1742 Killing All With One Sword

Chapter 1742


"Hmm! Where did the three human spirits come from, cursing here?"

Thousands of miles away, within the Sand Wind Barrier, after the three sisters Lian'er, Lan'er and Die'er cursed loudly for a while, suddenly the hurricane and violent sand became more raging and churned.

Inside, three Shafeng Xiaolings with a height of more than ten feet jumped out with strange screams.

The bodies of these three are all composed of hurricane and violent sand, the sand is red and the wind is black.

It has a huge head, like a dragon, and its eyes are as big as a ball, and the eyes are full of wind and sand.

The three of them heard the tender scolding voices, shaking the red Sandstorm Thunder Hammer in their hands, stretched their heads to look around, saw three little girls and a little golden monkey scolding, and suddenly felt dumbfounded.

"We are Dieyuan's latest alliance, the wave yuan sect miraculous army, the seven-color god lotus among the seven generals of Tianling, the three spirit generals Yaoyi Xinlan and Batianlingdie!

Today, I came here to challenge the Sand Wind Domain of the Sand Wind Spirit Race in Beiling. I wonder if there is anyone in your Sand Wind Area who looks like a person to challenge, except for you three idiots and a few ugly monsters? "

The three Lian'er sisters leaned over to see the three giant Sand Wind Spirits jumping out of the killing wind thousands of miles away, and immediately cried out in their hearts, my mother, the people of the Sand Wind Spirit Clan in Beiling are so terrifying!

Before seeing all the opponent's enchanted army appear, he already felt that it was not easy to pay, and he was secretly glad that he just scolded and didn't fight.

However, although the three sisters were a little afraid in their hearts, they were not at all afraid of each other's words.

Lian'er tilted her head, holding the seven-color lotus in one hand and shouted.

"Oh, haha..."

"The 30,000 guardians of the sandstorm enchantment in this domain, the sandstorm dragon demon, has long received the spirit of the sandstorm emperor, saying that Dieyuan will soon have the strength to join in to harass or rescue the Dieyuan love dust world butterfly emperor and the three butterfly kings of.

However, what made the three of us laugh so hard was that Die Yuan was so funny that he sent three young children, oh ha ha... It's so funny! "

The three huge Sand Wind Dragon Demons didn't care about the three Lian'er sisters, they shook and laughed, and their mouths were full of sarcasm for Die Yuan.


When Lian'er heard this, her little face turned pale with anger, she had long forgotten Liu Chao's instructions, and secretly urged the seven-color lotus in her hand, and immediately shot the seven-color lotus rainbow thousands of miles away.

"What? Isn't that the seven-color lotus of the seven-color god realm in the legend of the spirit world?"

"Haha! I'm lucky now, I killed three little brats and snatched them!"

"Woo! The three little things are killing me!"

The three Sand Wind Dragon Demons saw Lian Er urging the seven-color divine lotus, and saw the seven rainbow divine waves rushing towards them. Not only were they not afraid, but they all widened their eyes and were extremely excited. The giant black hands grabbed the three Lian'er sisters.



But they underestimated Lian'er's ability too much. They saw seven rainbow gods covering the three sandstorm dragon demons one after another, and the three sandstorm dragon demons were instantly blown into scattered sand.


"This kid is really not simple, he was able to destroy our Beiling Sand Wind Spirit Clan's condensed spirit power!

But it's a pity that he still doesn't have the ability to activate the Seven-color Fate Soul Divine Art of the Seven-color Divine Lotus, so it's better to grab this treasure and give it to the emperor!

The 30,000 guarding sand wind dragon demons immediately appeared, and the three guarding dragon spirits who followed us will immediately surround and kill three Dieyuan spies, and seize the three-world treasure, the seven-color lotus! "



The three Sand Wind Dragon Demons were struck by the colorful lotus rainbow, and then, with a hurricane swirling around, they quickly healed up as before, and then they were shocked and bluffed.

Then, behind them suddenly appeared a black and red bark, a ferocious Sand Wind Dragon Demon that was as tall as them.

These Sand Wind Dragon Demons responded in unison, and immediately waved the Sand Wind Soul Hammer and rushed towards the three Lian'er sisters amidst the shaking and shouting in front of the three leaders.

"My mother! Sister Lan'er, Sister Die'er, they are so scary! Don't look, run away!"

"Squeak! Squeak!"

Xiaoliu, the little golden monkey, also had panicked eyes, squeaked and screamed, and the three sisters, Lianer and Lianer, turned their heads and ran away.


"You idiots, what are you doing chasing so fast? Let me tell you, my father, the head of the Langyuan Sect, is in front. Why are you in such a hurry to die?"

After chasing after her, the three Lian'er sisters, one riding on the colorful silk, one controlling the blue butterfly and jade butterfly, and the other riding on the pill spirit bottle, after a while of flying, they were so tired that they were out of breath, and Lian'er cursed.

"Wow haha!"

"The three little things are dead, kill them, and throw their spirit bodies into Dieyuan's spiritual realm by the way, and get along with Dieyuan's disliked butterflies!"

"Haha, good! Sand Wind Dragon Demon's third brother, Green Demon, said it well, so he did it.

However, our greatest beauty is to capture the seven-color lotus, and when we have the seven-color lotus, we can dedicate it to the emperor, hehe! Then our future is bright! "

"That's not right! Brother Red Demon, is this colorful lotus fake? How could such a miraculous treasure of the Three Realms be in the hands of a child!

Besides, don't you think it's strange that even if there is no one in the Dieyuan Spiritual Realm, they wouldn't send three spirit children to the Beiling Sandwind Spirit Clan barrier to harass them! "

When the thirty thousand Sand Wind Dragon Demons were madly chasing the three Lian'er sisters, Huang Mo, the second eldest of the three Sand Wind Dragon Demon leaders, suddenly felt that something was wrong and said.

"Not good! We were fooled, someone broke into the enchantment!"

The first Red Demon of the Sand Wind Dragon Demon's 30,000 guarding army suddenly realized it, screamed, turned around, and was about to urge the team to return.


"Certainly...the sandbreaker of the Beiling Sand Fengling Clan, where can the Fengzi escape!"


Right above the heads of the three Lian'er sisters, there was a sudden gust of wind in the sky, and the sky was flying wildly, and then I saw hundreds of millions of fairy sword dragons flying over the sky, and a red-robed boy less than two feet high on top of it, With both hands making a tactic, a huge Yin Hong Liuxia sword roared towards him with a sacrifice on his head.

People laughed and screamed swords, countless sword rainbows, and countless dragons spit fire, covering the army of Sansha Fenglongmo in an instant.

Then, in just a short while, the thirty thousand sand wind dragon demons who were chasing after him just now turned into nothingness.

"Oh! Brother Xiaojian, so you are so powerful, why did you come here, did your father let you?"

The three Lian'er sisters were relieved of the crisis, and they took a deep breath for a while, Lian'er's eyes flashed and asked Xiao Jian, who was younger than herself.

"Of course, the master is worried that you are in danger, so I have been secretly protecting the sisters.

Just now I went to other places to play, and when I came back, I saw these sands. The Fengzi people chased you, and I hated it to death, so I killed them. Now the three sisters can relax! "

The little sword floated above the orderly billions of fairy swords and dragons, high above the sky, said the three young ladies who looked thousands of miles away.

"That's not true, Xiao Jian, it's not my sister Lian Er, I said you, this time you have taken our credit!

Originally, we wanted to amuse these stinky people, and then took them to Pa'er's Head Mistress before killing them. The purpose was to let Pa'er's Head Mistress see what she saw and see our achievements!

It's all right now, I was slaughtered by you with a sword, and we have nothing to say, I'm afraid Paerniang won't give us credit for this action. "

Lian'er, suffering from self-esteem, was afraid that Xiao Jian would underestimate her ability, so she said helplessly.

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