Nine Heavens

Chapter 1743

Chapter 1743

"Lian'er, it's not good to deceive brother Xiaojian like this, we were hunted down just now, how come you have turned into a funny thirty thousand sand wind dragon demon in your mouth?"

After hearing Lian'er's words, Xiao Jian immediately showed an embarrassed expression, and his words were a little sloppy. Die'er saw it in his eyes, and thought of Lian'er, and said.

"Sister Die'er, you don't understand this. If we are sisters, if we are not as good as our younger brother, then we will lose face. It's okay, sister Die'er, don't worry about it, it's up to me."

Lian'er looked sideways, gave Die'er a mysterious look, and also thought of a sound transmission.

Die'er and Lan'er looked at each other, secretly thinking in their hearts, they used to think that they were unreasonable enough, but now seeing Lian'er's behavior, they could only sigh inwardly, and then watched her raise her head and talk to Xiaojian.

"Hey! Forget it, brother Xiaojian. In fact, the sisters don't care about any credit. Isn't it just killing a few followers of the Beiling Sandwind Spirit Clan.

Just kill them, so as not to look at them as an eyesore, as long as they go back, brother Xiaojian will say that they are Sister Lianer and Laner, and the two sisters Dieer killed them.

By the way, apart from asking you to find us, does Dad have any other arrangements for you? "

Lian Er rolled her eyes and said to Xiao Jian who seemed embarrassed.

Xiaojian heard the words, savored them for a while, and then saw the strange expressions of the two silent sisters, Lan'er and Die'er, and finally understood in his heart, it turned out that Miss Lian'er was lying.

So he said: "Sister Lian'er, don't worry, I will definitely not tell the master that the three sisters were chased and escaped by the 30,000 Sand Wind Dragon Demon, and I will not say how the 30,000 Sand Wind Dragon Demon died.

If the master must ask how the pursuers died, I will say that they died of exhaustion themselves. "

After saying these words, Xiao Jian's small mouth twitched, thinking, Miss Lian Er will fight with me, let's see who is better.


Not far from Lian'er, Lan'er and Die'er heard Xiao Jian's words, couldn't help themselves, hugged and laughed.


When Lian Er heard it, she said to herself, "I'll go! Brother Sword Spirit is not a cheap waiter!"

So he straightened his expression quickly, and said evasively: "Well, Xiao Jian, you are busy with your business, we have an appointment with Pa'er Niang beforehand, so we hurried to the southeast direction here.

What's wrong with you two, what's so funny, let's go. "


Seeing the three girls fleeing away, Xiaojian had a bad laugh on the billions of swords and dragons, and then at the entrance of the sand wind barrier where 30,000 sandstorm dragon demons appeared, he controlled the billions of swords and dragons, Concealed the dragon sword formation, and pressed it steadily.

"Woo ha ha..."

"Sword Master is good or bad, even Miss Sister is merciless!"

During the speeding, countless little sword dragons talked and laughed.

"Shut your big mouths, what do you know, heads can be cut off, blood can flow, but you can't lose face!"

Xiaojian uttered his famous sayings about life.

" are really siblings!"

Hundreds of millions of immortal swords and dragons sighed in unison.


Talking about Liu Qianlang’s nine beloved wives, Pa’er steps on the white pear blossom clouds, pear blossoms fluttering all over her body, holding a star-cracking cloud fan in her hand, wearing men’s clothing, standing in the sky above the Fengling tribe in Beilingsha with a heroic posture .

Pa'er looked at the eight members of the Beiling Sand Wind Spirit Clan, Shui'er, Miaoyan, Qianmeng, the four sisters of Love Flower Princess Fang Tianyingfang and the four sisters of Princess Jinling, Flame Poison Witch, Luo'er and Emperor Shuangtian , each leading hundreds of millions of spirits, the five human worlds and the spirit army of Lexianmen, arrived at the predetermined area one after another, with satisfied expressions on their faces.

Next, Pa'er looked down at the area where the Sandwind Domain of the Infinite Beiling Sandwind, which is hundreds of millions of miles away, said, "I heard that in the Bright Spiritual World, there are three great spirit clans who are the most Powerful.

One is Dieyuan, my friend of the Langyuan Sect, the other is the Xiling Piaoyu Spirit Clan, and the rest is the Beiling Sand Wind Spirit Clan.

However, after 6,021 billion years of vicissitudes in the spiritual world, the pattern of nine thousand domains and eighty thousand clans in the Ming spiritual world is already a thing of the past.

It's time for you three great spirit clans to withdraw from the era of dominance. Now, my Langyuanmen is the hope for the future of the bright spirit world!

The reason is very simple. The spirit world has always been divided into two spiritual spaces, the ghost world and the light world!

Moreover, the friction and conflict between the two great spirit dragons continued, making it impossible for the 80,000 clans in the nine thousand domains of the bright spirit world to have a stable and peaceful environment for righteous spirits.

Every time there is a battle between the good and the evil spirit worlds, countless souls are lost, not to mention the immortals. What's more, for countless years in the bright spirit world, there have been fewer and fewer spirits in the high-rise cloud world, and they have become the laughing stock of the demon world and the demon world!

However, all of this is due to the appearance of the Langyuanmen Lingmen, which destroyed the ghost spirit world and changed everything.

Of the two great spiritual realms, Linglingkong, only the Bright Spiritual Realm exists now. This great contribution belongs to the Waves of the New Spirit Clan, and naturally the Waves Gate is qualified to become the overlord of the Bright Spiritual World!

As for you, whether it is the Dieyuan Spiritual Realm, the Xiling Piaoyu Spirit Clan, or the Beiling Sand Wind Spirit Clan, you can only bow your head to us!

Beisha Fenghuang, come out, don't be mysterious, capture Dieyuan and the three butterfly kings from the Dieyuan Lianchen Realm who came to negotiate, and then deliver some sandstorm order, dare not aggressively attack Dieyuan, but still put on airs ! "

Pa'er's words were spoken in a relaxed and indifferent manner, like a gust of wind, cooperating with her admiring a pure white pear blossom on the fan of floating stars and cracking clouds.

The pure white pear blossoms are slightly shaking their delicate petals, looking weak, but shining with a radiance that contains infinite divine power.

"Lord of the Earth Immortal Alliance, don't be arrogant, do you think this is still in the five human worlds? In the spirit world, there are 80,000 clans in nine thousand domains, and any force of the spirit clan can easily destroy the five human worlds.

You are just a small mortal celestial leader, and you dare to lead a group of women to besiege my Beiling Sand Wind Spirit Clan, aren't you impatient to live! "

In the five-color wind and sand field of the Beiling Sand Wind Spirit Clan, the five-color sand wind howled vastly, and a vigorous female voice came out of it.

"Oh, my lord thought that the spirit immortals in the bright spirit world would have some knowledge, it seems that's all there is to it.

It is true that the leader of the former Japanese alliance was the leader of Wanmen in the Earth Immortal Realm. No matter how powerful it is, it is only the leader of the Earth Immortal Realm.

But now the lord of the alliance, as a leader of the Langyuan Sect, has long been a fairy, and he is confident that his strength is not much worse than your Beiling Shafenghuang!

This is the case with the leader of the alliance, and the same is true of the eight sisters who surround you. Besides, you can look up, and there is still my Langyuanmen six-way miraculous army patrolling the sky above you. Who will die and who will live, why bother to draw conclusions so early . "

Pa'er's words are spoken in a gentle manner, but every word is very important!

"Hmph! I can't see that you are still a woman with a glib tongue! Judging by the way you came here, it seems that you don't want to fight to the death with the Beiling Sand Wind Spirit Clan.

No need to talk nonsense, what is your purpose, just tell me! "

Said an old and cold voice in the vast sand wind area of ​​the Beiling Sand Wind Spirit Clan.

"Hmm! That's a good point. It seems that you are not too confused. The purpose of the lord's visit is very simple, and that is to exchange hostages with the Beiling Sand Wind Spirit Clan!"

Pa'er still admired her beautiful pear blossoms, and said without taking another look at the sandy wind field thousands of miles away.

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