Nine Heavens

Chapter 1744 Sand Wind Palace Emperor

Chapter 1744: Emperor Shafeng Palace

"You mean to exchange the three defeated generals of the Beiling Shafeng Spirit Tribe with Sanshahe and Liufeng for the Dieyuan Lianchen Realm Butterfly King and the three butterfly kings?"

Beiling Shafenghuang knew the adviser, and there was some evasiveness in his words.

"Based on Sand Feng Huang, it seems that he doesn't care much about the lives of the nine Sand Feng Spirit Clan generals!"

Pa'er said indifferently.

"That's not bad! My Sand Wind Spirit Clan has always had a rule, and I have never done anything stupid to rescue a defeated general!

Since they were defeated, in the eyes of our Sandwind Spiritual Clan, they are already dead people who sacrificed their lives for the Holy War of the Sandwind Spiritual Clan, so why exchange hostages!

If you make this calculation, I'm afraid you will be disappointed! "

Sandstorm Emperor replied coldly.

"Hey! Sand Feng is heartless enough, the six Fengs are fine, it is said that among the three Sha Feng is the first prince of Sha Feng Huang!

Since Emperor Sha Feng talked about this, it seems that our plan to exchange hostages is useless, so why should I be polite.

My leader of the Langyuan Sect has stated that if King Shafeng refuses to exchange hostages, then he will order the leader of this alliance to kill Sanshahe and Liufeng.


When Pa'er said this, she looked up and saw a rainbow appearing in the windy and sandy sky in the northwest of the Sand Wind Domain of the Sand Wind Spirit Clan, and knew in her heart that the nine Nascent Souls had succeeded.

In an instant, he shook the Floating Stars and Cracking Clouds fan in his hand, and nine groups of sandstorms suddenly shot out from the sea of ​​fans.

The Nine Regiments of Sand Wind quickly condensed into nine ten-foot-tall figures of the Sand Wind Spirit Race between Pa'er and Sha Fengyu.

"Gonghuang Shafeng! Help!"

"Father, hurry up and save my son!"

Nine figures of the Sandwind Spirit Tribe appeared shakingly, and then shouted.

However, before they could howl a few more times, Pa'er shook the fan for the second time.

Immediately, the nine o'clock blue cold star broke away from the floating star and cracked the cloud fan, and shot at Sansha and Liufeng.

Immediately afterwards, Sansha and Liufeng's gigantic bodies exploded screaming and dying.

Primordial spirit, soul and obsession are scattered in the sky.

"Panxie! My emperor!

Earth Immortal Alliance Master, you are so vicious that you even slapped my son, well, since you are unkind, don't blame me for being unrighteous!

Come on! Immediately go to the Sandwind Prison and escort the Dieyuan Emperor and the three butterfly kings' primordial spirits from the Dieyuan Lianchen Realm. Kill them and avenge my son Pan! "

The King of Shafeng saw Pa'er summoning three Shafeng and six winds in an instant, and killed them in an instant. The whole process was only a blink of an eye, and it was too late to make a move. The nine generals of the Shafeng Spiritual Clan were chopped into Shafeng chaotic fog.

In astonishment, he jumped into a rage. The people around him have already left in response.

But after a while, the old man came back and reported in panic:

"It's not good, Emperor Gong, the Sandwind Prison was destroyed by nine young people who looked exactly the same, and rescued Dieyuan prisoner Lianchen Realm Diehuang and the primordial spirits of the three butterfly kings!"


"Eight people from all directions of the spirit clan, all of them have Dieyuan new alliance forces, claiming to be the number one among the five mortals, the spirit sect army suddenly attacked!

At this moment, our army is fighting fiercely with them, and the opponent is powerful, and I think the casualties are heavy, so please make a decision quickly! "


"One of the eighteen seal barriers in the Northwest Sand Wind Region, the black sand seal barrier was suddenly split open by six prodigies of unknown origin.

Nine youths who look exactly the same, with the Die Yuan Lianchen Realm Die Emperor and the three Die King Primordial Spirits, have escaped from our Sand Fengling Clan in Beiling! "


"Hmph! It turns out that you came here on purpose to provoke the Beiling Sandwind Spirit Clan!

Where did you come to exchange hostages with Bensha Fenghuang? It is clearly the end of the war! Ha ha……

Do you think this can kill our Sand Wind Spirit Clan? "

Hearing the unfavorable news coming from all directions, the King of Sand Storm not only didn't panic, but laughed a lot, and then suddenly swayed in the countless sand wind vortices in the sky above the sand wind area, showing a body like a huge mountain peak.

As soon as the Shafeng Emperor appeared, on the huge Shafeng's head, the five-colored Shafeng's giant eyes were like a pool, and the Sandfeng whistling and circling inside, suddenly shot into the Shafeng area in all directions, and shot into the rivers and evil rainbows of various colors.

In an instant, Pa'er saw a hundred thousand miles of sand wind around the huge sand wind domain, and the sand wind evil fire was ignited all over the sky.

At the same time, the Emperor Sandstorm uttered a heart-shattering howl.

"Langyuan Spirit Race! It's really whimsical. You think that after destroying the Nether Spirit World, you will have capital when you come to the Bright Spirit World, don't you!

If you guys of Langyuanmen were interested, you would have kneeled at the thirty-sixth spirit gate of the Sandfengling clan of the Beiling Shafengling clan earlier, outside the entrance of the eighteenth enchantment, and sincerely took refuge in it, maybe this Shafenghuang would give you an existence Chance!

But you are so ignorant that you even use my son's life as a bargaining chip to anger this Sha Fenghuang! If I don't kill you all, how can I appease Ben Sha Fenghuang!

You idiots, go to hell! Wow! Wow! "

The Shafeng Emperor not only shot out evil rainbows from his divine eyes, but also opened his ferocious mouth, constantly spewing fiery magma mixed with sand and wind towards all directions and the position of the sky.

At the same time, two gigantic arms of thousands of miles danced wildly, and the hooks on them were cold, and the terrifying sand wind claws kept grabbing towards Pa'er.

"Sisters, the Butterfly King and the three Butterfly Kings have been saved, retreat quickly!"

Pa'er saw the sudden appearance of the Sand Wind Emperor in the sky, and the supernatural power of his movements was so terrifying, she hurriedly thought of Yuan Yin Shui'er, Miao Yan, Yun Qianmeng, Princess Qinghua, Princess Jinling, and Flame Poison Witch , Dongluo and Emperor Shuangtian.


Dieyuan, the world of love dust, the spiritual garden of fiery guardians.

Liu Qianlang and Blazing Guardian chatted happily, the more they talked, the more interesting they became, and the more they drank, the more comforting they felt.

The blazing protector, with a blushing face, secretly rejoiced in his heart, thinking that at this moment, the Shafeng Emperor of the Beiling Sandwind Spirit Clan must have returned to the Sandwind Palace with the spiritual map of the Dieyuan Spiritual Realm.

And carefully arranged, ready to attack Dieyuan and Xilingpiaoai spirit clan soon.

And he has also secretly dispatched 300 million killers who slaughtered the spirits and clans, and extended their claws to all the high-level Die Zun in the Three Realms of Dieyuan!

I have accompanied the Shafeng Emperor undercover for 6021 billion years, and I can finally complete my merits and virtues, and return to the Sandfeng Lingzu in Beiling to be the supreme spirit of the bright spirit world!

Liu Qianlang also raised his head, laughed and drank freely, the hops reflected the sun and the moon, and his heart washed the world.

In Liu Qianlang's soul, he has already received the news that Jiuying successfully rescued the butterfly emperor and the three butterfly kings from the Lianchen world. The four sisters of Tianling also got together safely, and the six child prodigies of the three-color fire baby are also on their way back smoothly.

Only the three sisters, Lian'er, Lan'er and Die'er, went to besieged by the nine beloved wives on the sandy battlefield in Beiling.

According to his beloved wife Pa'er, everything is going according to plan.

The two of them drank the wine in Lingyuan, but they had a tacit understanding when they raised their glasses to greet each other. In the blink of an eye, the two had been drinking for three days and three nights.

Liu Qianlang stood up shaking and said: "Drunk to meet a bosom friend, poor Qianbeishou. Let's move on, look back and be happy!

Thank you Dharma Protector for your hospitality, Dharma Protector will continue to be happy, I still have something to do, let's go first! "

While Liu Qianlang was talking and laughing, he actually stepped on a willow branch and flew into the sky crookedly.


"Silly hat!"

Seeing Liu Qianlang's stupid and drunk appearance, the guardian Zhi Lie laughed ironically, and drank by himself until he was so drunk that he fell asleep.

In the sky, Liu Qianlang suddenly passed through Shenhua under his feet, and suddenly disappeared.

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