Nine Heavens

Chapter 1745 Du Han saves his wife

Chapter 1745 Du Han saves his wife

"Ha ha……"

"I want to come to the Bright Spirit Realm to be a spirit clan, and there are still five human beings, the spirits of the human race who have risen from the earth fairy! You really dare to dream!

As far as the Tsar knows, the five human spirits in the world are all inferior human spirits created by the hot-headed Empress Nuwa, or their ignorant descendants.

Such inferior spiritual beings are not worthy of existence in the Nine Directions Universe, except for the control and slavery of the Netherworld.

Now he's so overwhelmed, he's starting to compete with the primordial beings of the nine directions universe!

There have been six major evolutions in the five worlds, human beings have transformed into earth immortals, earth immortals have transformed into spirit immortals, and now they have come to the bright spirit world to be heroes!

What do you call Lang Yuan Lingmen? Today, Bensha Fenghuang asked you to become Lang Yuan Miemen! "

In the sand wind area of ​​the Beiling Sand Wind Spirit Race, red, blue, yellow, green and white sand winds howl, sand waves flow across, and countless hurricane vortexes swirl.

The Sha Fenghuang, who is thousands of miles tall, continued to roar and roar, his eyes shot rainbows, and his huge mouth spewed blazing seas of flames and rivers.

Liu Qianlang's nine beloved wives and the three Lian'er sisters who came later, as well as the heavenly gods, Longxianfeng, Longzhufengdan, Shenjianxianjian, and the six miraculous army, although they evacuated at the fastest speed, they were still sprayed by Shafenghuang. The vast blazing sand wind that came out devoured the soul.


"Mother, what is that thing? Why is it higher than the mountain? The poisonous fire shot out from his eyes and mouth is so powerful, my seven-colored lotus can't hold it anymore!"

The three sisters Lian'er, Lan'er, and Die'er were protected by the seven-color spiritual light ball of Lian'er's seven-color lotus, and they were galloping hand in hand in the boundless and vast sandstorm and poisonous fire.

The billowing hot sandstorm magma and molten magma continuously washed the outer layer of the seven-colored lotus light sphere.

Even though they were within the colorful divine light ball, the three Lian'er sisters also felt waves of heat rushing towards them, making them sweltering and tormenting.

Lian'er was in extreme pain, and Hun Nian shouted loudly.

"Lian'er, don't be afraid! You can do it. Not long ago, you managed to lead the entire Wave Gate out of the terrifying spiritual world like the Ten Hell Gates and the Twenty-Eight Hell Worlds. This time we will definitely It's okay!"

Die'er was sweating profusely, her face was red, and her belly was churning, but she gritted her teeth and encouraged her sister!

"That's right, Sister Lian'er is the most powerful of our seven sisters, come on Lian'er, Sister Lan'er also believes in you!"

Lan'er, said with a pair of hazy eyes because of the mist rising from her body.

"Squeak! Squeak!"

Little Golden Monkey Xiaoliu is also encouraging Lianer.

"That's right! Lian'er, your two older sisters are right, leave us alone, and lead the two older sisters towards Die Yuan quickly, don't look back, go back and call daddy to save the nine mothers!"

Emperor Shuangtian and his other sisters activated their immortal methods and tried their best to resist the terrifying sandstorm poisonous fire of Emperor Shafeng, but after three days and three nights of flight, they still could not escape the pursuit of Emperor Shafeng.

Except for Pa'er who had a chance to escape thousands of miles away in the sky, the rest of them had exhausted their spiritual power, and their spiritual gangs were shattered.

Life and death are moments away.

Such a result, Liu Qianlang's eight beloved wives really did not expect, knowing that the Beiling Sand Wind Spirit Clan is not easy to mess with, and they are prepared to withdraw once Jiuying succeeds in saving people, thinking that they are confident.

However, they still underestimated the strength of the Beiling Sandwind Spirit Clan. It is not easy to fight against the eight-member Sandwind Spirit Clan army. Now that the Shafeng Emperor personally fights, he is even more powerless to fight.

Even the strength to escape is gradually disappearing.

Knowing that this catastrophe might not pass, Liu Qianlang's eight beloved wives flew to one place with all their strength, looked at each other deeply, and were silent in tacit understanding.

Then Emperor Shuangtian looked at the three Lian sisters who were flying towards him tens of thousands of miles away and shouted through voice transmission.

"Lian'er, Lan'er, Die'er! Go back quickly, your spiritual power is limited, only daddy can save the nine mothers! If you wait later, I'm afraid we will be in danger!"

Shui'er and the other eight sisters looked at each other in silence, and when they looked at each other, Pa'er suddenly shot into the middle of the eight sisters.

Although the sand wind swallowed the body with poisonous fire, but still in the spiritual light of the white pear blossom whose spiritual power was weakening, he stepped on the pear blossom cloud, waved the floating star and cracked the cloud fan with a calm expression, and said to the three sisters of Lian'er.

The three Lian'er sisters heard the words, they were still young after all, they thought what the nine mothers said was reasonable, they responded coquettishly, and flew towards Dieyuan with the spiritual power of the seven-colored lotus as if they were dying.


"You wait for Lian'er and Daddy, call Daddy, we will save you—"

Lian'er quickly disappeared from the sight of Liu Qianlang's nine beloved wives. The nine knew that they would die if they struggled any longer, so they stopped struggling at all, all with smiles on their faces.

Everyone is calm, facing the next moment of death.

"Let's talk about the rescue plan commanded by the lord this time. Are you still a hero?"

Pa'er, staring at the white and shining pear blossoms on the floating and cracked cloud fan lying in front of her eyes, asked the other eight sisters.


"My sister, the leader of the Earth Immortal Alliance, is also called a hero. Our nine sisters are about to become barbecue!"

Princess Jinling sat on the goose emperor, holding the goose golden whip, and laughed a lot at Pa'er's appearance.

"Will! Will!"

Princess Jinling smiled tremblingly. The Goose Emperor under her, Miaoyan's soul-refining ice phoenix, the golden-winged blue sparrow sitting under the seat of Qinghua Palace lord, and the fire-refining golden phoenix under Yun Qianmeng's feet all trembled with their spirit wings , Qingyue Cuiming, also seems to be joking.

"Hmph! You spirit birds, up to this moment, are still helping your master laugh at me, and watch if I don't pluck your hairs!"

Pa'er embroidered eyebrows raised, and looked at the spirit riders mentioned above one after another. The screams of the four spirit pets stopped abruptly, and they dared not speak out immediately!

"Pa'er, you could have escaped just now, why did you do this.

We were talking just now that we are gone, and you are with my husband, but now..."

Miao Yan understands Pa'er's character of sadness that doesn't show on her face, so she said.

"You have a good idea. If you are gone, my husband will think about you all day long, and he will treat me coldly. I won't let you take advantage of me!"

Miao Yan originally said a very sentimental sentence, but Pa'er answered it so correctly, which immediately made Miao Yan dumbfounded.

"You little girl, you are really old and unreasonable. I used to not be able to figure out the source of the eccentric tempers of the Tianling Seven Sisters, but this time we know.

The seven sisters of Emotional Tianling stayed with you all day, and learned one set of fallacies after another! "

Shui'er joked.


"Ha ha……"

"Why, is this the so-called Waves and Fate Spirit Gate? Bensha Fenghuang just sprayed a few mouthfuls of sandstorm poisonous fire, and the sky was full of mad dragons, gods and phoenixes screaming, the dragon ball and phoenix pill lost color, and the sword and arrow were lost! ?

oh! Nine beauties, where is your husband Liu Qianlang? Want to know where he is?

Let Bensha Fenghuang tell you that while you were fighting to the death, your husband has been flirting with the blazing protector of Dieyuan Lianchen Realm, and he is probably still flirting with each other right now!

Ha ha……"

Sha Fenghuang suddenly saw the miraculous army of the six miraculous forces in the sky, and his state of diving to rescue Liu Qianlang's nine beloved wives suddenly changed.

Six miraculous armies, the dragon ball and phoenix pill army formed an infinitely huge pearl pill spirit rainbow double-ring sky formation, tightly protecting the dragon, fairy, phoenix, magic arrow and fairy sword, whizzing away.

And below, Liu Qianlang's nine beloved wives who were swallowed by his own sandstorm and poisonous fire gave up resistance and were ready to die, they couldn't help laughing triumphantly!

"Oh! Fang Master of Lingshan, you really know me, Liu Qianlang!

The head of the sect really admires that Sha Fenghuang is such an evil spirit, he can also become a butterfly fairy, hiding 6021 billion years in the Dieyuan love dust world!

In order to dominate the bright spiritual world, such deliberate efforts are really unimaginable! "

At this moment, thousands of miles into the sky, a white-haired man in silver clothes was flying wildly, stepping on a section of emerald green willow branch with both feet.

Like lightning, it shot down towards the vast sandstorm and poisonous fire area where Pa'er and the other nine sisters were.

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