Nine Heavens

Chapter 1749 The Qing Emperor Passed the Trial

Chapter 1749 The Qing Emperor Passed Trial

"Gonghuang! What's the meaning of this? Isn't it to judge Die Yuan's stubborn forces? Why do you want to arrest Ben Protector instead!?"

The fiery guardian felt a sense of horror in his heart, and his mind was spinning rapidly. He looked closely at the people around the palace, and found that Liu Qianlang and his miraculous army leader were almost there, and most of the rest were Dieyuan Lianchenjie and Hua Hua who were glaring at him. The noble soul world.

What shocked me so much was that the Butterfly Emperor of the Three Realms also appeared on the Void Void Throne above the back of the Fang Lord on one side of the Lingshan Mountain with a calm expression.

"Shut up! You cunning Beiling Sand Wind Spirit Clan foreign spirit evil clan, haven't woken up yet, open your sand wind eyes and see clearly, you are in Die Yuan!

I, Dieyuan, have successfully rescued the butterfly emperor and the three butterfly kings of the world of love, and I will seal you, the 300 million slaughtering killer controlled by the evil spirit, and recover the spiritual map of Dieyuan's three realms.

Dieyuan, with the help of Langyuanmen, the Xinxin Spiritual Clan in the Bright Spiritual Realm, severely defeated the Beiling Sand Fengling Clan, and smashed your 602 billion-year-old conspiracy to destroy Dieyuan in one fell swoop!

Today is your trial meeting, death is imminent, do you plead guilty or not! ? "

Hearing that Guardian Zan Lie called himself the Emperor of the Sand Wind Palace of the Beiling Sand Wind Spirit Clan, his complexion suddenly changed, and he changed from his usual elegant attitude, and shouted.

At the same time, the misty wood fan suddenly shot out three torrential rainbows, and with the force of lightning, they rushed to the top, middle, and bottom three directions of the blazing guardian!



The action of Fangzhu on the side of Lingshan was too sudden and vicious.

Apparently Blazing Flame didn't expect that the person above would suddenly lay down a deadly attack on him, and before he had time to resist, he was blown away, smashed heavily outside several palace gates, and then screamed, spitting out blood !

"The three Butterfly Emperors, all of whom are blind and blind, let a spy from the Sand Wind Spirit Clan of Beiling hang around for more than 602 billion years!

It's really a crime, let the master kill her right now, to vent his heart! "

Fangzhu of the Lingshan side said the words quickly, six times quickly, his figure flickered, and a white rainbow shot out of several palace gates.


This is the two high-ranking butterfly emperors and many butterfly saints at the public trial of undercover agents. How can you be so crazy, why don't you bring her back into the palace! "

However, before the master of the Lingshan side had time to make a move, in the main hall, one of the butterfly emperors of the Three Realms, the Butterfly Emperor of the Lianchen Realm, shouted loudly and stopped the master of the Lingshan side.


Although the killing power of Fangzhu on the Lingshan side was not realized, he still unceremoniously broke off the limbs of the blazing guardian, and then slapped a fan with a strange fragrance of fog and wood, and the poor blazing guardian rolled back into the hall like a ball.

Because of the severe pain in his body, the guardian blazing screamed strangely, and at the same time restored the original body of Sand Fenghun.

"Ah? She is indeed an undercover agent of the Beiling Sandwind Spirit Clan, damn it!"

Seeing that the blazing protector suddenly restored the body of Sand Feng, which was more than ten feet tall, of the Beiling Sand Wind Spirit Clan, the high-ranking Dieyuan Lingxians present were all shocked.

Because most of them don't really believe that the master of Fangzhu, the one hundred thousand elves, will hide a spy of the Beiling Sandwind Spirit Clan for a long time.

Now the facts are in front of our eyes, and everyone sighs.

"Gong Huang, help me?"

Above the main hall, Shafenghun used the unique soul-sounding spell of the Beiling Shafeng Lingzu. When he was dying, his hair was disheveled, and he looked at the Fangzhu of Lingshan with extremely complicated eyes, and said expectantly.

"Sha Fenghun, you should understand that you and I have both gone to the Wave Fate Gate to hide the sky and cross the sea, and secretly planned Chen Cang's plan to save people. They have not only seen through your identity of the Sand Wind Spirit Clan in Beiling, but also have doubts about our master. Heart!

Today, if your Shafeng soul is immortal, then we, the Shafeng Spirit Clan of Beiling, will surely be doomed.

For the sake of the great cause of the Beiling Sand Wind Spirit Clan, I hope you understand that the emperor had no choice but to give up his car and save his handsomeness.

Otherwise, the real target of their public trial today is not you, but the emperor.

Now, I can't reveal my identity, at least I can break with them completely if I get back the Dieyuan Spiritual Map again. If there is no Dieyuan Spiritual Map, all our efforts will be in vain! "

After the party master of the Lingshan side fanned Sha Fenghun's huge black and blue Shafeng body back to the main hall, he pretended not to know him at all, and answered Sha Fenghun's question through sound transmission through his soul.

"The head of the Langyuan Sect is so vicious, and I, Sha Fenghun, is the number one killer of 300 million soul-slaying clansmen, and the number one of the five miraculous and invisible guardians around the palace emperor, unexpectedly I fell for all of his tricks!

This is the end of the matter, Die Yuan must clean up all our forces in the world of love dust, why does the palace emperor have illusions anymore, with the strength of the palace emperor, if he wants to escape back to the Beiling Sand Wind Spirit Clan, there will be absolutely no problem.

Please also ask the emperor to make a decisive decision and take me back to the Beiling Sand Wind Spirit Clan. I will definitely rebuild my spiritual body, and then form a huge massacre and exterminate the clan killers to help the emperor in his great cause! "

Sha Fenghun was unwilling to perish just like that, and persuaded the owner of the side of Shafenghuang Lingshan.

"Three Realm Emperors, all of you Dieyuan dignitaries present, how to deal with the evil spirits of the Beiling Shafengling Clan have been brought back, and let the three Realm Emperors show you."

The Fang Master of Lingshan didn't pay attention to Sha Fenghun's words, but bowed to the high place and saluted to the left and right, and said in a serious voice.

"Well! You stand aside for the time being, since it is a public trial of undercover agents of foreign evil spirits, we naturally have to ask a lot of questions!

She appeared in my love world, let me ask the butterfly emperor first! "

Speaking of this, the Butterfly Emperor of the Lianchen Realm, wearing a red neon dress and spirit dress, with a beautiful face, rippling spiritual eyes, and seven butterfly-shaped fairy accessories with bright stars shining on his forehead, shining brilliantly, said in a concentrated voice.

"That's fine, Qinghuang invites you first."

As mentioned earlier, the butterfly emperor of the three realms is Tan Jing, the butterfly emperor of the Soul Transformation Realm is Ming'er, and the butterfly emperor of the Lianchen Realm is Qing'er.

The latter two are the two maidservants of Tan Jing, the eldest lady of Longyun Villa who was once the number one human being in the world, Minger and Qinger. Now the three masters and servants are lured to Dieyuan by the three Youji sisters because of Qing Tianhe's death, and devote themselves to cultivation. , became Dieyuan Diehuang today.

The three masters and servants have always been close sisters, so both Tan Jing and Ming'er call Qing'er Qinghuang.

Qinghuang looked at the two elder sisters and nodded, and he also nodded slightly, turning his eyes to His Highness.

"Are you the soul of Sand Wind, one of the five magical invisible protectors beside the King of Sand Wind, who is said to be a myth in the Sand Wind Spirit Clan of Beiling?"

Qing'er, the butterfly emperor of the love dust world, glanced coldly at Sha Fenghun, who was kneeling with broken limbs, and asked.

snort! It's my soul venerable, why, the Die Emperor of Dieyuan Love Dust Realm also worships me! "

Even though he was captured, Sha Fenghun was still rebellious, and replied in a mocking tone.

"That's right, my Dieyuan and Beiling Shafengling clan are both big clans in the bright spirit world, and there are many supernatural beings in each clan.

And you, Sha Fenghun, are the most outstanding among these gods and strangers. To be honest, the Butterfly Emperor really values ​​you very much.

Just based on your ability to be an undercover agent in this butterfly emperor's love world for 6,021 billion years, it's hard for this butterfly emperor not to admire you!

However, the Emperor of Die would like to ask, besides the hundreds of millions of your followers that we have eliminated, do you, Sand Fenghun, have any more secret followers in my love dust world or the entire Dieyuan? "

Qing'er, the butterfly emperor of the Love Dust Realm, changed the subject and asked a question that frightened the owner of the Lingshan side.

"Ha ha……"

"Of course, although I, Sand Wind Soul, is good at spiritual power, it is easy to absorb butterfly spirits and mix among you.

But this protector is alone. After all, I am single and weak. With only my spiritual life, how can I hide here for 6021 billion years! "

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