Nine Heavens

Chapter 1750 Mortal Domain Source

Chapter 1750

"I don't know who it is, please tell Sha Fenghun! I, Dieyuan, always know how to repay you. If you tell me that you are an undercover accomplice, I will immediately let your Yuanshen live!"

Hearing this, Qing'er, the Butterfly Emperor of the Loving Dust Realm, his expression changed, and he glanced to the right at Ming'er, the butterfly emperor of the Soul Transformation Realm, and Tan Jing, the butterfly emperor of the Wuhen Realm, who were all in blue, and said with a shock in his heart.

"Hmph! You bastard!"

Without waiting for Sha Fenghun to speak, the Fang Master of the Lingshan side cursed Sha Fenghun at His Royal Highness, then quickly turned to the butterfly emperor of the Three Realms and said.

The three realm emperors don't want to listen to her nonsense, lest this villain of the Beiling Sandfengling clan maliciously provoke the unity of our three realms of Dieyuan before he died!

"Hehe, why are you so excited today, girl? Do you doubt the judgment of our three realm emperors? Don't interrupt for now, the Qinghuang has his own decision!"

Hearing the words of Fangzhu of the Lingshan side, the butterfly emperor of the Soul Transformation Realm and the Wutrace Butterfly Emperor met each other, and Ming'er, the butterfly emperor of the Soul Transformation Realm, smiled calmly.

"No, no! The subordinates dare not, the subordinates just stop talking too much!"

Fangzhu of the Lingshan side turned pale with fright when he heard the words of Minger, the butterfly emperor of the Soul Transformation Realm, and quickly apologized and backed away.

If you want to talk about this Dieyuan Diehuang, what Fang Zhu of Lingshan is most afraid of is this Diehuang of the Soul Transformation Realm!

Qing'er, the butterfly emperor of the Lianchen Realm, is in the Lianchen Realm with herself, and I understand her temperament and nature very well, even the spiritual realm of her Lianchen Magical Skill, so the Fangzhu of Lingshan is not very clear about the Diehuang of the Lianchen Realm. Fear.

And the Butterfly Emperor of the Wuhen Realm has always been a supernatural being, and never asks about Dieyuan's various affairs. This was the first time seeing him appear since he entered the Traceless Realm.

Therefore, Fangzhu of Lingshan has no fear of the Butterfly Emperor of Wuhen Realm.

However, the Butterfly King of the Soul Transformation Realm is different. In the Dieyuan Soul Transformation Realm, the Butterfly King is called the Sneering King of Hades, Warm Smile Killer!

That is to say, if you meet the Die Emperor of the Soul Transformation Realm in Dieyuan no matter what occasion, if you offend her, whether she sneers or warmly smiles, you will not live long!

What this Butterfly Emperor hates most is when others talk to her, especially people who have no place in her heart.

She has a characteristic, that is, once she notices you and you talk to her. Then next, she will stop talking and listen to you.

When you say the first sentence, if she sneers, you will have no chance to say the second sentence, and you are guaranteed to be killed by her when you finish the first sentence.

If she listens to what you said and answers you with a smile, you will have the opportunity to say three sentences, whether right or wrong, and after the third sentence is finished, you will have nothing to do with life.

Just now, Fang Master of the Lingshan side heard the words of Butterfly Emperor Ming'er of the Soul Transformation Realm, forgot the other party's taboo for a moment, and responded instinctively, so his face turned pale with fright, and he dared not speak again.

"Say it, Emperor Ben Die repeats it again, if you tell me about the other undercover agents hidden in Die Yuan, I will never break my promise!"

The Butterfly Emperor of Love Dust Realm didn't say anything, but looked directly at Sha Fenghun and said in a concentrated voice.

"Ha ha……"

Sha Fenghun laughed wildly, and then said: "This spirit fairy is far away in the sky, but close in front of me!"

Sha Fenghun's gaze full of resentment slowly swept across the Fangzhu of Lingshan, and then shot directly at His Highness Liu Qianlang.


"Sha Fenghun, are you referring to the origin of the Spiritual Clan, the Lingmen Daoist, the head of the Langyuan Sect, the head of the Liuyuan Sect?"

The Butterfly Emperor of Love Dust Realm asked with a smile.

"Fellow Daoists!? Haha... You Die Yuan spirit immortals are really interesting. People with deep hatred enter the mountain gate, and hundreds of millions of butterfly immortals lead the way to entertain them, but they even treat them as old friends of the spirit immortals! It's ridiculous!"

Sand Fenghun laughed madly, covered in black sand and blue wind, howling and circling around his body.

"Oh, how do you say that?"

Qing'er, the butterfly emperor in the love dust world, asked calmly and calmly.

"Have the three realm emperors ever been from Longyun Villa, the number one among the five mortals in Mortal Realm?"

"Yes, so what?"

"Do you know who killed the owner of Longyun Mountain Villa, that is, Emperor Longyun, who later destroyed Qingliu Kingdom and established Longyun Heavenly Kingdom?"

"Of course I don't know, please enlighten me."

"Hmph! Your former owner died at the hands of the head of the Langyuan sect!"

"This is empty talk, what evidence is there!"

Hearing this, the Butterfly King of the Refining Realm was taken aback, and turned to look at Tan Jing, the Butterfly King of the Wuhen Realm, who was in the middle of the Butterfly King of the Three Realms. Then continue to ask.

"There is no need for evidence. I did kill Emperor Longyun who wantonly killed the common people in the world, that is, Tan Tianying, the father of Butterfly Emperor Wuhenjie!"

Hearing this, Liu Qianlang felt pain in his heart, but he didn't want to quibble, so he took the initiative to speak up.

"I heard, this hypocritical Langyuan Sect head, what is it if it's not your enemy.

Three months ago, he was still drinking with me in Lingyuan, discussing how to occupy the Three Realms of Dieyuan.

At that time, the Dharma protector kept an eye on it, and activated a magic sound shadow stone at the bottom of the Linghu Lake in Lingyuan, and all our conversations and scenes at that time were contained in it.

If the three realm emperors don't believe it, they can go check it out immediately! "

Sha Fenghun's eyes were full of resentment, looked at Liu Qianlang, and said bitterly.

"Shut up! The two Butterfly Emperors of the Soul Transformation Realm and the Love Chen Realm didn't know about these things. Although my father died at the hands of Master Liu, it was because of his own evil deeds.

The emperor of this world has been seeking revenge for many years, but finally gave up after knowing the truth. Otherwise, how could the emperor of this world agree to accept all the people from the Helexianmen who were transformed into spirit immortals from the five mortal realms in Mortal Realm!

6021 billion years later, how can the creators of Hele Xianmen, the Sina Yuanling Clan, be allowed to enter my Dieyuan Three Realm Spiritual Realm!

This time, the reason why Dieyuan successfully rescued the butterfly king and three butterfly kings from the love dust world, smashed your 300 million massacre killers and stole back Dieyuan's spiritual map.

As well as removing the sandstorm poison in the bodies of our three Butterfly Emperors, it is the head of Liu and the entire Langyuanmen who sacrificed their lives to help them all turn around.

Everything in the past is like a cloud of smoke, right or wrong, only look at the road of good fortune in the future.

Do you, Sha Fenghun, know the reason for Die Yuan and Wave Yuan Sect? "

Sha Fenghun originally thought that when he brought up the old matter of Liu Qianlang, the head of the Langyuan Sect, and Longyun Tianguo, it would make the butterfly emperors of the three realms of Dieyuan angry.

Unexpectedly, Tan Jing, the Butterfly King of the Wuhen Realm who never spoke, would actually speak, and his thought that he could provoke the conflict between Langyuanmen and Dieyuan in an instant fell through in seconds.

Now the other party is asking himself.

"This, that, woo—I don't know about this Dharma protector, so please tell me!"

Sha Fenghun was awed by the untraceable Butterfly Emperor of the Wuhen Realm, who was indifferent but shimmering all over his body, as well as the magnificent voice that spread thousands of miles away.

In a trance, he regarded himself as Dieyuan Lingxian's subordinate again, and said without answering.

"Four boys once appeared in the first human world of the Mortal Realm, known as the Four Star Boys. The head Liu and the head of the Sky Wolf Sect in front of you are two of them.

The other two are the hall master of the Langyuanmen Lingyao Tiandi Hall and the palace master of the Emerald Soul Palace.

Originally, the Butterfly Emperor of Wuhen Realm and the Realm of Transforming Soul, the reason why the two Butterfly Emperors of Lianchen Realm were destined to be here was all because of Princess Emerald Soul, who was in front of 6,021 billion, the eldest lady Liu of the Liu family of Qingshi Villa, the number one human in Mortal Realm. Juan, my favorite sister with a different surname.

Back then, in Qingtianhe, because I mistakenly wore the Nether Yinpo garment, my soul flew away and I died. The two servant girls, now the two sisters of the Butterfly Emperor, couldn't bear my loneliness at that time, and they committed suicide together.

Later, because of Die Yuan's guidance, and sister Liu Juan gathering souls for me, the three of us came here, and eventually became the Die Yuan Emperor of the Three Realms. "

The Butterfly Emperor of the Wuhen Realm looked indifferently, but his brilliance was infinite, and he said in a very miraculous way.

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