Nine Heavens

Chapter 1751 Sensitive Lingshan

Chapter 1751 Sensitive Lingshan

"Ha ha……"

"The Butterfly Emperor of the Wuhen Realm seems to mean that you are still very grateful for someone who killed you. This is really surprising to me, I can't figure it out!"

King Sha Feng knew that he was more than good, and gradually he was not afraid of anything. He even raised his broken arm and pointed at the Butterfly Emperor of Wuhen Realm, laughing wildly.

"You are right! When the death of our three sisters can be said to be rebirth from Nirvana, you are also a member of the Spirit Clan of the Bright Spirit World.

You should know that there is a difference between soul cultivation and body cultivation. If our three sisters are immortal, with our innate talents, we will definitely not be able to cultivate to the realm of spirit immortals with our physical bodies.

However, we are very lucky, because of the call of the boy Yin Poyi from Cui Ling of the Langyuan Gate, our souls and primordial spirits successfully emerged from the confusion, came to Dieyuan, and embarked on the road of directly cultivating spirit immortals.

Afterwards, the three of us, the three of us sisters, became obsessed with spirits, celestial souls, souls, souls, and primordial spirits. Then we went to Qianhan Cave, Longyun Villa, the hometown of the first person, and found the location of our physical bodies that sister Liujuan, the emerald boy, had come to Dieyuan to tell us. , and then we succeeded in merging the spirit, soul, primordial spirit, obsession and physical body into one.

Our physical body has naturally evolved to the spiritual realm because our father placed it in the Thousand Cold Cave for maintenance. Sister Juan warmed her heart and gathered her soul.

Therefore, the three of us sisters became Dieyuan Spirit Immortals at a miraculous and unbelievable speed, and since then, the journey of spirit immortals has been rising all the way, and we are today.

It can be said that it is precisely because of our accidental death that we have achieved what we are today.

Furthermore, because the three of us sisters practiced the soul soul, it was easy to collect the soul soul obsession after the death of our parents.

Now the Diehuang's parents are in a spiritual realm in Dieyuan, and they have successfully transformed into spirit immortals. They see through everything, no longer ask about human affairs, and live a very comfortable and carefree life.

This also shows that what Master Liu punished was only the mistakes in the life of Ben Diehuang's father, and then allowed him to gain a new life freely.

Not only did our three sisters feel relieved and no longer resent Master Liu, but even Ben Diehuang's father felt that he knew his mistakes back then, and let us treat everyone in Langyuanmen kindly no matter what.

He also said that the birth of Master Liu and Sister Juan is definitely the blessing of the New Three Realms, the heaven, earth and spirit!

Sha Fenghun, the Butterfly Emperor has made such remarks, do you have anything else to say? "

The Butterfly Emperor of the Wuhen Realm didn't speak loudly, but the sound waves continued to grow louder and louder, circling the entire Dieyuan Spiritual Realm, shaking people's hearts and souls.

"Congratulations to the Butterfly Emperor of Wuhenjie, it turns out that Uncle Tan has been reborn in spiritual practice! I am really happy in my heart, and finally have less guilt!"

When Liu Qianlang heard the words, he couldn't restrain his inner excitement, and saluted the Butterfly Emperor of Wuhen Realm high above.

"Hehe, Sect Leader Liu doesn't need to blame himself anymore, you are not to blame for everything, my father learned that you have come to Dieyuan, and that Uncle Liu is still alive.

Immortal wine and delicacies have already been prepared, just wait for your father and son to go when it is convenient for you! "

It can be said that Tan Jing, the Butterfly Emperor of the Untraceable Realm, did not say it, but transmitted it to Liu Qianlang through sound transmission from his heart.

Liu Qianlang listened and nodded heavily. He was really overjoyed by such a happy ending, so how could he not be happy to agree.

However, Sha Fenghuang was extremely embarrassed when he heard the words of Butterfly Emperor Wuhenjie.

I have always heard about being grateful for life-saving and giving thanks, but now I hear the magic of the sky, the dignified Dieyuan Supreme Diehuang is grateful to his enemy who was originally an enemy!


Sha Fenghun was speechless, shaking his head and sighing.

It took a long time before he said: "The Butterfly Emperor of the Three Realms doesn't need to say any more, since Sha Fenghun has fallen into such a world today, how to deal with it, just listen to your lord!

However, you have to understand one thing, it's definitely not that I, Sha Fenghun, are incompetent. If this protector wants to escape, even if Dieyuan is covered with nets, it is definitely not a problem to escape.

Today, Shafeng Soul is willing to die, just for the dignity and future of the Shafeng Spirit Clan in Beiling! "

"So, in Dieyuan, there is indeed a second, or even more, spies from the Beiling Sandwind Spirit Clan! And the status is definitely higher than yours, but that's it!?"

As soon as Sha Fenghun's words fell, Qing'er, the butterfly emperor of the refining dust world, suddenly asked angrily in a voice like a cloud.

"No, no!"

Sha Fenghun instinctively shuddered because of shock, and then glanced at Fangzhu, the first Lingshan side opposite His Highness Liu Qianlang.

"You hateful spy! Your Majesty Die Huangzun is asking you something, and you haven't thought it through carefully before telling me!"

Seeing Sha Fenghun's gaze surrendered to him in astonishment, the owner of Lingshan's side was flustered for a while, and his face couldn't help but look ugly, and he immediately reprimanded.

Seeing this, the three realm emperors looked at each other in tacit understanding, and then they didn't say anything for the time being, and their eyes seemed to have inadvertently swept across the strange expression of Fangzhu on the side of Lingshan.

The entire Linggong hall suddenly became silent, very embarrassing and depressing.

This state lasted for about a quarter of an hour.


The Butterfly Emperor of the Soul Transformation Realm suddenly smiled, it was a sneer, and he was smiling at Fangzhu, who was looking at the side of Lingshan.

"The master of Lingshan, please calm down! We don't plan to ask any more questions. As the first party master in the dust world, I will leave Sand Fenghun to your disposal!

Whether to live or die, to release or to be imprisoned, all are left to you to decide, we have other matters, let’s leave for the time being, and the final result, just let you Emperor Die know! "

In the sneer of the Butterfly Emperor of the Transforming Soul Realm, Tan Jing, the Butterfly Emperor of the Wuhen Realm, left these words, and the two Butterfly Emperors suddenly disappeared.

Immediately afterwards, the Butterfly Emperor of Love Dust Realm took a few glances at Lingshan and the Fang Master also left.

"The master of the Lingshan side bids farewell!"

Seeing this, the people from the Langyuanmen, as people outside of Dieyuan, would not stay for long, Liu Qianlang bid farewell, and the people from the Langyuanmen also left without a trace.

At the moment in the palace, apart from Fangzhu of Lingshan and Shafenghun, there are also several Diesheng who rarely show up in the Three Realms of Dieyuan, whose strength is far above the three realm emperors, or even higher.

They whirled around Fangzhu and Shafenghun of Lingshan, laughing and laughing, their figures disappeared from time to time, and they disappeared or hid somewhere without knowing when.

"Emperor Gong! Don't have any chances anymore, run away from here! Our influence has already been wiped out by them, and staying here is also a lonely family, meaningless!

Taking advantage of the fact that they are still unable to determine the identity of the palace emperor, the palace emperor still has a chance to leave!

Otherwise, once it is exposed, the consequences will be disastrous. The Emperor Gong also saw that Dieyuan and these monsters of the Diesheng level who never showed their faces showed up, which means that they are going to deal ruthlessly..."

Sha Fenghun sensed that there was no longer aura of spiritual thoughts around him, and the soul thought transmitted the sound to the Lingshan side to guide the way.

"Shut up!"

"Ben Sha Fenghuang left at this moment, didn't he fall for their plan to test the undercover agent?

It seems that leaving is inevitable! But leaving like this is not the temper of the Sha Fenghuang. They entered the Sand Wind Palace of the Sand Wind Spirit Race in Beiling to save people, and killed countless soldiers of the Sand Wind Spirit Race. !

But it's not yet, Bensha Fenghuang still doesn't want to leave, so I have to wrong you! "


Fangzhu of the side of Lingshan sneered suddenly, and held a fan of misty wood in his hand, and a strange rainbow of various colors and ice and fire burst out from it, instantly melting Shafeng's soul, flesh, hands and soul, soul and obsession.

Sha Fenghun left a scream and disappeared like this.

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