Nine Heavens

Chapter 1753 Spirit Blood Bibliography

Chapter 1753 Spirit Blood Bibliography

"The death of the three former benefactors, the Emperor of the World, we have already expected that you, Emperor Sha Feng, are responsible for it!

It’s just that we have always wondered how you entered the Dieyuan Three Realms back then, and we couldn’t capture any information about you at all!

Now we finally understand that in order to undercover Die Yuan, you and Sha Fenghun successfully practiced the Dafa of Quhun, twisting Beiling Shafengling into a female ghost, and then haunting the bodies of two dead beauties in the five worlds.

You have been fooled by Dieyuan Soul Introducer, and brought you into Dieyuan by mistake, and after going through a series of butterfly transformation processes such as soul refining and gathering, you actually possess the spirit butterfly body.

And the souls of those two human women were devoured by you beforehand!

Then you started to do whatever you want in my Dieyuan love dust world, let us no matter what, I can't imagine that the all-powerful Lingsha Fengling clan, Sand Fenghuang and Sha Fenghun, would stay in my Dieyuan majesticly! "

The Butterfly Emperor of Wuhenjie was willing to believe all the absurd things in the past until now, shaking his head and said.

"Ha ha……"

"Stop talking nonsense! I know this better than you. Bensha Fenghuang doesn't want to hear about your current enlightenment. He just wants to know why the three damned old world emperors and the old butterfly monsters around him rejected the party master of this Lingshan. I climbed to Dieyuan True Spirit Mountain to receive baptism!"

Shafenghuang laughed triumphantly, surrounded by the most powerful forces in Dieyuan, his momentum was still aggressive, and he asked wildly.

"Forget it, it doesn't matter if I tell you before you die, in fact, when the three benefactors, the emperor spirits of the world, left a warning when they left.

Back then, the three of us sisters went to the bedroom of the three emperors in the early morning of the next day to greet them.

They were horrified to find that they had already died standing upright with their eyes wide open, and their spirit bodies were standing proudly, their eyes full of horror and worry, they were all in the book of spiritual blood before death!

At that time, because we were in great grief, we didn't notice the blood spiritual book in their eyes!

Until 99.9 billion years after the death of the three masters, the emperor of the world, we have also reached the time to look for candidates for the next new butterfly emperor. Our three butterfly emperors unanimously chose you, Shafenghun, and Lianchenjie. Another spirit butterfly water master!

Then according to the ritual, our three sisters boarded the True Spirit Mountain and kowtowed to the three benefactors Die Huang who were placed in Yunlian Pingjing above the True Spirit Pond.

Unexpectedly, when we mentioned the names of you and the blazing protector, the three benefactors Die Huang suddenly burst into bright aura, and the surrounding wind roared suddenly, and their eyes shot out red and blazing blood rainbows.

When the cloudy wind calmed down, some big bloody characters appeared in front of each of them, and when they were connected together, they were the six characters: 'Fang Master of Lingshan Fang'.

At the time we didn't understand what this meant! But since the bibliography of the three benefactors, Diehuang Spirit Blood, reminded each of them that there is a word in their eyes, it is still there today!

We still follow the decree of the three benefactors, the Emperor Die, and from now on we will simply seal the Three Palaces of the Emperor Die, so as not to allow you, the master of Lingshan, to intervene in any major events in Die Yuan.

And all the important tasks of Dieyuan were entrusted to the nine butterfly kings to secretly lead the trusted forces of Dieyuan to carry out them one by one!

For countless years, even though we have done this, we still do not understand the true meaning of the bibliography of the three benefactors Diehuang Lingxue.

Why are they so angry with you, the Fang Master of Lingshan, that they gave up the possibility of still having a chance to live, and condensed the spiritual power and blood of the whole body to form a bibliography of spiritual blood? We can't stop thinking, but the more we think, the more confused we become .

During the three Lingyue retreats before this, we were still thinking about this question when we were practicing the Dieyuan Divine Art.

It wasn't until Master Liu woke up the dreamer with a word, that we didn't realize that you, the party master of Lingshan, is the Shafeng Emperor of the Sandfeng Palace of the Sandwind Spirit Clan in Beiling!

In this way, you will naturally have a chance to kill the three benefactors, the Butterfly Emperor!

Moreover, after you, Emperor Sha Feng, took the appearance of our three sisters and committed crimes, although the three mentors, Die Huang, did not see through that you were Emperor Sha Feng, they did see that you were the real body of the party leader of Lingshan at that time!

So when they were dying, they downloaded the bibliography of spiritual blood and sealed their spirit bodies so that they would not fall down. The purpose was to tell us that the master of your Lingshan side was the murderer who killed them. At the same time, for the future of Dieyuan, he reminded us to be absolutely careful about you. demon!

If it weren't for the fact that the three mentors, the Butterfly Emperor, were murdered by your sandstorm poison back then, their spiritual power was not enough, and they could only leave a few words. Buried! "

This passage, Wuhenjie Diehuang said very ashamed of himself, and interrupted with a few sighs in the middle.

"Back then, Bensha Fenghuang couldn't climb Dieyuan True Spirit Mountain. Except for the three immortal Diehuang who left the bibliography of spiritual blood, I think there are two other people who gave up your idea of ​​cultivating Bensha Fenghuang, but in this way ?”

When Emperor Shafeng said this, the five-colored Shafeng's roaring eyes looked at one of the five human worlds and Le Shanzun on the left side of the spiritual hall, the divination saint, who was Song Zhen's parents.

"Haha, that's right, back then, it happened that the five of us from the human world and the Le Xian Sect ascended to the spirit world together because of Liu Hunzun, the head of the Immortal Ancestor Langyuan Sect, before leaving the five human worlds.

It's because you Sha Feng Huang was unlucky to meet our fortune-telling and fortune-telling couple.

Back then we were only new to Dieyuan, but we saw you among hundreds of millions of spiritual butterflies at a glance. Although your spiritual appearance and appearance are outstanding, the spiritual power and aura under Qiaoli's body are extremely complicated.

Inside the bright and glamorous appearance, there is infinite coldness, bullying, inexplicable spiritual power that may erupt at any moment!

Seeing this, we have watched the Lingtian and predicted the Lingkong more than once.

When we saw the evil dragon chasing the rainbow in the sky of the spiritual world overnight, we confidently asserted that you, the master of the Lingshan side, are definitely not good.

So we thought about it again and again, and spoke to the three butterfly emperors about our divination results.

At that time, I thought that the three realm emperors might not care about it, but who knew that the three realm emperors had already become wary of you, and not only accepted our divination conclusion.

And because of this, we were appointed divination spiritual masters in the three realms of Dieyuan, and we have no doubts in the five human worlds and all the disciples of Lexianmen since then. Alliance secrets.

Sha Fenghuang, are you satisfied with the answer of the spiritual master of the three worlds? "

Zhan Xie asked in a provocative tone.

"Satisfied, very satisfied! Next, it seems that it is time for Bensha Fenghuang to fight against Dieyuan!

Butterfly Emperor of the Three Realms, do you Dieyuan and the Three Realms forces go together with the Langyuanmen, Lexianmen, and the three forces, or are you fighting with wheels? Bensha Fenghuang will accompany you to the end! "

Shafenghuang let out waves of howls, and his body suddenly rose into the sky, continuously expanding and climbing, reaching a size of tens of thousands of miles, and broke through the spiritual palace with a bang.

The Butterfly Emperor of the Three Realms and all the people in the spiritual palace also flew into the sky!

"Don't be mad, Emperor Sandstorm, today is your day of death! Let me tell you a piece of news!

Just now, my army of 900 billion butterfly immortals in the Three Realms of Dieyuan has been led by various spirit generals of the Langyuan Gate God and the Alien Spirit Army, and we will go to the north again. It won’t be long before your back Lingsha Fengling Clan will be in the Guangming Spiritual Realm Disappeared!

This is really ironic. In the end, it is harming others and oneself after all. After 602.1 billion years of harboring evil intentions, once it becomes clear that it is not Die Yuan who is facing the undead, but your own Beiling Sand Wind Spirit Clan! "

The Butterfly King of the Wuhen Realm, the Butterfly King of the Soul Transformation Realm and the Butterfly King of the Love Chen Realm are lined up in the air. The three figures of Danhong, Youlan, and Colorless Vientiane are shining with the sea of ​​spiritual power and aura around them, and the wind and waves are surging , the three world emperors were on top of it.

Looking at the Sandstorm Emperor, which is thousands of miles high, and the five-colored sandstorm vortex swirling around him, the three Realm Emperors looked calm and calm, and the Butterfly Emperor of the Soul Transformation Realm looked coldly.

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