Nine Heavens

Chapter 1754 The Butterfly Destroys the Realm

Chapter 1754: The Butterfly Destroys the Realm


Sha Fenghuang shook his huge body, kicking and kicking, smashing countless mountains, rivers and waterfalls in the Dieyuan Love Dust Realm, flying sand and rocks, accompanied by the billowing sand, wind, poisonous fire, and fire that began to shoot out from the seven orifices of his eyes again.

Sha Fenghuang shook it, roaring continuously:

"Come on! Let Bensha Fenghuang swallow you all in the vortex and poisonous fire of the outer sand wind, and the souls and souls will be destroyed, and you will be gathered forever!"

"The Butterfly Emperor of the Three Realms, Gao Zun, you need my help from Langyuanmen, please don't be polite!"

"Just ask the Butterfly Emperor of the Three Realms to order!"

Liu Qianlang and the nine beloved wives who did not go to the Beizheng, their five human worlds, Le Xianmen and Le Shanzun shouted successively!

"Thank you, Master Liu, ladies of Lingzun and the eight Le Shanzuns for your kindness! This is the final settlement of the grievances between Dieyuan and Beilingsha Fenglingzu. No matter what the result is, let Dieyuan face it alone!

If the ending is not good, please also ask Master Liu to be in charge of Die Yuan, and treat me Die Yuan three world spirits kindly.

By the way, I saw Sister Juan the other day and told her that Tan Jing, Ming'er, and Qing'er miss her very much, and she is our good sister regardless of life or death! "

Butterfly Emperor Tan Jing of the Wuhen Realm flashed in her soul the memory of when Liu Juan was still a mortal body and went to Dieyuan alone to save herself. Said loudly.


Hearing this, Liu Qianlang, out of respect for the three realm emperors, continued to shoot high into the sky with his nine beloved wives at the same time, far away from the battlefield for hundreds of millions of light, looking down on the situation in the Dieyuan Spiritual Realm.

At the same time, the Nine Cauldrons and Lotus Ring Formation Nine Infants, which had already been placed around Dieyuan by Mind Transmission, were extremely vigilant, and no foreign aid was allowed to enter Dieyuan, nor was Sha Fenghuang allowed to escape!

Seeing the choice of Langyuan Sect, the five mortals and Lexian Sect have hundreds of millions of spirit immortals who are not good enough to help the three realm emperors, so they simply bid farewell to Liu Qianlang and went to help Dieyuan in the previous Northern Expedition The Beiling Sandwind Spirit Tribe army has gone.

Liu Qianlang and the nine beloved wives did not leave. Although they could not directly join the battle to kill Sha Fenghuang, they could always pay attention to the development of the battle. No matter what, they could save the lives of the three Realm Emperors at critical moments.

For Tan Jing, although Liu Qianlang's nine beloved wives don't know a lot, they are the playmates Liu Qianlang respected when he was a child, and his sister Liu Juan is a good sister.

He had killed her father Tan Tianying before, and felt ashamed in his heart. This time, no matter what, he really didn't want them to have any accidents, so Liu Qianlang made such a powerful layout.

"Husband, don't listen to them. If we help each other together, I'm afraid we won't be able to deal with this demon. Now that the Butterfly Emperor of the Three Realms is scolding those butterfly saints away, isn't it bad luck!"

Princess Jinling saw that the butterfly emperors of the three realms were standing proudly in the sea of ​​spiritual light in the sky, and everyone around her was gone, she couldn't help but said nervously.

"Ling'er, this is a fight to the death, it's a fight for Die Yuan's dignity, and it's also a fight to avenge their benefactor.

Although their deaths are honorable, if we intervene, it will be disrespectful to them, let's see the situation for now! "

Liu Qianlang said this in his mouth, but in fact he was thinking quickly in his heart to find a suitable reason to help the Butterfly Emperor of the Three Realms.

"Hmph! It's shameless!"

Upon hearing this, Princess Jinling said worriedly for the Butterfly Emperor of the Three Realms.

"Hehe, the princess of the Three Doujing Kingdom, the Seven Kingdoms of Gods in the Heavenly Sand Region, Your Highness Jinling, why should you be angry? Don't you have any confidence in us at all?"

After hearing Princess Jinling's voice from hundreds of billions of light away, Tan Jing, the Butterfly Emperor of the Wuhen Realm, laughed.

"Oh! The three realm emperors actually know my origin?"

Princess Jinling asked in surprise.

"Hehe, why don't you know that this Dieyuan spirit realm is the first bionic spirit realm of the dragon ball spirit realm in the sky-filled sand region. All spirit realms that appear in the sky-filled sand region can find similar existences in Dieyuan.

I saw two of the seven beloved daughters of Head Liu, one named Die'er, and the other named Lan'er, who had a great relationship with me, Dieyuan Lingdie.

Speaking of which, we are fateful relatives!

Also, what you don't expect is that the Beiling Sand Wind Spirit Clan and the Xi Ling Piao Ai Spirit Clan are also from the First Human World's Heavenly Sand Domain.

Back then, in order to summon the soul of the Cangshan dragon to return to its body, Head Liu went deep into the sky-filled sandy field to find all seven or forty-nine Dragon Balls of the Seven Kingdoms of the Seven Realms.

Then the Linglingling Mountain Lake was left behind, so that the vast sky-filled sandy area was full of vitality everywhere, and the desolation of the past was no longer there.

Countless former evil spirits and beasts were driven away by righteous spirits, beasts and birds. They had no choice but to start cultivating crazily. With the help of the abundant spiritual energy in the Xinmitian Sand Field, large numbers of them ascended into this bright spiritual world.

In other words, the first human world filled with sand is the hometown of these two great spirit races! "

The Butterfly Emperor of the Wuhen Realm looked calm, as if what he was facing was not a life-and-death battle, but a very nostalgic memory of the history of the Bright Spiritual World.

"The Butterfly Emperor of the Wuhen Realm! Why bother to say such useless words, seeing that most of you Dieyuan are women, I will make an exception and let you give way, let's do it!"

The Sandstorm Emperor stood in the center of the vast five-color sandstorm vortex poisonous fire. Although he roared endlessly, he was very cautious and did not rush to take the initiative.

Instead, he pays vigilant attention to the positions of Liu Qianlang, the Five Human Worlds, Le Xianmen, and Die Yuan's departing forces. In his opinion, the people in these three positions are the biggest threat to him in the dark.

Therefore, he believes that it is not wise for him to take the initiative to attack the Butterfly Emperor of the Three Realms. Once he made a move by himself, he might be surrounded by enemies, and no matter how powerful he was, he would not have the advantage, so he roared.

"Mm! Ming'er, Qing'er. Let's make a move, let this demon exist for a while, it will cause great damage to the Dieyuan Spiritual Realm!"

The Butterfly Emperor of Wuhen Realm looked at the swaying body of Sha Fenghuang thousands of miles away, glanced left and right at the Butterfly Emperor of Transforming Soul Realm and the Butterfly Emperor of Love Chen Realm and said.

The faces of the two butterfly emperors turned cold for a moment, and they nodded slightly.

Then the Butterfly Emperors of the Three Realms pinched the Spiritual Jue almost at the same time, in a strange posture, and muttered loudly.



A moment later, between the three worlds of Dieyuan, there was a sudden gust of wind, the mountains roared, and dark clouds swirled in the sky, followed by lightning and thunder.

Immediately afterwards, Liu Qianlang and his nine beloved wives saw the thunderbolt and lightning in the dark sky. Every time the lightning appeared in the thunderbolt, it turned into countless lightning butterflies. .

The sky is like this, and so is the land of the boundless Dieyuan. Liu Qianlang and his nine beloved wives looked down, and there were butterflies flying everywhere in their sight.

The mountains, the vast land, the rivers, lakes, and seas all instantly turned into butterflies in the sea, and the waves swallowed the sky.

If you look closely at these butterflies, they are all made of spiritual light and lightning, hard wind and essence, or scorching fire and cold ice. Wherever they plunder, the air is empty and everything melts!

Or it may suddenly freeze and burst, instantly disintegrating into powder!

"Master Liu, you must enter the shuttle immediately, or your life will be lost!"

The Butterfly King of the Three Realms suddenly performed his magical skills, and the Butterfly King of the Lianchen Realm warned Liu Qianlang.

Seeing the situation, Liu Qianlang naturally didn't dare to be negligent, and immediately led the wives into the shuttle.

And secretly rejoicing that he had left a shuttle to travel through, so that his brothers could support the Beizheng one from afar.

"I didn't expect that the three of you really succeeded in cultivating the supernatural art of destroying the world of butterflies rumored by Die Yuan!"

Sha Fenghuang cried out in astonishment when he saw the scene of butterflies flying everywhere in the world.

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