Nine Heavens

Chapter 1756 Scary Sandstorm

Chapter 1756 Horrible Sandstorm

"Yes, once the soul power of the three old Butterfly Emperors is lost, their spirit bodies will collapse and disappear immediately!

I hope that the process of the three realm emperors absorbing the spirit of the true spirit will be completed as soon as possible, and before the soul power of the three old butterfly emperors disappears, the Sha Fenghuang will be wiped out in one fell swoop! "

Pa'er looked at Miao Yan and nodded slightly.


Miao Yan sighed.

"Unfortunately, Emperor Shafeng will not give such a chance to the three realm emperors, respectable three old butterfly emperors, let's go all the way!"

Listening to the conversation between Miaoyan and Pa'er, Liu Qianlang said with pain in his deep eyes.


Hearing her husband Liu Qianlang's words, Liu Qianlang's nine beloved wives were all stunned for a moment, they didn't quite understand what Liu Qianlang meant, at this moment, they suddenly heard Sha Fenghuang's thundering roar:

"Okay! You Dieyuan are destined to kill Fenghuang Bensha, and even the dead spirits that have been silent for trillions of years have come out to deal with Fenghuang Bensha!

Forget it, since you have wiped out our Beiling Sand Wind Spirit Clan, what's the use of Ben Sha Feng Huang being alone, so come on! Let's see if it's the true spirit of you Dieyuan Diehuang of the Three Realms that is powerful, or Ben Shafenghuang's sandstorm soul Yuanshen soul power is more powerful! "

Amidst the roar of the Sandstorm Emperor, his body, which was originally sluggish, suddenly burst into red, blue, green, white, black and five colors of fiery colors, and there were bursts of loud noises like landslides and earth cracks in his body, and then his body roared billions of times higher. Ren height.

Then it roared like thunder, and with a swipe of the giant palm as huge as the sea, it turned the fallen Dieyuan Mountain of True Spirits of the Three Realms into flying sand and rocks in the sky.

The three streams of true spirit water and true spirit energy flowing towards the Butterfly Emperor of the Three Realms also suddenly turned into rain and fog.

The three old butterfly emperors were flying sand and stones all over the sky for a moment, and then they exploded into three brilliant flowers with three bangs!

"Not good! The King of Sand Wind has activated the power of Yuanshen's Collapsing Soul, quickly activate the Qi of True Spirit, and fully control the Dazhen Spirit Butterfly to attack, don't let him dominate the sky!"

Sha Fenghuang's sudden body collapse and primordial spirit would rather die to deal with Dieyuan's Three Realms Diehuang Juedie's magical practice of destroying the world, which made Dieyuan's Three Realms Diehuang very horrified!

The Butterfly King of the Wuhen Realm saw the death of the three mentors, but there was no time to grieve, so he hurriedly shouted.


Hearing the words, the Butterfly King of the Soul Transformation Realm and the Butterfly King of the Lovely Dust Realm responded in unison, and instantly turned the true spirit gas swallowed into their bodies into hundreds of millions of soul silk silks, made a formula with both hands, and shot them out of the sea of ​​eyes. into the sky.

Because of the control of hundreds of millions of true spirits, the countless huge spirit butterflies that were neighing in the sky suddenly burst into color, and rushed towards the Sand Storm Emperor from all directions with infinite ferocity.

In an instant, Emperor Sha Feng was surrounded by giant true spirit butterflies all over the sky, and at the same time, there were continuous streams of giant true spirit butterflies coming from all directions.


Such an attack on such a horrific scale put the Czarist Emperor in a predicament within a short period of time, and his wildly waving limbs were restrained.

All of this, Liu Qianlang and his nine beloved wives watched nervously.

"Great! Those spirits, dragons, and phoenixes were all torn apart and devoured by the spirit butterflies, and now there is only this demon left. The Butterfly Emperor of the Three Realms is doing well, come on!"

Princess Jinling has a straightforward personality and speaks freely. Seeing that Sha Fenghuang was finally wrapped up by countless huge spirit butterflies into a giant chrysalis, she couldn't help shouting excitedly.

However, seeing this, Liu Qianlang did not have the slightest expression of high spirits. Instead, a more painful look appeared on his face, and he secretly sent a message to inform Beizheng's army of 900 million spirit butterflies that they would not return to Dieyuan regardless of victory or defeat.

"Ming'er, Qing'er! You have to live well and take care of Die Yuan's surviving sister on behalf of your sister. My sister can no longer accompany you!"

Under the high altitude, the three realm emperors also had pale and condensed faces. They stared at the suppressed Sand Fenghuang for a while, and the Wuhen Realm Butterfly Emperor choked up and said.

"No! Miss, we came from the first human world together, let us go together! Tomorrow follows Miss, the human world was once happy, and the spiritual realm has been happy for trillions of years, so I have long been content.

It would be better to die than to give up the young lady to live alone! Tomorrow will never let the young lady be alone! Our sisters who are living in the Dieyuan Spiritual Realm are accepted by the Langyuan Sect, so we don't need to worry about it! "

"Miss, don't say anything more, we three sisters, live together, die together! Let's start, the last move of the Butterfly Destroying World Magic Art, destroying the world and reviving the soul!"

Qing'er, the butterfly emperor of the love dust world, also said decisively.


Tan Jing, the Butterfly Emperor of the Wuhen Realm, looked at the two sisters on the left and right for the last time, and nodded with tears.

Then, the magic formulas in the hands of the Butterfly Emperors of the Three Realms suddenly changed, and they folded their hands in front of their chests strangely, chanting like thunder.

The three people, the billions of strands of true spirit threads shot out from the six spiritual eyes, suddenly flashed an infinitely rich azure blue color.

The rich blue color keeps floating around, forming twinkling stars, or falling to the earth, or flying into the sky, the sky is like this, mysterious and magnificent.

At the same time, countless true spirit giant butterflies became more excited and ferocious, singing emeraldly and flying like flashing lightning, whistling and rushing towards King Sand Fenghuang.

This state lasted for several hours, and the sound of Sha Fenghuang's frenzied roar became smaller and smaller, until finally there was no sound.

The faces of the Butterfly Emperors of the Three Realms finally showed a look of relief, because they stimulated all the real spirit energy that can be controlled to activate the supernatural powers of destroying the world and reviving the soul, and they have not yet reached the final step of destroying their own souls. It is about to perish.

This shows that the butterfly emperor of the three realms of Dieyuan can accomplish the goal of destroying the world and reviving the soul without self-sacrifice, and at the same time killing the emperor Shafeng.


Ming'er, the butterfly emperor of the Soul Transformation Realm, and Qing'er, the butterfly emperor of the Lianchen Realm, did not expect that the aura of the true spirit was so frightening, that they completed their mission unexpectedly after performing their meritorious deeds.

Excitement flickered in their eyes, and they looked at their sister Wuhenjie Butterfly Emperor Tan Jing who was in the middle and shouted.


With such a result, Liu Qianlang and his nine beloved wives were also overjoyed and couldn't help laughing out loud.

Even Liu Qianlang couldn't help but let go of his tense spirit, secretly thinking that he had somewhat underestimated the power of Dieyuan's Three Realms Diehuang and True Spirit Qi.

"Ha ha……"

Liu Qianlang smiled heartily, and was about to say something to congratulate the Butterfly Emperor of the Three Realms, but his laughter stopped abruptly.

Then, in the confusion of the nine beloved wives, suddenly a vast sea of ​​white and dazzling aura burst out from all over their bodies. Immediately, they waved their sleeves and shot out nine frightening rainbows of chaotic divine power, aiming directly at the nearly silent King Shafeng.

However, Liu Qianlang's action was a bit late.

"Oh haha……"

"Three butterfly spirits, you think you can destroy Bensha Fenghuang's primordial spirit with the true spirit energy of the three realms of Dieyuan! It's really unrealistic, you all go to die!"

Before the nine rainbows of chaotic divine power shot by Liu Qianlang reached the position where the Sand Fenghuang was, the body of the tens of feet high surrounded by the heavily surrounded Sand Fenghuang suddenly shot towards the sky with a roar.

His body was heavily wrapped and attacked by countless true spirit giant butterflies. As he soared, he was torn apart by the five-colored fiery thunderbolt and lightning that burst out of his body.

Under the control of the self-destructive primordial spirit for a short period of time, the giant body of the Sandstorm Emperor, the Sandstorm, is huge and terrifying, but it is very flexible in the air.

At the same time as it took off, it had already spotted the two directions where Liu Qianlang and the Butterfly Emperor of the Three Realms were, and suddenly shot out two rainbows of sand wind soul destroying spirit poison that destroy the world!

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