Nine Heavens

Chapter 1757 True Spirit Butterfly Phoenix

Chapter 1757 True Spirit Butterfly Phoenix

The attack power of Emperor Shafeng's is really huge. Moments after the sandstorm soul poison evil rainbow was shot out, it quickly permeated the entire three realms of Dieyuan.

Red, blue, green, black, white, five-colored sand wind soul poison blazing whistling, evil rainbow vortex raging and devouring, roaring.

The spirit dragons and phoenixes that had already disappeared were all over the sky in an instant, and they became even bigger than countless Dieyuan true spirit giant butterflies.

As a result, there was a fierce battle between Shafenghuang's spirit dragon Lingfeng and Dieyuan's three worlds righteous spirits and giant butterflies in the sky.

In this struggle, Emperor Shafeng has already paid the price of destroying his soul, and only wants to die with Dieyuan and the Three Realms.

Facing Sha Fenghuang's decisive choice this time, the butterfly emperors of the three realms of Dieyuan did not hesitate any longer. After looking at each other deeply, Qi Qi embarked on the road of no return.



Because the Butterfly Emperor of the Three Realms activated the Yuanshen Destruction Method, his huge figure of billions of feet suddenly appeared, and the blue flames around him rose, swaying into the sky.

The three of them were like a phoenix nirvana, sitting cross-legged in it, their hands began to overlap quickly, and finally a spiritual formula was frozen, and then their bodies experienced various miraculous changes in the raging fire.

The Shafeng Emperor ran and danced wildly in the sky, the hurricane and evil rainbow burst into the sky, and countless giant butterflies, the true spirits of the three realms of Dieyuan, died in his attack.

Liu Qianlang saw that the Butterfly Emperor of the Three Realms had already destroyed his primordial spirit to deal with Sha Fenghuang, so he finally couldn't bear to join the battle.

Naturally, the same was true for his nine beloved wives. With a jerk of the spiritual cavalry artifact under their feet, they shot at Sha Fenghuang from a sudden.

For a time, the butterfly emperor of Dieyuan Three Realms, Liu Qianlang and his nine beloved wives formed a huge encirclement circle against Sha Fenghuang.

However, at this moment, the Soul Power of the Emperor's Primordial Spirit of Shafeng has reached the point of insanity to control the Divine Art of Shafeng's Soul Poison. The hurricane vortex fills the three realms of Dieyuan, and the sandstorm, thunderbolt and lightning are everywhere.

Although Liu Qianlang and the nine beloved wives stepped forward to attack, they couldn't effectively prevent Emperor Shafeng from slaughtering the entire Dieyuan Zhengling Giant Butterfly!

At this moment, the Butterfly Emperor of the Three Realms is still bathing in the three billions of blue flames.

The Sand Wind Emperor fought more and more fiercely, and the scene of countless righteous giant butterflies before the Three Realms of Kuangdieyuan was replaced by spirit dragons and phoenixes roaring all over the sky.

Sha Donghuang flew over one of the five-color flashing fine dragons, and in his hands was a pair of terrifying giant hammers that were also five-color thunderbolt lightning. Following the five-color fine dragons tossing and turning, howling and wildly swiping and killing.

Regarding the encirclement and attack by Liu Qianlang and his nine beloved wives, King Sha Feng didn't notice at all. His sea-like sea-like eyes glanced at the situation in the three realms of Dieyuan. Almost all of them became the souls of the dead under their own Sand Wind Divine Art.

Emperor Shafeng was overjoyed, at the moment when his primordial spirit power was still at its peak, before his self-confidence died, he could definitely destroy the Three Realms of Dieyuan and prevent him from being reborn as a true spirit!

The Emperor Sandstorm laughed wildly in the sky, and then controlled the five-color fine dragon, wielding the five-color double hammers of Sandstorm and rushed towards the Butterfly Emperor of the Three Realms like lightning!

"Will! Will! Will!"

The movement of the King of Sand Wind became more and more shocking, and at the same time as it brought countless whirlpools of the Zhoutian hurricane, the giant hammer had already blasted towards the Butterfly Emperor of the Three Realms!

Seeing that the Butterfly Emperor of the Three Realms in the three huge flames is about to become a hammered powder.

The three huge fires suddenly shot up into the sky, exploded in all directions, and then there were three emerald sounds from within, and then, Liu Qianlang and the nine beloved wives saw three phoenix-bodied butterflies soaring into the sky from the vast sea of ​​flames.

"Ha ha……"

Seeing this, Liu Qianlang laughed excitedly.

"Husband, what happened to the Butterfly Emperor of the Three Realms? Why have they all turned into big butterflies?"

Liu Qianlang's nine beloved wives were also full of joy, but they didn't quite understand, so they asked one after another.

"The Butterfly Emperors of the Three Realms actually turned into true spirits after their primordial spirits were destroyed, because of the help of those butterfly saints who devoured the infinite true spirits and those butterfly saints willing to destroy their primordial spirits behind them!"

Liu Qianlang's eyes flashed with joy, and she looked at the wives from left to right and explained briefly, signaling that everyone should be ready to protect themselves.

Then, Liu Qianlang waved his sleeves outside the crossing shuttle, instantly added several dragon spirit qi containing nine strands of chaotic divine power, and looked at the situation far ahead again.

"Sand Wind Emperor, good and evil will eventually be rewarded, and great good will last forever. The bright spiritual world is originally a spiritual world of righteous spirits, but you, the Sand Wind Spirit Clan in Beiling and the Piaoyu Spirit Clan in Xiling, Shining and the evil spirits in the cloud world are working together, and you are in the bright spiritual world. Do something wrong.

Now, the day when I, the Butterfly Emperor of the Three Realms, was reborn in nirvana and transformed into a phoenix, will also be the day when you two evil spirit clans will perish in the bright spirit world! "

The Butterfly Emperor Tan Jing of the Wuhen Realm, Ming'er the Butterfly Emperor of the Soul Transformation Realm, and Qing'er, the Butterfly Emperor of the Lianchen Realm, each with the body of a swallow butterfly, are each tens of billions of gigantic, covering the sky and blocking out the sun, stably shaking their wings in the sky.

Tan Jing, the Butterfly Emperor of Wuhen Realm, said in a vigorous voice.

Then I saw Die Ming'er covering the sky in the Soul Transformation Realm, shaking a giant wing on one side, and the nirvana-reborn Youlan True Spirit Fire below them turned into a blue starlight in the sky, flying to all the spaces in the Dieyuan Three Realms.


"Boom! Boom!"

Where the blue starlight passed, hundreds of millions of dragons and phoenixes of the Sand Wind Spirit Tribe exploded in an instant, turning into nothingness in the blink of an eye.

"You! You!?"

The five-colored sandstorm giant hammer swung by King Sandstorm also melted instantly in the faint blue sky, and then saw that his body was also disappearing, sobbing in horror, he turned around and wanted to run away.

However, it was too late. Before he could turn around, his tens of feet tall body and his soul, spirit, and obsession fell forever.



Then, the three realms of Dieyuan began to turn upside down, the sky and the earth were indistinguishable, and there was chaos everywhere, thunder and lightning, hurricanes and tsunamis, volcanoes and waterfalls...

"Master Liu, I trouble you to go to Beiling Sandwind Spirit Clan to support the Northern Expedition Army. The three of us, the three of us, will do nothing but destroy the Xiling Piaoyu Spirit Clan and let the Bright Spirit Realm be reborn again. Bar!

Die Yuan has entered the age of primordial rebirth of true spirits. After the three of us sisters exterminated the Xiling Piaoyu Spirit Race, we met in the city of Bailing Galaxy!

We're going now, take care! "

The three Zhetian butterflies bid farewell briefly, then turned around with fluttering wings, and quickly disappeared from the sight of Liu Qianlang and his nine beloved wives.


"Husband, where is the city of Bailing Galaxy, how do we go?"

Hearing the messages from the three departed Diefeng, Liu Qianlang's nine beloved wives were at a loss, and Princess Jinling couldn't help asking.

"Little Golden Monkey Xiaoliu!"

Liu Qianlang nodded slightly, with a thought in his soul, the shuttle of time travel had disappeared without a trace, and his words were left in the space.

In other words, the army of 900 million spirit immortals from the Three Realms of Dieyuan and the army of hundreds of millions of spirit immortals from the Five Human Worlds and the Lexian Sect, under the leadership of various miraculous generals from the Langyuan Sect, marched northward against the Sand Wind Spirit Clan in Beiling.

The battle between the two sides was even more tragic. When Liu Qianlang, his seven beloved wives, and his nine babies arrived, the battle was almost over.

The Northern Expedition Army lived up to expectations and finally completely destroyed the Fengling Clan in Beilingsha.

However, the Northern Expedition Army was almost wiped out.

The five people from the world and the Lexianmen, except for the eight and Le Shanzun and some high-ranking people, because of their powerful mana, barely saved their lives due to serious injuries, and hundreds of millions of spirit immortals all died.

The 900 million Die Yuan Three Realm Die Xian forces decided to die in the battle. When the last surviving spirits saw that the Beiling Sand Wind Spirit Clan was finally dead, they couldn't bear to abandon their dead companions, and they died with a principled smile!

Liu Qianlang's Langyuan Sect's various miraculous generals, although they suffered a lot of flaws, they all had heavenly spirits to protect their bodies, so there were no injuries, luckily or unfortunately.

Liu Qianlang and his nine beloved wives helped the remnant army to sweep the battlefield and finally put an end to this short and painful war.

In the space of the Beiling Sand Wind Spirit Race, the hurricane roared, and the colorful sand wind filled the sky. Liu Qianlang looked at the countless spirit corpses of the enemy and us floating in the sand wind for hundreds of millions of miles, and burst into tears.

Among them, how many former first-world orthodox friends were there, and Liu Qianlang could see them everywhere.

"Elder Meteor!"

Liu Qianlang's eyes stopped on a stubborn blue-clothed old man in the howling wind and sand, Liu Qianlang whimpered and shouted...


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