Nine Heavens

Chapter 1758 Bright Spirit Transformation

Chapter 1758

Elder Yu Cang was covered with wounds, but his death attitude was proud and unyielding, and there was no trace of pain on his face. Liu Qianlang looked at him blankly, and the other party seemed to be smiling at him.

From another angle, Liu Qianlang saw the dead spirit body of Tan Tianying, the chief culprit who wiped out Qingliu Kingdom in the past, also floating in the wind and sand.

When Liu Qianlang saw this man who was both a friend and an enemy, his heart was overwhelmed. He didn't know whether he was feeling sad or gloating when he saw his death again!

The other party is still wearing the same big purple brocade robe as before. Although his face is disheveled, he can still feel his majesty and arrogance!

Tan Tianying's long, almost red hair was flying wildly with the sand wind, and even though he was dead, his eyes would not scatter!

When Liu Qianlang looked at him, two spirit rainbows shot out from his eyes, and shot right in front of his eyes instantly.

A rainbow of spirits turned into two cups of bosom friends and fairy wine clouds, and the other rainbow burst and issued a seal saying:

"Ha ha……"

"Nephew, this old man is finally qualified to call you like this again!

In the past, the old man was obsessed with ghosts, and in order to restore the old coconut country, he slaughtered the entire Qingliu country, causing the death of all people in the world!

It is really a sinful crime, thanks to the little girl Jing'er who gathered my soul and obsession again, let me be human again, and spiritualized into a powerful fairy in the bright spirit world.

Then I devoted myself, day and night, to the great evolution of the five human beings, and gave souls to them, allowing them to continuously improve their wisdom and soul power, and to go outside the nine-dimensional universe in batches to find a happier paradise !

Now the soul breath they left behind after leaving the Jiufang Universe will germinate again in another 30 billion years. Although the old man can't see it, I believe they must be stronger, kinder, British and American!

The old man knows that the crimes committed cannot be made up for anyway, but the old man still has to make up.

Therefore, the old man did not hesitate to exhaust his spiritual power, and died in battle with countless butterfly immortals in the Northern Expedition of the Sand Wind Spirit Clan in Beiling.

The old man has done so, although he dare not extravagantly ask for the forgiveness of all the people and spirits of the Qingliu Kingdom in the past, he can finally find a sliver of peace of mind!

Dear nephew, the old man has gone, and I am very grateful to you for bringing back the countless lives of innocent souls in the old coconut country and Qingliu country. Your great act of kindness not only realized the old man's dream of restoring the old coconut country, but also atoned for the old man's crime of slaughtering all the people of Qingliu country.

Although you are not for me, but I sincerely thank you! The old man has given all his spiritual power to Zhengling Time and Space, and his heart can finally be at peace.

By the way, dear nephew, please return this visiting friend fairy wine cloud cup to your father, and tell him that he is the only close friend of the old man in his life, but the old man has failed him! "

"Uncle Tan!"

When Liu Qiangang heard the words, he couldn't help crying bitterly, behind him, hundreds of people from Langyuanmen and five people from Renjian and Lexianmen also wept sadly.

"Not good! Husband, hurry back to the shuttle, the chaotic melted space of Dieyuan in the south is coming!"

Princess Jinling suddenly caught a glimpse of the blazing fiery red lava-like substance behind her, overwhelming, coming from the direction of Dieyuan in the south, she was shocked and called out to her husband Liu Qianlang.

Hearing this, Liu Qianlang already felt the infinite and frightening pressure sweeping from behind.

He couldn't help thinking about it, and with an instant thought, the shuttle suddenly became larger, wrapping all fellow Taoists outside the shuttle, including himself.

Then it instantly shrunk the shuttle to a suitable size, and suddenly shot up into the air, reaching hundreds of billions of pines, almost reaching the edge of the bright spiritual world, before it stabilized.

Then everyone urged the powerful spiritual eyes of the spirit world to look towards the sand wind field of the Beiling Sand Wind Spirit Clan in the Light Spirit World, and suddenly there was a vast ocean of chaos and lava in the butterfly abyss.

Moreover, after the vast ocean of Dieyuan lava devoured the Sand Wind Domain of the Beiling Sand Wind Spirit Clan, it continued to spread to all the territories of the 9,000 Domains and 80,000 Races in the Bright Spirit World.

In this way, after decades of human history, the entire bright spiritual world was swallowed up by Dieyuan's terrifying lava ocean.

The entire bright spiritual world fell into a situation where heaven and earth were not distinguished, fire and rainbows flew aimlessly, and thunderbolts and lightnings were endless.

"Qianlang, it seems that we have to return to the five worlds for the time being. Unexpectedly, we just entered the Bright Spirit Realm, and we planned to destroy this place in a battle!"

People from Langyuanmen floated on the prow of the Shuttle Shenzhou, looking at the light and spirit world.

Cheng Yuanfang tried many times to find clues about Yaya or Liu Juan and her younger sister's Shifeng, but he had no clue, and said very disappointed.

"Wait a minute, they didn't leave the Bright Spirit Realm to go to the Mingling Galaxy City. Judging by their spiritual strength, if we can escape, they must be able to."

Liu Qianlang was always worried about the safety of the Butterfly Emperor of the Three Realms, so he looked at the bright spiritual world full of thunder and lightning, and said firmly.

Hearing the words, Cheng Yuanfang thought to himself, my head of Qianlang, you can't be more clear in your heart, the reason why we can survive is thanks to the gift of the shuttle, but the Butterfly Emperor of the Three Realms does not!

If they were alive, decades would have passed, and they should have returned by now!

Thinking of this, Cheng Yuanfang raised his head and wanted to tell his brother what he was thinking. However, when he saw Liu Qianlang's eyes full of expectation, he took back the words when he got to his lips.

Shaking his head slightly, he floated into the traversing shuttle to see the fellow Daoists from the Langyuan Sect and the five Human World and Lexian Sect who were gradually recovering.

Liu Qianlang's beloved wives saw her husband Ruo, and knew that if he didn't see the Butterfly Emperor of the Three Realms return safely, he would never leave willingly. So silently accompany, do not speak!

In this way, the entire traversal shuttle became quiet, and decades of silence passed.

All the injured people from Langyuanmen and the five people from Renjian and Lexianmen have recovered. And they all entered Liu Qianlang's black jade skull one after another, or practiced, or went away.

Only Liu Qianlang, Cheng Yuanfang, and Liu Qianlang's nine beloved wives stood on the side of the shuttle and continued to look forward to a miracle.

"Huh? Queen Mother! Queen Mother—"

Decades of silence were suddenly broken by heart-shattering shouts!

It's Xiaohongdian, Xiaohongdian has been squatting on Qiqi's back, and Qiqi has been squatting on Liu Qianlang's shoulder.

Xiao Hong Dian'er suddenly jumped onto Liu Qianlang's white-haired head, flapping her wings and shouting.

"Come on, stop making trouble! Why is the Queen's mother here? Be good! Don't worry, Brother Qiqi will help you find the Queen's mother in the future.

Don't make noise now, just go back to my body and sleep well! "

Seeing Xiaohongdian's sudden crazy excitement, Qiqi shook her head slightly, apologizing for Xiaohongdian's losing her composure because she missed her queen mother too much, and persuaded her.

"No! You stupid bird, stupid bird, ugly bird, the real queen mother is back, my blood and heart are beating, every time the queen mother and I meet again after a long absence, I will always be like this, wrong No!"


Xiaohong flapped her wings vigorously, punched and kicked Liu Qianlang's hair, and retorted angrily!

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