Nine Heavens

Chapter 1759 The Divine Lotus Has Changed

Chapter 1759: God Lotus Has Changed

"Ha ha……"

"Qiqi! This time Xiaohongdian is not unreasonable, she is right, there is no need to look for them, they found us!"

Not only was Liu Qianlang not angry about Xiao Hong's "doing things wrong" on his head, but he laughed up to the sky.


Hearing what Liu Qianlang said, Qiqi widened his eyes in surprise, looked at Liu Qianlang in confusion, and then turned his head to look at Dieyuan's boundless sea of ​​blazing rainbow flames.

However, Qiqi stared for a long time, but did not see a spiritual figure, turned his eyes back again, with a helpless expression on his face, and secretly thought, could it be that Langer's father is crazy.

"Mozun, do you see them?"

When Liu Qianlang's nine beloved wives heard Liu Qianlang's words, they were overjoyed at first, and then they also saw the scene of Dieyuan that Qiqi saw. I didn't see anything, but I also believed that my husband would not joke casually at this time, so I asked my brother Cheng Yuanfang who rarely joked.

"Yes, what Xiaohong said is right! It's really Sister Juan, Tianzun and his wife, sister Shifeng and the others are here, and the Butterfly Emperor of the Three Realms is also among them.

There are also Tianwu God Emperor Empress Xun An and Yue Lan that some of you have never seen before. The daughter of the god of spiritual creation in the western universe, Lu Hongfeng, is the head of the green rainbow phoenix. They control three huge crossing Shenzhous and are galloping in our direction! "

Liu Qianlang's nine beloved wives thought they would hear Cheng Yuanfang's negative answer, but they didn't expect Cheng Yuanfang's black hair to flutter, the chaotic eyes on his forehead to flash, and they looked hundreds of millions of miles away, and said with infinite excitement.

"How about it, Uncle Yuanfang never tells lies, you heard me, what I said is true, my inspiration can't be wrong!"


Originally, after listening to Cheng Yuanfang's words, Liu Qianlang's nine beloved wives no longer doubted Xiaohong's words.

But Xiaohong Dian'er's explanation made Liu Qianlang's nine beloved wives look at each other in blank dismay again. Believe it or not, they saw her husband Liu Qianlang and brother Cheng Yuanfang very happy, looking into the distance.

"Far away, why have we lost contact with Sister Juan and the others for 6,021 billion years, and they will find us?"

Liu Qianlang seemed to see the other party, and said to Cheng Yuanfang.

"I don't know, I did leave them with the Eternal Spirit and Heavenly Mark when I came, and the Yunzhan Xingyi, but unfortunately, when we entered the twenty-eighth prison world of the ghost world, everything changed.

Don't say leave any more Skyline information, I can't even sense any cloud stations and star stations I have left, let alone them.

Besides, if they can sense our existence, we should be able to sense them too! But we..."

Cheng Yuanfang and Liu Qianlang haven't seen anyone coming yet, so they just talked in a foggy manner, which made Liu Qianlang's nine beloved wives even dumbfounded.

The nine people listened for a while, thought they were crazy, ignored them, and simply called out the Tianling Seventh Sisters, Hongxian and other six children in Liu Qianlang Moyu's skull, and made fun of them to pass the time.

"Mother, look, why did my seven-color lotus suddenly open two more petals and become a nine-color lotus, so beautiful!"

Tianling Seven Sisters, Hongxian, Xiaomei and other thirteen boys and girls suddenly appeared. Lian'er flew in front of them, holding the lotus in her hand, and shouted as soon as they met.

"Hehe... Lian'er, what's so strange about this, it must be that Lian'er's divine power has improved, Shenlian has been nourished by you, and she has also ascended to the divine level!"

Tianling led the sisters to play, but didn't notice the change of the golden lotus in Lianer's hand. Hearing what Lianer said now, seeing the more gorgeous and beautiful Nine-color God Lotus, he praised his sister.

"That's right, my Lian'er is good, your sister Tianling is right, the increase of the petals of the divine lotus is a good omen, it means that Lian'er's divine power has improved, and it also indicates that something good will happen to our Langyuan Sect! "

Emperor Shuangtian saw his beloved daughter Lianer and the little golden monkey Xiaoliu galloping over the rainbow. Behind him, Tianling and other twelve boys and girls followed him gracefully. He was very happy when he saw him.

Hearing the words, he floated over and said with a smile.

"What's the matter?"

Lian'er's eyes are bright, and she happily asks her mother.

"Uncle Tianzun, whom you have never met before, two heavenly brewing, it is your father and mother of Danruo and Liusha who are coming back, do you think it is a good thing?"

After Emperor Shuangtian, the eight sisters including Pa'er, the leader of the Earth Immortal Alliance, also followed Emperor Shuangtian to the thirteen boys and girls including the Seven Tianling Sisters.

The leader of the Earth Immortal Alliance glanced at her husband Liu Qianlang and his elder brother Cheng Yuanfang who were still watching from afar, smiled, and said while shaking the Fan of Floating Stars and Splitting Clouds.

"Father, mother, where are they!?"

Hearing such words, Dan Rou and Liu Sha were of course the most excited. The two of them first looked shocked, then looked around excitedly, turned their heads to look at Mrs. Pa'er and asked.

"Look, you are in a hurry, did your mother forget the teacher's wife when she came back?"

The lord of the Earth Immortal observes the words and looks, and confirms that what the husband Liu Qianlang and his brother said before should be true. But depending on the situation, the person who is looking forward to it will not come back in a short while, so his face is calm, and his amusing Danrou and Liusha are calm and unhurried.

"Oh, my dear mother, how could we do that? They all say that if you are a teacher for one day and will be a mother for the rest of your life, even if your mother comes back, we will not forget the nine wives and the master."

"Like the nine valiant and heroic mistresses, who are as beautiful as heavenly beings and have profound magical powers, we sisters are afraid of losing them in our dreams. How could we forget you?"

The two sisters, Danrou and Liusha, immediately flew to Pa'er's side, coquettish and sweet-talking, making Liu Qianlang's nine beloved wives burst into laughter.

"Okay! Danrou, Liusha, don't ask your mother Paer, it's probably a blessing of good fortune for your parents to come back, not her credit.

Your master and distant uncle probably know the details, so you might as well ask them. "

Miaoyan also observed her husband for a long time, and heard Pa'er, who has always been thoughtful, speak like this, so she was sure that the reunion of Langyuanmen seems to be true, so she reminded Danrou and Liusha.

"Thank you, Yanerniang!"

Although Liu Qianlang and his nine beloved wives are called Danrou and Liusha's masters, they have long been regarded as their own children, and they love them as much as Tianling's sisters.

And Danrou and Liusha have already respected the head teacher and the nine teachers and teachers as their own parents in their hearts. Therefore, it is up to whim whether to call master or father and mother.

"Oh! I'm afraid that sister Yan'er envied me to get close to the two babies for a while. I just held the hands of the two babies, and they were blown away by your words like the wind."

Pa'er saw the two beautiful girls, Danrou and Liusha, flying towards the ship's side of the rope hundreds of meters away in two graceful arcs, and joked.


"Come on, Pa'er, who knows that on weekdays, almost half a day, their sisters are with you, learning the pear blossom spirit dance.

Look at the flying posture of their sisters, they are three points like you. After such a short separation, you have so much talk! "

Miao Yan laughed back.

"Hee hee! Nine ladies, you are joking again, how boring, look, my Nine Colors Divine Lotus has changed again."

When everyone was talking, Lian'er squatted down at some point, placed the Nine-color God Lotus on the rainbow silk, stared intently, then suddenly raised her head and smiled.

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