Nine Heavens

Chapter 1766 Venerable Linglian

Chapter 1766 Venerable Linglian

"Lian'er, don't mess around, everyone is your elder, how can you be so playful, and don't respectfully invite the elders to get up.

Otherwise, if your father finds out that you are so naughty..."

"Okay, I thought you would use Daddy to scare me. They are not forcing them, they are afraid of my Shenlian!"

"Oh! You all get up, or Daddy will find out and he will punish me again!"

Hearing what Lian Er said just now, Liu Juan saw that it was not very good to let the Emperor of the Heavenly Witch God Kingdom, the Emperor of the Dark Spirit Nine-Colored Universe Jilong and the daughter of the Creator God of the Three Universes kneel all the time. Hurry up! Scare Lian Er.

Lian'er Bingxue is smart, when she heard her father Liu Qianlang's name, she quickly changed her words before Liu Juan could finish speaking.

"Almighty Nine-color Divine Jade, the venerable protector of the Nine-Color Divine Jade, this Dynasty has finally sensed your existence again!

All your spiritual subjects are here, and now the Three Universes of the Dark Spirit has been completely exploded, and the universe is unclear, and it is impossible to survive there. Please show us another path of existence in time and space! "

"Give us a clear way!"

In the middle of the flight, the Emperor Jilong who flew over the Seven-color Shenzhou and the countless Nine-color Shenmu people in the Nine-color Shenzhou ignored Liu Juan's kindness to wake them up, and looked up at Lian'er more devoutly. Arms shouted.

The head of the green rainbow phoenix and the hundred thousand green phoenixes behind it also stared and shouted one after another.

Although the Heavenly Witch Clan on the five-color Shenzhou did not shout, it was the same. Countless pairs of blue, green, yellow, and purple four-color gods flickered, waiting for Lian Er's guidance with infinite anticipation.

"You see?"

Liu Juan kindly offended Lian'er, and Lian'er also gave in, but the Emperor Jilong and the Empress of the Heavenly Witch God Kingdom did not appreciate it, which made Liu Juan a little helpless, thinking how could a naughty child do this to her? You guide it.

Speechless, Liu Juan shook her head slightly, and looked at Zhanxuanzi Song Zhen and his wife, Shifeng and the Butterfly Emperor of the Three Realms.

At this moment, Song Zhen was habitually activating the Star Sword and divination for Lian'er. He felt that Lian'er was unusual, so he said with a smile: "It's okay to let her mess around for a while. Your lords I don’t care about anything with a child.”

"Hehe, brother Zhen really dotes on her, I think her temper must have been acquired by you and brother Qianlang before!"

Seeing that Song Zhen didn't intend to teach Lian'er, Cheng Shifeng felt that Lian'er's appearance was cute and cute, so he didn't plan to say anything, and then looked at Lian'er who was thousands of miles away with great interest.

Lian Er saw that the people on the three great boats didn't intend to get up at all, and kept asking her to point out the way out, and then she turned her mouth in the direction of Dan Rou and Liu Sha's two sisters.

You mean, as you can see, it's not that I, Lian'er, don't know the rules, it's that they know the rules too well.

If they insist on doing this, Ben Lian'er can't help it. Even if my father Liu Qianlang is here, he can't blame me.

"Sister Rou'er, Sister Liusha, I'm a little tired, so I'm still here, and I will create a spiritual jade seat for Sister Lian'er!"

Lian'er rolled her eyeballs and thought, no way! You can't let the high-ranking people who have been reunited for a long time underestimate you when they come back, so you should let them see your majesty, so Danrou and Liusha yelled.

Danrou and Liusha are also very loving and obedient to this naughty sister on weekdays. When she yelled, they didn't even hesitate, and they flew towards her hand in hand.


"This little girl is amazing! Sis, I've never seen Liusha being so obedient to me before!"

Seeing Danrou and Liusha floating in the air, and soon seeing two slim daughters, one imagines a table and chair for Lianer, imagining delicious food.

And the other, standing behind her, fanned her massage...

Ye Xiang and Lan Shuang were dumbfounded by the respect and reconciliation of the two daughters to Lian Er.

Ye Xiang didn't know whether to laugh or cry, and said embarrassingly.

Song Zhen couldn't help snickering when he saw it, but he seemed to realize something when he saw some signs on the Star Sword.

"Well, stop shouting, so what about the destruction of the Dark Spirit III, now that the chaotic universe and the light and spiritual world are also being subverted, aren't we still alive.

Don't worry, you all calm down, let me think about it, and I will show you the way later! "

At this moment, Liu Juan, Song Zhen and his wife, and the Butterfly Emperor of the Three Realms heard Lian Er, who was sitting upright, eating the spiritual fruit that Dan Rou fed into her mouth, and said vaguely.


"Follow the spirit of the Nine-Colored Divine Jade Spirit Guardian!"

Lian'er didn't know whether she said this on purpose or not, the people on the three great boats immediately responded in unison, then shut up in silence, and began to watch Lian'er eat eagerly.

Lian'er is a typical snack foodie. Ever since the Three Great Shenzhous lost their voices, she never looked at the worshipers of the Three Great Shenzhous.

Only one small mouth kept opening and closing, and then teased the two little red dots on the left and right shoulders.

After a long time, Emperor Jilong of the Dark Spirit Universe finally couldn't bear to shout:

"Please ask the venerable Nine-Colored Jade Spirit Guardian to guide you astray!"

"My lord guides the lost!"


As soon as the Emperor Jilong started, the voices on the three major Shenzhou boats immediately began to rise and fall again.

"Good little sister, you heard them shouting again, what do you think?"

Danruo and Liusha knew very well in her heart that she felt sorry for the people on the three major Shenzhous. How could you be so stupid to trust me, a naughty sister?

However, the two sisters thought so in their hearts, but they didn't dare to say it out of their mouths. They have not been served well, and this little girl went back to complain to her teacher one by one.

So Danrou and Liusha showed the most beautiful smiles, leaned over to ask Lianer softly, but were ready to listen to Lianer's nonsense.

"Well, eat well, and this venerable also thinks about it!"

Much to Danrou and Liusha's surprise, Lian'er listened to her words, and nodded very seriously, then stood up, flew steadily and high for thousands of miles, put her waist, held Lian, and inspected the three great arks , nodded slightly and said.

Lian'er is fluttering in a rainbow fairy dress, with colorful silk on her feet, her eyes are sparkling and sparkling, she has a heroic appearance.


"Your Majesty is so cool!"

"A real bird!"

When the two little red dots heard that Lian'er liked the name Venerable, they immediately praised it in their own bird's language, Lian'er heard it in their ears and felt it in their hearts.

Secretly made up his mind, after returning, it's time to build a fan team for himself as domineering as Xiaojian's brother Yiwan Xianjian Shenlong.

"Uh, listen up, the three great Shenzhou people. I don't like to talk to people who are kneeling. You all fight first. Let's talk about the conditions, and then I will naturally tell you where the way out is."

Lian'er glanced triumphantly at the two little red dots on her shoulders and the two older sisters flying over like shadows, and said downwards.

"Squeak! Squeak!"

Xiaoliu, the little golden monkey, also shouted happily, expressing his support for his master.

"Yes! Venerable Spirit Guardian! Just ask for any conditions, and we will definitely satisfy them with all our strength!"

After hearing the words, the three great Shenzhou people realized that the other party's delay in speaking was due to their own inaction, and they didn't understand the intention of helping others in vain, so they secretly blamed themselves for not explaining what they should say.

However, I couldn't help but feel uneasy for a while, for fear that the other party's conditions would not be met by myself, so that the future would be worrying!

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