Nine Heavens

Chapter 1767 Looking for my father

Chapter 1767 Looking for my father

"Hee hee! That's great, grandpa, you are so generous, I love you so much!"

When Lian'er heard a loud bang, the three standing members of the Shenzhou, the most distant Emperor Jilong took the lead in agreeing to the conditions she wanted to propose, and shouted with joy.

"Ha ha……"

Lian'er had a serious face just now, but it suddenly changed. Song Zhen and his wife, Liu Juan, Cheng Shifeng, and the Butterfly Emperor of the Three Realms couldn't help laughing at this kind of change. Voice.

"Hehe, please tell me, my lord, what are the conditions?"

Seeing Lian'er smiled, Emperor Jilong also smiled back, and asked again.

"Well, are you from the dark spirit universe?"

Lian Er asked.


Emperor Jilong didn't know what Lian'er meant, so he pondered for a while and replied.

"Then your dark spirit universe must have a lot of delicious food?"

Lian Er asked again.

Now Emperor Jilong finally understood, and a stone hanging in his heart also fell.

Said: "Of course, there are many delicious foods in our dark spirit universe, but they are different from the spirit fruits and fairy vegetables in your chaotic universe.

Our delicious food is psionic stars or psionic sprays, sparks, ice flowers, etc. If the lord likes it, we have brought a lot of psionic seeds, and you can give as many psionic seeds as you want.

If you are too lazy to plant it yourself, I can send a spiritual power planter to cultivate ready-made mature spiritual power for you! "

"But, your delicious food, can people from the chaotic universe eat it? Is it delicious?"

Lian'er was a little disappointed when she heard the delicious food with strange names in the dark spirit universe, and asked.

"This... seems impossible."

Emperor Jilong hesitated for a while, thinking that Liu Juan and the others all ate the spiritual fruits and vegetables of his profound realm, so he just told the truth.

"That's no good, there is no delicious food that I am satisfied with, don't want me to tell you where the future is!"

Lian'er was instantly angry, and shouted unhappily.

When Emperor Jilong heard the words, there was a look of pain on his face, and he chatted and sighed.

"Hehe, did the emperor forget that I am the daughter of God from Mingling Three Universes? I have everything this little guy wants."

Lvhongfeng glanced sideways at Emperor Jilong beside him, and said through voice transmission from her soul.

"That's right! The Emperor Ben is confused. Most of your Mingling Sanverse's environment is similar to that of the Chaos Universe, and there are fairy fruits and vegetables that are more aura-rich than the Chaos Universe!"

When Shi Huangji heard the words, he was overjoyed immediately, and gave the green rainbow phoenix head to him with infinite expectations.

The head of the green rainbow phoenix gave a slight salute to Emperor Jilong, and then smiled at the distant Lian'er:

"Isn't the venerable just wanting delicious fairy-grade fetishes? The venerable protector jade comes from Mingling Three Universes, and there are many of them, but I don't know if the venerable likes it or not.

bawl! This is one of the infinite spiritual fruits, called Jiulingxuexiangju. Peel it and eat it. There are nine petals growing inside. The petals are different in color and delicious.

If you eat one petal, a mortal will never be hungry for ten thousand years. If you eat two petals, you will fly to the immortals. If you eat three petals, you will be a leader in the spiritual world. Eat again, ascend to the immortal in the spirit world, the upper immortal.

This is a Jiulingxuexiangtangerine, a top-notch high-grade spiritual seed, with a total of ninety-nine Jiulingxuexiangtangerines. The venerable taste it first. If you like it, you can enjoy it as you like.

Apart from this, there are no less than a thousand kinds of other immortal artifacts here, and I can give you all of them, as long as you tell where the future of the Jiufang Universe is. "

At the beginning, Lvhong Fengshou didn't take Lian'er seriously at all, thinking that she was just a savage young master, but after observing the Nine Colors God Lotus, he quickly changed his opinion.

It occurred to him that since the Nine-color Divine Lotus is supernatural, there is actually a Nine-color Divine Jade hidden in it, and both the Nine-color Divine Jade and the Nine-color Divine Lotus recognize her as the master. It shows that she must not be simple.

The reason why the other party exists with the innocent appearance of a child may be just a cover-up.

It is precisely because of this kind of heart that the green rainbow phoenix head is very straightforward. After saluting Lian'er, the jade wrist flipped over from its emerald cuff and flew out a golden spiritual fruit branch?

Lingguo Zhi'er paused in front of Lvhong Fengshou, and then flew towards Lian'er.

After the tea cup kung fu, Lian'er received the Jiulingxuexiang orange, and immediately picked three of them, and gave one to each of the two sisters, and then peeled one and ate it, and then fed the oranges on her shoulders respectively. Little red dots, excitedly screaming delicious.

Seeing that Lian'er finished eating one and went to pick one off with her little hand, Lvhong Fengshou and Emperor Jilong looked at each other and smiled, feeling confident.

"Heck, my lord, do you still like this Jiuling Xuexiang orange?"

Seeing Lian'er's happy face, she not only ate by herself, but also kept picking Jiulingxuexiang oranges to give to Prince Meng'er and Princess Xue'er.

The two little red dots couldn't even be seen, and they jumped onto the branches of the Jiulingxuexiang orange tree with their buttocks pouted and started pecking at random.

Of course, Xiaoliu, the little golden monkey, didn't see him either, but he didn't show an overly excited expression while eating the Jiuling Xuexiang orange. Instead, his eyes were full of complexities, but Lian'er didn't pay attention?

"It's delicious, it's really delicious, thank you, Auntie Green Clothes. Just now you said that you still have a lot to give to me now, and we'll make a deal right away!"

Lian'er's eyes flashed, she licked her sweet fingers and said.

"Okay! Deal immediately! Then you take it."

Lvhong Fengshou saw that Lian'er was at a critical moment of joy. Hurry up and strike while the iron is hot, with a slight movement of his figure, a series of strange fruit spirit branches full of magical stars and sparkling flies out from the sea of ​​sleeves.

The branches of these miraculous fruit spirits form a river, which suddenly flows towards Lian'er.

The strange fruit branches are colorful and fragrant, and Liu Juan, Song Zhen and his wife, Cheng Shifeng and the Butterfly Emperor of the Three Realms can smell the intoxicating fragrance from thousands of miles away.

"Hehe, tell me, this little guy probably doesn't even have all his teeth. How could Lvhong Fengshou believe her words? It's probably because of this little girl."

Seeing the scene in front of him, Cheng Shifeng with fluttering blue hair couldn't help laughing. I don't understand why both Lvhongfengshou and Jilong's emperor are people with profound spiritual wisdom, so how can they be so serious with a child.

"Hehe, maybe."

Song Zhen twitched his black and white eyebrows, and spoke mysteriously.

"Hehe, I, Yexiang, like this child. Don't look at her being rude and unreasonable, but she should know how to love her two sisters.

Look at her, she is so greedy, she actually gave the delicious food to her two sisters first, and then she ate it herself, and she also knew how to greet the two little red dots and the friends around her. "

"Yeah, this child is actually kind-hearted, and she doesn't have any bad intentions. No wonder Dan Rou and Liu Sha like her so much, and she is almost always on call."

Seeing that what Lian Er said and what she did was completely different, Lan Shuang also praised with a smile.

"Left and right sisters Rou'er, sisters Lusha and sisters listen to the order and immediately take away these delicious spirit fruits from Mingling Three Universes, and go back to give them to parents to eat!"

When Liu Juan, Song Zhen and his wife, Cheng Shifeng and the Butterfly Emperor of the Three Realms were chatting and joking, Lian Er shouted excitedly.

Soon, Lvhong Fengshou finished offering all the spiritual fruits, and Danrou and Liusha were all included in the sea of ​​sleeves.

"Come on, I think His Holiness is a man of faith."

Lvhong Fengshou panted a little because of excitement, and said crisply.

"Of course, I, Lian'er, am a man of my word. I will definitely do what I promise you."

Lian'er watched with satisfaction as the two sisters put away the delicious food, a flash of inspiration flashed in her mind, she searched out a few catchphrases of Uncle Huanfeng Shenlong, modified them and said.


Luhong Fengshou asked eagerly, while the Emperor Jilong was listening with his neck stretched out.

"As for your way out, just ask my father. My father is the head of the Langyuan Sect. There is nothing he doesn't understand."

Lian'er cleared her throat, and said confidently with her waist in her hands.


Lvhong Fengshou looked at Emperor Jilong beside him with a bitter face, the shadow area in his heart was 100%, and he donated all the rations he brought, in exchange for this sentence!

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