Nine Heavens

Chapter 1768 Cai Yuan Soul Flower

Chapter 1768 Caiyuan Soul Flower

"Lian'er, don't mess around. Immediately lead the way with the Nine Colors God Lotus, let us reach your father and the others quickly!"

Seeing the embarrassment of Lian Luhong and Feng Shou from a distance, Liu Juan couldn't bear to watch anymore, and severely reprimanded Lian Er.

"Hee hee! Big aunt, don't be angry, I'll listen to you, just lead the way!

My Shenlian is very powerful, I will be able to bring you to Daddy in a short while, but it can be agreed. I'm only responsible for taking you out, I don't care about other things. "

Lian'er leaned over to look, secretly thought that something was wrong, her father Liu Qianlang's sister was angry, she thought carefully, and readily agreed.

"Well! Then fly forward and lead the way immediately!"

When Liu Juan heard this, she still said with a serious face, and then saw that the three sisters, Lan'er, Danrou, Liusha, and Xiaoliuwei, were flying to the front of the three great Shenzhous with the nine-colored lotus on their backs.

The nine-color divine lotus and the nine-path divine rainbow are still there. At this moment, countless nine-color gorgeous clouds floated out of the nine-color divine lotus and quickly enveloped the three major divine boats.

The three great arks quickly disappeared because of the nine-color clouds, but there were some conversations in the area where the three arks were located:

"Brother Zhen, Shuang'er, Xiang'er, Fengmei, the three realm emperors, you all understood the implication of Lian'er's words just now.

What did she mean by other things? "

"Hehe, you don't have much time with her, so you don't know her well. This little guy is frighteningly clever.

What she meant was that she was worried that we would sue her at Langyuanmen. As soon as we arrived, she would disappear immediately. She was afraid that the three would scold her, nothing else. "

"Hehe... This child has become a spirit, it's ridiculous that both me and Emperor Jilong were fooled by her!"

"Hehe... Who told you to be so generous? We have never seen you invite my Master of the Spirit Demon Heaven and Earth Hall to eat a spiritual delicacy from Mingling Three Universes, but you were tricked by a brat in the end."

"Ha ha……"

"If you are deceived, you will be deceived. Just make fun of this child. This child is definitely not simple. The emperor of the Ben family always has the feeling of deja vu with her. Seeing her, the emperor of the Ben family suddenly remembered the time when he came to the dark place. Empress Nuwa of the spiritual universe!"

"Well, there is something weird about this child. When I saw her for the first time, especially the Nine-Colored God Lotus, I also remembered some things I had seen and heard about being the Wandering Hades in the Nether Hell.

It is rumored that Empress Nuwa needs aura to nourish her soul to create a human being, and the only nine-color lotus in the chaotic universe that Empress Nuwa favored was still open with seven petals at that time, so it was called the seven-color lotus.

However, there is an urgent need to create a human being and nourish the soul, so he sealed the heart of Runhuanquanhai in the heaven where the nine-color lotus is located, and began to refine the soul to obtain the seven-color aura.

The seven-color aura condenses the soul, that is, the seven-color predestined soul. Yuanfang, Fengmei, Brother Zhen, Shuang'er, Xiang'er, and the Butterfly Emperor of the Three Realms all know about it.

Back then, Empress Nuwa bestowed the seven-color fate soul on the Tianling River. At that time, I was the ice grass on the embankment, a star tree in the distance, and Fengmei was the orchid beside me.

Brother Zhen is the third Xiaoyao disciple of Dumojianzu, Jianzhan Shenjun, and Shuang'er and Yexiang are the leaves and fragrance of Yelan Youhua, the female body of Zhansha, respectively.

And the Butterfly Emperors of the Three Realms are all swallowtail butterflies living in the tens of thousands of flowers in Tianling River.

At that time, because of his great kindness, my younger brother didn't swallow the seven-color predestined soul alone, so we went to the next world, and then entered different reincarnations, and now we gather together non-stop.

Later, it was rumored that Empress Nuwa had also gone to the lower realm, and her whereabouts were unknown. Naturally, the Nine-color God Lotus had no care, and later disappeared, but she unexpectedly appeared in Lian Er's hands. "

"Before, it is reasonable to say that the spirit master of Qixiang shouldn't have seen the nine-color lotus, why is he so sure that this is the nine-color lotus of Empress Nuwa.

Besides, even Empress Nuwa has never seen the miraculous state of the nine-color lotus with all nine petals open? "

"Emperor Jilong's words are correct. The reason why this spirit master is so certain is that he can only be sure because of the awakening of the memory of the heavens and what he saw and heard in the Nether Hell.

You all don't know, although there is only one Nine Colors Divine Lotus in the heaven, but for some reason it has become an object of infinite worship by the higher levels of the Nether Hell.

When the spirit master slaughtered the Netherworld Outer Prison with hundreds of thousands of ice fields and snowy fields drifting from the Hades mutated ghost army, when he entered the Palace of Hades, he saw strange patterns of divine flowers everywhere in the palace.

Moreover, I have also seen a ghost book that specifically describes that kind of weird divine flower. The book describes in detail all the mysteries of the strange flower.

The first thing mentioned is that the strange god Peanut was born in the heart of the Runhuanquan Sea in the heaven, and the Runhuanquan appeared simultaneously with the appearance of the Nine Directions Universe.

After the appearance of Runhuanquan, a miraculous colorful aura flower was born, first with one petal, then with two petals, and then with three petals... When the strange and magical flower had no name, it was not until Empress Nuwa discovered her that she named it Colorful The soul flower.

The first ray of colorful spiritual light in the chaotic universe of the Nine Directions Universe came from the seven-color Yuanhun flower.

Before the colorful soul transformation was discovered by Empress Nuwa, no good and evil gods in the heavens noticed it.

But when Empress Nuwa used her colorful aura to create the first batch of people, the original gods in the heaven finally saw the gorgeous and magical aura of the seven-color lotus in the heart of Runhuanquan and the sea, and were shocked by the color!

Immortals and gods, good or evil, tried their best to get close to Run Huanhai, just to see the splendor of the seven-color fate soul flower! And with the non-stop swarming of primitive gods, they gradually developed a desire to seize possession.

Therefore, in order to obtain the seven-color fate soul flower, there was a war between the heavenly flower gods and gods in the heaven.

And the heart of the Runhuanquan Sea was also destroyed, and it fell apart, forming the waters in all directions in the heaven, including the Tianling River in the Western Region where we live in the heaven.

But these, we do not know, because we have not sprouted at that time.

Later, maybe the Seven-color Yuanhunhua became angry, and it was rumored that she turned into a beautiful woman in the heaven, helped Empress Nuwa complete the creation of the second batch of people, and then disappeared.

However, before she disappeared, she returned to the place where she was born to moisten the heart of the spring and the sea, urged her efforts to pull up the mountain, and erected a mountain of seven-color fate in the place of birth. .

The characters can be read by no immortals and no gods, and the meaning is even unknown to immortals and gods. Then, the Colorful Fate Soul Flower disappeared without a trace.

The colorful Yuanhun flower is gone, but the colorful Yuanhun mountain shines in all worlds all day long, replacing the colorful Yuanhun flower, which is even more mysterious.

The righteous and evil gods in the heavens have everything to say, and some say that the Seven-color Fate Soul Mountain is the Seven-color Fate Soul Flower, but the spirit flower has become a spirit mountain.

Some people say that the Seven-color Fate Soul Flower has fallen, but its seven-color Fate Soul brilliance has remained, causing a colorful mountain to rise in the Runhuanquan Sea, and giving the Jiufang Universe a color since then...

All kinds of rumors are too numerous to enumerate, and in order to commemorate the seven-color fate soul flower, Chaos Three Universes and Myriad Realms have expressed their worship in various ways.

He wrote books and paintings, architectural descriptions, and named it "Lotus". Only after that did he get the name of Seven-color God Lotus.

As for the mention of the nine-color lotus, it has actually been around for a long time. According to the Book of Netherworld, trillions of years after the appearance of the Seven-Colored Soul Mountain in the Heaven Realm, an inexplicable immortal looked at the miraculous words engraved on it for a long time, and couldn't stop laughing. laugh.

Then on the Seven-Colored Yuanhun Mountain, he waved his sleeve and left a poem: Don't wait for the nine-color spirit to be born, and disturb the road of fragrant fragrance in all worlds. If you want the colorful soul to come, the nine-petal flower will bloom for nine days!

After the inexplicable immortal left the poem, after signing the four characters "Nine Colors Shenlian", he walked away.

Since then, the Seven-color Fate Soul Flower has also been called the Nine-color God Lotus, and not only a fairy god has drawn the appearance of the Nine-color God Lotus based on the imagination of the inexplicable fairy's message, and it has been widely circulated in the chaos.

The image of the nine-color lotus is everywhere on the top of the palace, the wall, etc., so when I saw the nine-color lotus in Lian'er's hand, I was surprised and immediately thought that it was the girl from back then. There is no doubt that the colorful predestined soul flower that Wa Niang regards as the most spiritual soul! "


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