Nine Heavens

Chapter 1776 Lost Spirits

Chapter 1776 Myriad Spirits Lost

"Emperor Aoyuluo actually went there too!?"

Liu Qianlang asked in surprise.

"Yes, the reason why we know about the explosion of the spiritual life phase is that there seem to be people of the Xiangyuan human race in the remnant core of the spiritual life phase. It is their mysterious messenger who delivered the cosmic suicide note to us. We just hurriedly ended the battle of the dark spirit three universes, and went to the soul of the soul, which is the place of the soul of the soul.

The reason why Emperor Aoyuluo went there, I think he only appeared there after receiving the suicide note from the universe. However, as soon as the nine great Shenzhou members worked together to suppress the explosive momentum of the spiritual phase, Emperor Aoyou Luo suddenly turned against us.

But the six great arks of Chaos Universe and Ming Ling San Zhou helped us Emperor Aoyuluo to escape.

Just when he was running away, Qianlang might not have imagined that he suddenly became a human being! "

When Liu Juan said this, her eyes were fixed, and she still couldn't believe it.

"Emperor Aoyou Luo must have alienated into the appearance of Ouyang Langlong, right!"

Liu Qianlang said without thinking.

"Oh! Brother Qianlang is so amazing. How did you guess that? You are all crazy. Brother Yuanfang has left us, and you have realized the three universes of the dark spirit, the chaotic universe, the spiritual heart, your own mortal world and the spiritual world. The difference in time!"

Cheng Shifeng said in admiration when he heard what the two elder brothers said.

"How did Qianlang know!?"

Liu Juan looked at Cheng Yuanfang, but immediately denied in her heart that it was Cheng Yuanfang who said it, because at that time, Cheng Yuanfang was no longer by their side.

Then, Liu Juan shifted her gaze to Liu Qianlang and asked in surprise.

"Sister Juan, Sister Feng, and my fourth brother don't know that there are five human worlds in the mortal realm of the five-dimensional world, and the spiritual world of the Nine Directions Universe used to have our heavenly realm of righteous spirits and spirits in the lower realm, but there are also evil gods in the lower realm of the five human realms and the five human realms." Nine directions of the universe spirit world.

There is a most powerful evil god in Tianxie Palace, who is called the number one evil god in the heaven, and his name is Zhong Death.

He has one hundred thousand gods, one million souls, and one obsession. After countless battles between immortals and gods in the heavens, he was finally defeated, but in order to reincarnate and revenge, he self-destructed the lower realm of the main body!

The primordial spirit is divided into nine realms, with hundreds of thousands of strands of soul, and one obsession, reincarnating and cultivating spirits in the nine-dimensional universe and even the five-dimensional human world. While not chasing and killing us, they are also constantly gathering together.

The dark primordial spirit we are talking about at the bottom of the nether hell is actually the main soul of Zhong Zhuan's million souls, and the gods of swallowing wisdom we have experienced before, including Ouyang Langlong, are just strands of his soul.

The blood death, beauty death, etc. that Emperor Aoyoruo and I encountered were all distractions from his 100,000 yuan god lower realm!

If my guess is correct, now except for the obsession of Zhong Death, all the distractions and souls of his primordial spirit have returned to the sky or returned to the body.

However, Ouyang Langlong, the most ambitious and vicious character among them, first devoured the dark primordial spirit, and then ate away the thoughts of Emperor Aoyouluo, becoming the final evil body of Zhong Zhan. So when you saw the fleeing Emperor Aoyou Luo, he suddenly turned into Ouyang Langlong! "

Liu Qianlang explained in general.

"So that's what happened, I'm still surprised, when Ouyang Langlong left your Xuanling Sect in the first human world, although he was powerful, he didn't have the strength to break into the spirit world.

But when we suddenly saw Emperor Aoyou Luo turned into Ouyang Langlong, we were all so surprised that we couldn't believe our own eyes.

However, Feng'er is very strange. Because of the explosion of the spiritual life and spiritual image element in the Jiufang universe, he fled back to the heaven, and he died in the end. Could it be that the heaven is outside the Jiufang universe? "

Cheng Shifeng's eyes widened, and he finally understood what Ouyang Langlong's role was. At the same time, it was not surprising that he had always been hostile to Brother Qianlang and Brother Zhen.

However, he still didn't understand the reason why he fled to the sky in the spiritual realm, so he asked.

"Fengmei's guess is right, the problem you mentioned happened to be mentioned in some Chaos God Books I studied.

Just now I mentioned the five-dimensional human world and the nine-dimensional spiritual world. As far as we know now, the realm of spiritual cultivation is roughly divided into three realms, which are what we often call the three realms of heaven, earth and man.

The Underworld belongs to the Nether lineage of the spirit world, and it is not a place where we chase immortals.

The Chaos Divine Book talks about the five realms of cultivating immortals, namely the initial realm of the five dimensions in the human world, the chaotic dimension realm of the entry into the earth immortal, the psychic realm of the nine-direction universe, the cloud and spirit realm of the thirty-six directions and four directions, and the ninety-nine and eighty-one heavenly realms. .

The heaven is still outside the cloud spirit world, and naturally it is also outside the Jiufang universe. The five people who have evolved five times in the human world, Yaya, and Yun'er should go to the cloud world!

However, it makes sense for Yaya and Yun'er to help each other on the time boat. How did five people in the world have the ability to break through the nine-party universe? "

Liu Qianlang thought for a moment and said.

"Normally, even if we have the strength of the Immortal Realm, we still can't break through the nine-dimensional universe and ascend to the second realm of the sky.

We are very clear about the five people in the world. Even if their overall strength enters the spirit world, they will never surpass us.

But in fact, not only did they break through the Nine-Part Universe, but there have been five batches of such cases.

There are two more points, I don't know if everyone pays attention to it. The first five people in the world have already completed five great evolutions. Why didn't Yaya and Yun'er chase the ordinary people who broke through the nine-dimensional universe a few times ago, but during the fifth evolutionary leap, Yaya and Yuner Has Yun'er made a move?

This is the first, and the second, the five common people in the world not only completed the collective ascension of the human race, but also all the birds, animals, plants, flowers, and flowers, as long as they were life spirits, all left together. Why is this? How did you do it?

After thinking about it, I found that there is only one explanation, that is, they discovered a miraculous method through which they can achieve a collective ascension.

And there are various indications that they had a premonition of the crisis of the reincarnation of the ancient universe, so they collectively soared. "

Cheng Yuanfang interjected again, expressing his opinion.

"Brother Yuanfang means that the reason why Yaya and Yun'er went after them is because they also discovered that method?"

After hearing Cheng Yuanfang's words, everyone nodded, thinking it made sense. Song Zhen followed Cheng Yuanfang's train of thought.

"However, there is one thing that doesn't make sense. After we left, we specially set up five Human World and Lexian Gates to protect the common people and all spirits in the world.

It can be said that everything in the five worlds is under the control of Hele Xianmen. If the five mortals discover any miracles, it is impossible to escape the Hele Xianmen.

Especially Yaya and Yun'er, as the masters of the five worlds and the Lexianmen, they control everything!

When I came, I was still inquiring about the eight and Le Shanzun. They all said that before the first great ascension of all living beings in the world, everything was normal and there was no sign.

Then the five human beings disappeared overnight, and then the five human worlds fell into a vicious change where the world collapsed.

Afterwards, Yaya and Yun'er used the boat of time to bring the five mortal world and all the immortal monks of Lexianmen to Dieyuan, and then they all entered the realm of spirit immortals in Dieyuan.

During this process, Yaya and Yun'er didn't stay in Dieyuan, they had been shuttling between the five worlds where the sky collapsed and the ground collapsed. During the process, they experienced several times of great evolution of the five worlds, and they didn't return to Dieyuan.

Until later, he left a message saying that he was chasing after the five living beings in the fifth great evolution, and he did not explain the reason. "

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