Nine Heavens

Chapter 1777 Doubts about the Virgin

Chapter 1777 The Doubt of the Virgin

Liu Qianlang thought about what everyone said just now, and raised questions in his heart.

"Could it be that there is a person in the mysterious space secretly helping the five people who are living and living in the world, and for some inexplicable reason, this person is always avoiding the five people in the world and the Lexianmen."

Around Song Zhen, the chaotic Luoxiang infinite disk was shining, black and white rainbows were circling, Song Zhen stared for a long time and guessed.

"If there is such a person, everything seems to be explained. But who is the inexplicable person that Brother Zhen mentioned?

The person who can save all the living beings and spirits in the five mortal world overnight is truly terrifying. It would be even more unbelievable if that inexplicable person was still alone!

Don't compare with others, just compare with us. If we want to save all the living beings and spirits in the five worlds overnight, I am afraid that the five of us will not be able to do it together!

If such a person exists, where does he come from, what is his purpose, why do the five people trust him so much, and they do not hesitate to betray the five human world and Le Xianmen who are so kind to them! "

Liu Juan pondered for a moment in her heart and said.

"Don't think about it so much, listen to what the eight and Le Shanzun said, it is a good thing that five people in the world disappeared overnight and escaped the catastrophe of five people in the world!

Even if there is such a person who secretly helps them, it means that person is a friend rather than an enemy, so don't worry about it! Maybe the five people who have evolved five times in the world are at ease right now!

Let's go to Linhe Sacred Palace as soon as possible. Our Lady of Linhe has already left the customs. When I heard you mention her back then, I thought she must be a great fairy.

It's possible that you didn't call me that year, or else I've seen her too. "

Cheng Shifeng saw that everyone was talking endlessly, and he was afraid of delaying his visit to the idol of Linhe, the Holy Mother of Linhe, so he hurriedly reminded him.

"Well, Shifeng said the same thing. It's useless for us to guess randomly. Why don't you go to the Holy Mother of Linhe as soon as possible, maybe you can get some clues from her where Yaya and Yun'er, the five people in the world, went to?" of."

Hearing Cheng Shifeng's words, everyone naturally knew what she was thinking, but Liu Qianlang, Liu Juan, Cheng Yuanfang, and Song Zhen just smiled, and then Liu Qianlang urged everyone to speed up.

Having not entered the Black Jade Skeleton Profound Realm for a long time, Liu Qianlang looked around the world of Tomorrow, and found that the size of the time and space of Tomorrow World has expanded by an unknown amount, and being in it is like falling into an infinite universe.

"Qianlang, what is the origin of the Linhe Holy Mother, and why is she always in your Black Jade Skeleton Profound Realm and never goes out?"

While galloping, Liu Juan asked Liu Qianlang.

"I don't know, when Qianlang got the black jade skull under the tombstone of the owner of Youhun Island on the Youhai Coast in the Emerald Mausoleum of the First World, he just thought it was a plaything.

It was only later that I learned a little bit of its mystery. Our Lady of Linhe was originally in the Black Jade Skull Profound Realm, and she lived in the Linhe Sacred Palace, one of the Linhe's trillion Yao palaces. Where did she come from in the first place, Qianlang doesn't know.

Back then, Qianlang, Yuanfang, the fourth younger brother, and Pa'er once came to pay a visit to Lin'er, who was called Xiaomo at that time, so we knew that there were immortal gods living in my Moyu Skeleton Profound Realm. "

For many years, Liu Qianlang has actually been thinking about the origin of the Linhe Virgin, but she still can't figure out where she came from, and why she entered the Moyu Skull. After tentatively asking Xiaomei and Lin'er, they only said that the Linhe Holy Palace was originally their fairy mansion.

So Liu Qianlang could only answer in this way.


But just after Liu Qianlang answered her sister Liu Juan's words, she suddenly thought of something, and then the five of them looked at each other tacitly and nodded, instantly increasing the flying speed to the extreme.

He focused on driving all the way, and didn't even say a word.

After a few days.

Countless towering mountains appeared in front of the line of sight of the five people thousands of miles away, and countless waterfalls were floating on the mountains.

But not from the towering mountains, but all the waterfalls flow freely to the sky.

Waterfalls create rainbows, countless palaces among the rainbows, eaves jumping ridges, like flying eagles, like beautiful fathers in the fog, and beautiful bubbles of various colors are flying everywhere in the space, as big as a ball, mysterious and miraculous.

"Wow! I didn't expect Xiaomei, Lin'er and Little Demon Gui's fairy house to be so beautiful. Brother Qianlang, is this your fairyland, or the Linhe Virgin?"

Cheng Shifeng saw the beautiful scenery of the Linhe River under the blue sky and white clouds from a distance, and asked his brother Liu Qianlang with a smile.

"It doesn't belong to me, nor does it belong to Our Lady of Linhe, but it belongs to the Light and Dark Hunyuan Mountain.

My Black Jade Skull Profound Realm is so miraculous, I think Fengmei's blue crescent moon, my sister's soul-controlling divine tree, and the distant celestial demon meteor must also have something special in them! "

Standing steadily on the Nine Heavens Immortal Fate Spirit Sword, Liu Qianlang said with joy in his heart as he watched the grand occasion of Linhe Yao Palace.

"Oh! Will it? It's a pity that we don't have the ability to lead brother. We got the fetish, but we don't know how to get in.

So what if it is magical inside! It's nothing more than a combat artifact! It's still brother Qianlang who is amazing, not only got three of the nine pieces of flying jade, the spirit of the universe, the Yuanling Xinshenyu, and the ink jade skull can also be used magically. "

Although Cheng Shifeng no longer suspects that the blue crescent moon on his forehead is also one of the nine parts of the Nine Directions Cosmic Spiritual Life Elephant Yuan Ling Xin Shen Yu Liu Fei, but he doesn't know how to enter it, so he said.

"Sister Feng, don't count on your blue crescent moon. My soul control tree and the distant celestial demon meteor can enter it. There is no such method at all!"

Liu Juan took the words of Liu Qianlang and Cheng Shifeng and reminded her.

"How could my sister say that? Has my sister ever explored and analyzed it?"

Seeing her sister Liu Juan's very confident expression, Liu Qianlang was very puzzled and asked.

"That's not true, but let me ask if there is anyone in the bright spirit world who has more psychic power than the five of us, obviously not.

With our psychic power, no matter how miraculous the method is, even if we can't open it, we should be able to sense it, but I have never sensed the method leading to the soul-controlling tree.

I believe Yuanfang and Fengmei have never sensed it before. This is enough to show that Qianlang and Moyu Skull Profound Realm are the only spiritual time and space of Yuan Lingxin, the spiritual life of the Nine Directions Universe.

When the spiritual life element exploded, it happened that this inner time and space was blown away along with the black jade skull, the spiritual life jade.

Later, by chance, the Moyu Skull entered the Dharma Gate and was discovered by the island owner of the Weeping Soul Island, and was sealed in the Moyu Skeleton Profound Realm by the way.

When Qianlang obtained the Moyu Skeleton, the method of entering into the profound realm of the Moyu Skull was also immersed in Qianlang and the Soul Gate, so Qianlang could control the Moyu Skeleton at will.

Everyone thinks that if there is a method that can be accepted by the body of Qianlang Mortal Realm back then, we will not be able to sense it with the strength of spirit immortals! This is obviously unreasonable, so I conclude that the time and space of the profound realm of the Qianlang Moyu skeleton is the only spiritual time and space among the nine divine jades! "

Liu Juan contacted various situations, and her reasoning was well-founded. Liu Qianlang and others had no choice but to nod their heads in agreement after hearing the words.

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