Nine Heavens

Chapter 1778 An Unexpected Encounter

Chapter 1778 An Unexpected Encounter

Liu Qianlang, Liu Juan, Cheng Yuanfang, Song Zhen and Cheng Shifeng talked and flew all the way, and soon approached the edge of Linhe Yao Palace.

"Well, you are here, Linhe Sacred Palace welcomes you!"

Out of politeness, Liu Qianlang slowed down when he came to the edge of the Linhe Sacred Palace, silenced his eyes, looked at the beautiful scenery of the Linhe Sacred Palace, and suddenly heard a strange old voice coming from countless waterfalls .

"But the Holy Mother of the Linhe River? The juniors wait here to be polite!"

When Liu Qianlang and others heard the words, they heard the voice of the Holy Mother of Linhe who was pointing the maze at the time of the disaster besides Moyu's skeleton, and they immediately paid respect and saluted in unison.

"Hee hee! How about it, Senior Sister Yaya, Brother Yun, I'm amazing, I can even fool Dad, Uncle Yuanfang, Uncle Song, Aunt Juan, and Aunt Feng!"




Liu Qianlang and the other five people had just finished saluting when they heard the voice of a familiar little girl, and then burst into laughter, and then Liu Qianlang heard the voice of Jiami Tianluo, which surprised him.



Hearing these voices, the five people exclaimed differently, but they were equally overjoyed.

The five looked up and saw a silver-gray Shenzhou, with two vigorous and vigorous figures floating on the bow, a young girl and a handsome young man.

A young girl, wearing a light blue gauze skirt worn by the children of the ancient Coconut Country Aquarium, her pretty and stubborn figure is shrouded in a light and pure white mist.

Holding a silver-gray snail in her hand, she looked at her teacher Liu Qianlang and foster father Song Zhen with teary eyes, tears dripping down incessantly.

But she smiled and played the conch.

"Master, Daddy! Uncle Yuanfang, Aunt Juan, Aunt Feng'er, Yaya misses you all!"

Yaya hugged Mi Tianluo in her arms, choked up and said.

Beside him, the handsome young man supported Yaya, and when Yaya's mood stabilized, he quickly knelt down and greeted Liu Qianlang and the other five people. Hai'er Yun'er met his father and all the uncles!

The handsome young man knelt down, and Yaya also knelt down, but because she was too excited, she couldn't speak, but she just looked at the five elders lovingly.

In the sky above the two of them, Lian'er was wearing the goddess of the Linhe Virgin's dress, pretending to be like the Linhe Virgin, and she was the one who said the words just now.

The five people look at the time boat again, good guy, Tianling Qiliu sisters, Hongxian, three-color fire baby, five-color ginseng Ling'er, Xiaomei, Lin'er, little devil turtle, nine-sword demon and dragon-eyed elf moon Yang'er, the Ziyang elf of Fairy Zixia, Cheng Yuanfang's precious son and daughter, and the two emperors of Tianwu Kingdom are all there, and the whole child Youtian.

Seeing this, the five of them can understand the appearance of these mischievous ghosts in Linhe Holy Palace. It must be Xiaomei, Lin'er and Xiaomogui who left Liu Qianlang and others to return to Linhe Holy Palace to make an appointment with them.

So this group of mischievous ghosts had already arrived, but for Yaya and Liu Yun to appear here, Gao Zun of Wuwei Langyuanmen really didn't expect it.

Surprised, they looked at each other, looking at Yaya and Liu Yun for real, the five of them felt like they were in a dream, and it was hard to believe that what was happening before them was real for a long time.

"Yaya! Yun'er, is it really you?"

Liu Qianlang was overwhelmed with emotion, but said so after a long time.

"Master, in this world, besides Yaya, who else is blessed to have a Mitian snail! Daddy! Don't you think so?"

Yaya and Liu Yun got up, their emotions were a little stable, and they could no longer suppress their impulses. They manipulated the boat of time and quickly flew to the middle of the five of them, smiling and crying.

Then Yaya threw herself into the arms of Liu Juan and Cheng Shifeng, crying and laughing at the same time, Liu Juan was fine, Cheng Shifeng remembered the pain of being separated from her family back then, and she also cried a lot with her.

"Ha ha……"

Just come back! Just come back! "

Zhanxuanzi Song Zhen looked at his beloved daughter Yaya and son-in-law Liu Yun, and found that the two people's magical skills were already at the pinnacle of spiritual immortality.

"You guys are going too far, you don't even say hello when you see Lian'er, I was the first to discover Senior Sister Yaya in Linhe Holy Palace.

If it wasn't for me, Lian'er, they would still be stuck at the bottom of Linhe River! "

Below Liu Qianlang and other five people and Yaya, Liu Yun met suddenly, and they were overjoyed. Lian Er, who was at the top, saw that no one was paying attention to her, immediately became unhappy and yelled loudly.

"Squeak! Squeak!"

At the same time, Xiaoliu, the little golden monkey, also put his waist down and shook his head, trying to show off Lian'er's aura.

"Ha ha……"

"Lian'er, Daddy's good daughter, Daddy and all uncles and aunts want to thank you again this time, how could they forget you!

Come here quickly, let Daddy take a good look at you, my Lian'er is really a lucky star of Langyuanmen! "

Liu Qianlang heard her beloved daughter Lian'er pouting in anger, throwing her arms and shouting, thinking that she had played tricks on herself and the five elders just now, she was very angry and funny.

I planned to give a few words of serious reprimand, but because I was happy to see my disciples Yaya and Aizi Yun'er, and seeing Lian Er's funny look in big clothes, I couldn't help laughing.



When Lian'er heard her father calling her, she immediately agreed happily, jumped on the colorful silk, giggled and threw herself into the arms of her father Liu Qianlang.

"Lian'er, tell Daddy, how did you find out that Senior Sister is at the bottom of the Lin River?"

Liu Qianlang accompanied Lian'er, Lian'er played with her father's fluttering white hair and tilted her head for a while, then said:

"Hehe, it's not that Daddy doesn't know that I, Lian'er, are very powerful. That day my sisters, Ying Xiaomei, Lin'er and Little Demon Turtle came to play in Linhe Holy Palace. Two days later, we were in a deep When Tan was playing hide-and-seek with the little devil fishes, he suddenly heard the voice of the Mitian snail, and then I..."

Lian'er was mysterious and eloquently talked about how she found Yaya and Liu Yun.

"Hehe, you little girl, didn't you mean to take my Lingyuan Saint Cloth to the Ninth Extreme Heaven Waterfall to wash? How did it end up on you?"

While Yaya was talking coquettishly, the voice of the real Virgin of Linhe came from the countless waterfalls above the time boat.

"See Our Lady of the River of Scales!"

Seeing the high-altitude Linhe Virgin stepping out of the waves, Liu Qianlang, Liu Juan, Cheng Yuanfang, Song Zhen and Cheng Shifeng, as well as Yaya and Liu Yun, immediately saluted and greeted in unison.

"Hmm! The Holy Mother has long expected that you will come. Among the five spirit masters, only the master of Qixiang Palace and the hall master of Lingyao Tianditang have never seen before. Even if an old friend is reunited, there is no need to be too polite, please enter the palace with the Holy Mother first, if you have anything to say, it will not be too late to say it later!"

The Holy Mother of Linhe looked down at Liu Qianlang and the others, wearing the shimmering spiritual water, flowing light and shining star costume, said with a smile on her face.

"Yes! This junior complies. Just now, what my junior Lian'er offended..."

Liu Qianlang's face was a little crimson, and she felt a little sorry for Lian'er's offense to the Holy Mother of Linhe, and planned to apologize.

"Hehe, the Holy Mother likes this child. She is the first one who can take away the Holy Mother's garment and still wear it decently. I am discussing with you about her again. Let's go."

The Holy Mother of Linhe interrupted Liu Qianlang's apology, and said again.

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